<![CDATA[ Snippet return for directory contents - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=24276 <![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-465544 I did look at FileLister but it didnt seem to want to read from the external ftp address.

could the above script be modified ?

this resource will be behind a login so im not worried about security issues.]]>
bigben83 May 07, 2013, 12:41 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-465544
<![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123669
             $output .= '<li><a href="'.$dir.''.$value.'" rel="sexylightbox[group1]"> <img src="[[MiniPhoto? &file=`'.$dir.''.$value.'` &dir=`mini` &height=`130`]]" /></li>';

thats the right way,

Neutron Jul 09, 2009, 05:25 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123669
<![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123668
         $output .= '<li><a href="'.$dir.''.$value.'" rel="sexylightbox[group1]"> <img src=[!MiniPhoto? &file=`"'.$dir.''.$value.'"` &dir=`mini` &height=`130`!] /></li>';

is this possible? or there is another way to make thumbs on the fly inside a snipped?
I’ve tryed this and the thumbs are not generated, folder is in 777,.. any idea? (I know there is maxigallery but I want to use jcarousel and sexylightbox with it..

Hope someone can help me! hehehe sad I dont want to make the thumbs manually!.. thx smiley]]>
Neutron Jul 09, 2009, 03:39 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123668
<![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123667
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
:: Snippet: Returns Directory Contents
    Short Description: 
       Returns Directory Contents, excludes self, parent, ftp log and thumbnail with prefix (.thumb_)


:: Example Call             
[!directory? &Location=`yourdirectory`!]
    A call that describes the directory inside of assets/images/ that you want called in.

------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Shows all files in the directory (assumes you are in assets/images/),

$newline = '';

$dir = $modx->config['(site_url)'].'assets/images/'.$Location.'/'; // set path to files

$dir_array = array(); // main array - contains all file names in directory

// open directory and parse file list 

if (is_dir($dir)) { 

   if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { 

      // iterate over file list to create full directory array

      while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) { 

          if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && ($filename !="WS_FTP.LOG") && (!preg_match('/^.thumb_/', $filename))) { // skip self, parent, and ftp log and thumb prefix
	       $dir_array[] = $filename; // add the filename to the array
      closedir($dh);  // close directory 

   natsort($dir_array); // sort in ascending order -- delete if you don't need them sorted.
   // $dir_array = array_reverse($dir_array, false); // reverse array (descending) if needed.

   $n = count($dir_array); // total number of files -- might want this for something

    $output = '';

    $output .= '<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">';

    foreach ($dir_array as $value) {  // iterate through array of filenames.

         $output .= '<li><img src="'.$dir.''.$value.'" /></li>';


    $output .='</ul>';

return $output;
pleth May 16, 2008, 11:07 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123667
<![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123666 pleth May 15, 2008, 02:36 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123666 <![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123665 twitter and I gave him the correct pattern to add to BobRay’s post.

I changed the following:
if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && ($filename != "WS_FTP.LOG")) { // skip self, parent, and ftp log

if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && ($filename != "WS_FTP.LOG") && (!preg_match('/^.thumb_/', $filename))) { // skip self, parent, and ftp log

And it works.

The pattern just checks to see if the filename starts with .thumb_ and if it does skip it.]]>
smashingred May 15, 2008, 02:16 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123665
<![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123663
I am working w/ Greg on this and we think we almost have it. The only thing we want to do now is to exclude the .thumb_ file prefix so the thumbnails don’t show, do you have any suggestions for that?

We tried this,

if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && ($filename !=
"WS_FTP.LOG") && (!preg_match(’/^\.*thumb_$/’, $filename ) ) { // skip
self, parent, and ftp log and thumb prefix

and it didn’t seem to exclude them,
thanks for your help in advance.

Cotton Rohrscheib, Partner
Pleth Networks, LLC
powersitedesign May 15, 2008, 11:10 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123663
<![CDATA[Re: Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123662
I’ve adapted some code I had laying around. This is very quick and dirty code and untested, but should get you started.


// Shows all files in the directory,

$newline = "<br/>";

$dir = $modx->config['base_path'].'assets/yourfiles'; // set path to files

$dir_array = array(); // main array - contains all file names in directory

// open directory and parse file list 

if (is_dir($dir)) { 

   if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { 

      // iterate over file list to create full directory array

      while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) { 

          if (($filename != ".") && ($filename != "..") && ($filename != "WS_FTP.LOG")) { // skip self, parent, and ftp log

		  	$dir_array[] = $filename; // add the filename to the array
      closedir($dh);  // close directory 

   natsort($dir_array); // sort in ascending order -- delete if you don't need them sorted.
   // $dir_array = array_reverse($dir_array, false); // reverse array (descending) if needed.

   $n = count($dir_array); // total number of files -- might want this for something

    $output = "";

    $output .= "<ul>"

    foreach ($dir_array as $value) {  // iterate through array of filenames.

         $output .= '<li>'.$value.'</li>';


    $output .='</ul>';

return $output;


BTW, you might look at the MaxiGallery snippet if you haven’t already. It does all this for you and makes for much easier and more full-featured gallery management by the users (e.g. picture order, uploading and deleting, titles, descriptions, dropshadows, masks, slideshow, etc).

Hope this helps,


BobRay May 14, 2008, 10:47 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123662
<![CDATA[Snippet return for directory contents]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123661
It seems this would create a gallery within Modx that the CMS user could manage by simply uploading to/deleting from a specified directory. Has anyone done anything like this?]]>
pleth May 14, 2008, 08:51 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/24276/snippet-return-for-directory-contents#dis-post-123661