<![CDATA[ Support/Comments for sitemap - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=39333 <![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=25#dis-post-471637 http://forums.modx.com/thread/8229/modx-site-that-doesn-t-use-cookies?page=2#dis-post-471636]]> technicaltitch Jul 12, 2013, 04:27 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=25#dis-post-471637 <![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-471618
It seems that MODx doesn't work without cookies, and when I test my sitemap with Google's webmaster tools, it just gets a 302 HTTP error (temporary redirect). When I test sitemap.xml with my browser it is fine, unless I turn cookies off, in which case it redirects infinitely, (on any page).

According to this post:
MODx doesn't work without cookies, so how are you managing to get sitemap.xml served to Google? Is there some setting I am missing?

I am resorting to hacking the MODx index.php as described in the above thread, but how have you got this working?

If I save the sitemap that this snippet generates, it works perfectly. But I can only get it with cookies, which I assume Google won't do.

I started trying to diagnose this problem on this thread
but it seems for public users cookie dependency is fine and this is only an issue for sitemap.xml generation, so trying here.

Huge thanks]]>
technicaltitch Jul 12, 2013, 02:22 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-471618
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-471577

The link to the snippet source is wrong and should link to the github page


But when I try to create an account on wiki.modxcms.com it just hangs.]]>
technicaltitch Jul 12, 2013, 10:23 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-471577
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-442418 .]]> dinpapa Nov 06, 2012, 05:27 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-442418 <![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-442383 sottwell Nov 05, 2012, 11:11 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-442383 <![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-442373
I am having some issues with &seeThruUnpub. It doesn't work.I have cleared site and browser cache.FURLS are on,template is blank, type is text/xml and everything works fine until i decide that i want an unpublished document appear on my sitemap.xml.

MODx version: 1.0.6
snippet version: 1.0.11]]>
dinpapa Nov 05, 2012, 05:22 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-442373
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227327
If your snippet is named sitemap, the snippet call syntax should be:

(note single square brackets).

If you are running Revolution, use the GoogleSiteMap package instead.]]>
okyanet Jul 03, 2011, 03:44 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227327
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227326
If your snippet call is [[!SiteMap?!]] then your snippet needs to be named SiteMap, not sitemap... I believe it is case sensitive.]]>
highpointdesign Jul 03, 2011, 11:13 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227326
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227325 Quote from: bathurst_guy at Mar 22, 2011, 10:13 PM


I can’t get it to work.

I’ve got the following code in a snippet called "sitemap"
 * sitemap
 * Outputs a machine readable site map for search engines and robots
 * @category 	snippet
 * @version 	1.0.9
 * @license 	LGPL
 * @author		Grzegorz Adamiak [grad], ncrossland
 * @internal	@modx_category Navigation

Outputs a machine readable site map for search
engines and robots. Supports the following

- Sitemap Protocol used by Google Sitemaps

- URL list in text format
  (e.g. Yahoo! submission)

# 1.0.9
- update metadata format for use in ModX 1.0.x installer
# 1.0.8
- excludeTemplates can now also be specified as a template ID instead of template name. 
  Useful if you change the names of your templates frequently. (ncrossland)
  e.g. &excludeTemplates=`myTemplateName,3,4`
# 1.0.7
- Unpublished and deleted documents were showing up in the sitemap. Even though they could not be viewed, 
  they were showing up as broken links to search engines. (ncrossland)
# 1.0.6
- Add optional parameter (excludeWeblinks) to exclude weblinks from the sitemap, since they often point to external
  sites (which don't belong on your sitemap), or redirecting to other internal pages (which are already
  in the sitemap). Google Webmaster Tools generates warnings for excessive redirects.	
  Default is false - e.g. default behaviour remains unchanged. (ncrossland)
# 1.0.5
- Modification about non searchable documents, as suggested by forum user JayBee
# 1.0.4 (By Bert Catsburg, [email protected])
- Added display option 'ulli'. 
  An <ul><li> list of all published documents.
# 1.0.3
- Added ability to specify the XSL URL - you don't always need one and it 
  seems to create a lot of support confusion!
  It is now a parameter (&xsl=``) which can take either an alias or a doc ID (ncrossland)
- Modifications suggested by forum users Grad and Picachu incorporated
# 1.0.2
- Reworked fetching of template variable value to
  get INHERITED value.
# 1.0.1
- Reworked fetching of template variable value,
  now it gets computed value instead of nominal;
  however, still not the inherited value.
# 1.0
- First public release.

- provide output for ROR

/* Parameters
----------------------------------------------- */

# $startid [ int ]
# Id of the 'root' document from which the sitemap
# starts.
# Default: 0

$startid = (isset($startid)) ? $startid : 0;

# $format [ sp | txt | ror ]
# Which format of sitemap to use:
# - sp <- Sitemap Protocol used by Google
# - txt <- text file with list of URLs
# TODO - ror <- Resource Of Resources
# Default: sp

$format = (isset($format) && ($format != 'ror')) ? $format : 'sp';

# $priority [ str ]
# Name of TV which sets the relative priority of
# the document. If there is no such TV, this
# parameter will not be used.
# Default: sitemap_priority

$priority = (isset($priority)) ? $priority : 'sitemap_priority';

# $changefreq [ str ]
# Name of TV which sets the change frequency. If
# there is no such TV this parameter will not be
# used.
# Default: sitemap_changefreq

$changefreq = (isset($changefreq)) ? $changefreq : 'sitemap_changefreq';

# $excludeTemplates [ str ]
# Documents based on which templates should not be
# included in the sitemap. Comma separated list
# with names of templates.
# Default: empty

$excludeTemplates = (isset($excludeTemplates)) ? $excludeTemplates : array();

# $excludeTV [ str ]
# Name of TV (boolean type) which sets document
# exclusion form sitemap. If there is no such TV
# this parameter will not be used.
# Default: 'sitemap_exclude'

$excludeTV = (isset($excludeTV)) ? $excludeTV : 'sitemap_exclude';

# $xsl [ str ] 
# URL to the XSL style sheet
# or
# $xsl [ int ]
# doc ID of the XSL style sheet

$xsl = (isset($xsl)) ? $xsl : '';
if (is_numeric($xsl)) { $xsl = $modx->makeUrl($xsl); }

# $excludeWeblinks [ bool ]
# Should weblinks be excluded?
# You may not want to include links to external sites in your sitemap,
# and Google gives warnings about multiple redirects to pages 
# within your site.
# Default: false
$excludeWeblinks = (isset($excludeWeblinks)) ? $excludeWeblinks : false;

/* End parameters
----------------------------------------------- */

# get list of documents
# ---------------------------------------------
$docs = getDocs($modx,$startid,$priority,$changefreq,$excludeTV);

# filter out documents by template or TV
# ---------------------------------------------
// get all templates
$select = $modx->db->select("id, templatename", $modx->getFullTableName('site_templates'));
while ($query = $modx->db->getRow($select)) {
	$allTemplates[$query['id']] = $query['templatename'];

$remainingTemplates = $allTemplates;

// get templates to exclude, and remove them from the all templates list
if (!empty ($excludeTemplates)) {
	$excludeTemplates = explode(",", $excludeTemplates);	
	// Loop through each template we want to exclude
	foreach ($excludeTemplates as $template) {
		$template = trim($template);
		// If it's numeric, assume it's an ID, and remove directly from the $allTemplates array
		if (is_numeric($template) && isset($remainingTemplates[$template])) {
		} else if (trim($template) && in_array($template, $remainingTemplates)) { // If it's text, and not empty, assume it's a template name
			unset($remainingTemplates[array_search($template, $remainingTemplates)]);			
	} // end foreach

$output= array();
// filter out documents which shouldn't be included
foreach ($docs as $doc)
	if (isset($remainingTemplates[$doc['template']]) && !$doc[$excludeTV] && $doc['published'] && $doc['template']!=0 && $doc['searchable']) {
		if (!$excludeWeblinks || ($excludeWeblinks && $doc['type'] != 'reference')) {
			$output[] = $doc;		
$docs = $output;
unset ($output, $allTemplates, $excludeTemplates);

# build sitemap in specified format
# ---------------------------------------------

switch ($format)
	// Next case added in version 1.0.4
	case 'ulli': // UL List
		$output .= "<ul class=\"sitemap\">\n";
		// TODO: Sort the array on Menu Index
		// TODO: Make a nested ul-li based on the levels in the document tree.
		foreach ($docs as $doc)
			$s  = "  <li class=\"sitemap\">";
			$s .= "<a href=\"[(site_url)][~" . $doc['id'] . "~]\" class=\"sitemap\">" . $doc['pagetitle'] . "</a>";
			$s .= "</li>\n";
			$output .= $s;
		} // end foreach
		$output .= "</ul>\n";
	case 'txt': // plain text list of URLs

		foreach ($docs as $doc)
			$url = '[(site_url)][~'.$doc['id'].'~]';

			$output .= $url."\n";
		} // end foreach

	case 'ror': // TODO
	default: // Sitemap Protocol

	$output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?<"."\n";
	if ($xsl != '') {
		$output .='<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="'.$xsl.'"?<'."\n";
	$output .='<urlset xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'."\n";
	foreach ($docs as $doc)	{
		$url = '[(site_url)][~'.$doc['id'].'~]';
		$date = $doc['editedon'];
		$date = date("Y-m-d", $date);
		$docPriority = ($doc[$priority]) ? $doc[$priority] : 0; // false if TV doesn't exist
		$docChangefreq = ($doc[$changefreq]) ? $doc[$changefreq] : 0; // false if TV doesn't exist

		$output .= "\t".'<url>'."\n";
		$output .= "\t\t".'<loc>'.$url.'</loc>'."\n";
		$output .= "\t\t".'<lastmod>'.$date.'</lastmod>'."\n";
		$output .= ($docPriority) ? ("\t\t".'<priority>'.$docPriority.'</priority>'."\n") : ''; // don't output anything if TV doesn't exist
		$output .= ($docChangefreq) ? ("\t\t".'<changefreq>'.$docChangefreq.'</changefreq>'."\n") : ''; // don't output anything if TV doesn't exist
		$output .= "\t".'</url>'."\n";
	} // end foreach
	$output .= '</urlset>';

} // end switch

return $output;

# functions
# ---------------------------------------------

# gets (inherited) value of template variable
function getTV($modx,$docid,$doctv)
/* apparently in the getTemplateVarOutput function doesn't work as expected and doesn't return INHERITED value; this is probably to be fixed for next release; see http://modxcms.com/bugs/task/464
	$output = $modx->getTemplateVarOutput($tv,$docid);
	return $output[$tv];
	while ($pid = $modx->getDocument($docid,'parent'))
		$tv = $modx->getTemplateVar($doctv,'*',$docid);
		if (($tv['value'] && substr($tv['value'],0,8) != '@INHERIT') or !$tv['value']) // tv default value is overriden (including empty)
			$output = $tv['value'];
		else // there is no parent with default value overriden 
			$output = trim(substr($tv['value'],8));
		$docid = $pid['parent']; // move up one document in document tree
	} // end while
	return $output;

# gets list of published documents with properties
function getDocs($modx,$startid,$priority,$changefreq,$excludeTV)
	// get children documents
	$docs = $modx->getActiveChildren($startid,'menuindex','asc','id,editedon,template,published,searchable,pagetitle,type'); 
	// add sub-children to the list
	foreach ($docs as $key => $doc)
		$id = $doc['id'];
		$docs[$key][$priority] = getTV($modx,$id,$priority); // add priority property
		$docs[$key][$changefreq] = getTV($modx,$id,$changefreq); // add changefreq property
		$docs[$key][$excludeTV] = getTV($modx,$id,$excludeTV); // add excludeTV property
		if ($modx->getActiveChildren($id))
			$docs = array_merge($docs, getDocs($modx,$id,$priority,$changefreq,$excludeTV));
	} // end foreach
	return $docs;

I’ve got the following code in a document in the root of the site called sitemap.xml with blank template, rich text off, XML content type

However I’m just getting a blank page?

Does anyone have any ideas?

Did you manage to sort this problem? Or did you find another solution? I am having the same problem after upgrading to 1.0.5!!]]>
Pinky May 11, 2011, 09:35 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227325
<![CDATA[Re: Support/Comments for sitemap]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227324
I can’t get it to work.

I’ve got the following code in a snippet called "sitemap"
 * sitemap
 * Outputs a machine readable site map for search engines and robots
 * @category 	snippet
 * @version 	1.0.9
 * @license 	LGPL
 * @author		Grzegorz Adamiak [grad], ncrossland
 * @internal	@modx_category Navigation

Outputs a machine readable site map for search
engines and robots. Supports the following

- Sitemap Protocol used by Google Sitemaps

- URL list in text format
  (e.g. Yahoo! submission)

# 1.0.9
- update metadata format for use in ModX 1.0.x installer
# 1.0.8
- excludeTemplates can now also be specified as a template ID instead of template name. 
  Useful if you change the names of your templates frequently. (ncrossland)
  e.g. &excludeTemplates=`myTemplateName,3,4`
# 1.0.7
- Unpublished and deleted documents were showing up in the sitemap. Even though they could not be viewed, 
  they were showing up as broken links to search engines. (ncrossland)
# 1.0.6
- Add optional parameter (excludeWeblinks) to exclude weblinks from the sitemap, since they often point to external
  sites (which don't belong on your sitemap), or redirecting to other internal pages (which are already
  in the sitemap). Google Webmaster Tools generates warnings for excessive redirects.	
  Default is false - e.g. default behaviour remains unchanged. (ncrossland)
# 1.0.5
- Modification about non searchable documents, as suggested by forum user JayBee
# 1.0.4 (By Bert Catsburg, [email protected])
- Added display option 'ulli'. 
  An <ul><li> list of all published documents.
# 1.0.3
- Added ability to specify the XSL URL - you don't always need one and it 
  seems to create a lot of support confusion!
  It is now a parameter (&xsl=``) which can take either an alias or a doc ID (ncrossland)
- Modifications suggested by forum users Grad and Picachu incorporated
# 1.0.2
- Reworked fetching of template variable value to
  get INHERITED value.
# 1.0.1
- Reworked fetching of template variable value,
  now it gets computed value instead of nominal;
  however, still not the inherited value.
# 1.0
- First public release.

- provide output for ROR

/* Parameters
----------------------------------------------- */

# $startid [ int ]
# Id of the 'root' document from which the sitemap
# starts.
# Default: 0

$startid = (isset($startid)) ? $startid : 0;

# $format [ sp | txt | ror ]
# Which format of sitemap to use:
# - sp <- Sitemap Protocol used by Google
# - txt <- text file with list of URLs
# TODO - ror <- Resource Of Resources
# Default: sp

$format = (isset($format) && ($format != 'ror')) ? $format : 'sp';

# $priority [ str ]
# Name of TV which sets the relative priority of
# the document. If there is no such TV, this
# parameter will not be used.
# Default: sitemap_priority

$priority = (isset($priority)) ? $priority : 'sitemap_priority';

# $changefreq [ str ]
# Name of TV which sets the change frequency. If
# there is no such TV this parameter will not be
# used.
# Default: sitemap_changefreq

$changefreq = (isset($changefreq)) ? $changefreq : 'sitemap_changefreq';

# $excludeTemplates [ str ]
# Documents based on which templates should not be
# included in the sitemap. Comma separated list
# with names of templates.
# Default: empty

$excludeTemplates = (isset($excludeTemplates)) ? $excludeTemplates : array();

# $excludeTV [ str ]
# Name of TV (boolean type) which sets document
# exclusion form sitemap. If there is no such TV
# this parameter will not be used.
# Default: 'sitemap_exclude'

$excludeTV = (isset($excludeTV)) ? $excludeTV : 'sitemap_exclude';

# $xsl [ str ] 
# URL to the XSL style sheet
# or
# $xsl [ int ]
# doc ID of the XSL style sheet

$xsl = (isset($xsl)) ? $xsl : '';
if (is_numeric($xsl)) { $xsl = $modx->makeUrl($xsl); }

# $excludeWeblinks [ bool ]
# Should weblinks be excluded?
# You may not want to include links to external sites in your sitemap,
# and Google gives warnings about multiple redirects to pages 
# within your site.
# Default: false
$excludeWeblinks = (isset($excludeWeblinks)) ? $excludeWeblinks : false;

/* End parameters
----------------------------------------------- */

# get list of documents
# ---------------------------------------------
$docs = getDocs($modx,$startid,$priority,$changefreq,$excludeTV);

# filter out documents by template or TV
# ---------------------------------------------
// get all templates
$select = $modx->db->select("id, templatename", $modx->getFullTableName('site_templates'));
while ($query = $modx->db->getRow($select)) {
	$allTemplates[$query['id']] = $query['templatename'];

$remainingTemplates = $allTemplates;

// get templates to exclude, and remove them from the all templates list
if (!empty ($excludeTemplates)) {
	$excludeTemplates = explode(",", $excludeTemplates);	
	// Loop through each template we want to exclude
	foreach ($excludeTemplates as $template) {
		$template = trim($template);
		// If it's numeric, assume it's an ID, and remove directly from the $allTemplates array
		if (is_numeric($template) && isset($remainingTemplates[$template])) {
		} else if (trim($template) && in_array($template, $remainingTemplates)) { // If it's text, and not empty, assume it's a template name
			unset($remainingTemplates[array_search($template, $remainingTemplates)]);			
	} // end foreach

$output= array();
// filter out documents which shouldn't be included
foreach ($docs as $doc)
	if (isset($remainingTemplates[$doc['template']]) && !$doc[$excludeTV] && $doc['published'] && $doc['template']!=0 && $doc['searchable']) {
		if (!$excludeWeblinks || ($excludeWeblinks && $doc['type'] != 'reference')) {
			$output[] = $doc;		
$docs = $output;
unset ($output, $allTemplates, $excludeTemplates);

# build sitemap in specified format
# ---------------------------------------------

switch ($format)
	// Next case added in version 1.0.4
	case 'ulli': // UL List
		$output .= "<ul class=\"sitemap\">\n";
		// TODO: Sort the array on Menu Index
		// TODO: Make a nested ul-li based on the levels in the document tree.
		foreach ($docs as $doc)
			$s  = "  <li class=\"sitemap\">";
			$s .= "<a href=\"[(site_url)][~" . $doc['id'] . "~]\" class=\"sitemap\">" . $doc['pagetitle'] . "</a>";
			$s .= "</li>\n";
			$output .= $s;
		} // end foreach
		$output .= "</ul>\n";
	case 'txt': // plain text list of URLs

		foreach ($docs as $doc)
			$url = '[(site_url)][~'.$doc['id'].'~]';

			$output .= $url."\n";
		} // end foreach

	case 'ror': // TODO
	default: // Sitemap Protocol

	$output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?<"."\n";
	if ($xsl != '') {
		$output .='<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="'.$xsl.'"?<'."\n";
	$output .='<urlset xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'."\n";
	foreach ($docs as $doc)	{
		$url = '[(site_url)][~'.$doc['id'].'~]';
		$date = $doc['editedon'];
		$date = date("Y-m-d", $date);
		$docPriority = ($doc[$priority]) ? $doc[$priority] : 0; // false if TV doesn't exist
		$docChangefreq = ($doc[$changefreq]) ? $doc[$changefreq] : 0; // false if TV doesn't exist

		$output .= "\t".'<url>'."\n";
		$output .= "\t\t".'<loc>'.$url.'</loc>'."\n";
		$output .= "\t\t".'<lastmod>'.$date.'</lastmod>'."\n";
		$output .= ($docPriority) ? ("\t\t".'<priority>'.$docPriority.'</priority>'."\n") : ''; // don't output anything if TV doesn't exist
		$output .= ($docChangefreq) ? ("\t\t".'<changefreq>'.$docChangefreq.'</changefreq>'."\n") : ''; // don't output anything if TV doesn't exist
		$output .= "\t".'</url>'."\n";
	} // end foreach
	$output .= '</urlset>';

} // end switch

return $output;

# functions
# ---------------------------------------------

# gets (inherited) value of template variable
function getTV($modx,$docid,$doctv)
/* apparently in the getTemplateVarOutput function doesn't work as expected and doesn't return INHERITED value; this is probably to be fixed for next release; see http://modxcms.com/bugs/task/464
	$output = $modx->getTemplateVarOutput($tv,$docid);
	return $output[$tv];
	while ($pid = $modx->getDocument($docid,'parent'))
		$tv = $modx->getTemplateVar($doctv,'*',$docid);
		if (($tv['value'] && substr($tv['value'],0,8) != '@INHERIT') or !$tv['value']) // tv default value is overriden (including empty)
			$output = $tv['value'];
		else // there is no parent with default value overriden 
			$output = trim(substr($tv['value'],8));
		$docid = $pid['parent']; // move up one document in document tree
	} // end while
	return $output;

# gets list of published documents with properties
function getDocs($modx,$startid,$priority,$changefreq,$excludeTV)
	// get children documents
	$docs = $modx->getActiveChildren($startid,'menuindex','asc','id,editedon,template,published,searchable,pagetitle,type'); 
	// add sub-children to the list
	foreach ($docs as $key => $doc)
		$id = $doc['id'];
		$docs[$key][$priority] = getTV($modx,$id,$priority); // add priority property
		$docs[$key][$changefreq] = getTV($modx,$id,$changefreq); // add changefreq property
		$docs[$key][$excludeTV] = getTV($modx,$id,$excludeTV); // add excludeTV property
		if ($modx->getActiveChildren($id))
			$docs = array_merge($docs, getDocs($modx,$id,$priority,$changefreq,$excludeTV));
	} // end foreach
	return $docs;

I’ve got the following code in a document in the root of the site called sitemap.xml with blank template, rich text off, XML content type

However I’m just getting a blank page?

Does anyone have any ideas?]]>
bathurst_guy Mar 22, 2011, 05:13 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/39333/support-comments-for-sitemap?page=24#dis-post-227324