<![CDATA[ MODx Revolution 2.0.0-beta-4 Released - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=211 <![CDATA[Re: MODx Revolution 2.0.0-beta-4 Released]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/211/modx-revolution-2-0-0-beta-4-released#dis-post-1591 this thread. Thank you.]]> splittingred Oct 20, 2009, 10:17 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/211/modx-revolution-2-0-0-beta-4-released#dis-post-1591 <![CDATA[MODx Revolution 2.0.0-beta-4 Released]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/211/modx-revolution-2-0-0-beta-4-released#dis-post-1590 here.

There are 2 versions for download:
  • Traditional (beta-4.zip) - For regular users, with all files pre-extracted.
  • Advanced (beta-4-advanced.zip) - For those who want a smaller download and compressed install. Those who do not have root or sudo access to their machine should use traditional and not sdk or advanced.

This will hopefully (major issues notwithstanding) be the last beta for MODx Revolution 2.0. Commits from here to rc1 will be concentrated on bugfixes, specifically dealing with security, IE issues, and the install process.

Some of the main improvements are:

  • Tons of bugfixes across the platform.
  • Major cleanup of Security section, more consolidation, easier-to-understand UI
  • Vast speed improvements to installer - now runs with memory_limit at least 24M
  • "Form Customization", which allows you to show/hide and retitle fields in the manager.
  • Left-navbar in manager is now a tabbed interface, rather than old accordion.
  • Added extra options to TV editing fields
  • And more...

Again, please fill out bugs in JIRA, read up on documentation in Confluence, and follow SVN developments in Fisheye.

The MODx Team

P.S. A side note for Mac OSX users upgrading from prior Revolution betas: when replacing your current Revolution install folder with beta-4, if doing so locally, make sure to copy core/config/config.inc.php somewhere, as Mac OSX when overwriting folders does not recursively check and may delete the file.

- [#MODX-1080] Make sure traditional distribution doesnt need base directory writability
- Added modInstallTestSvn class for handling SVN-specific setup tests
- Fix to setup contexts controller to read existing paths on upgrade.
- setup/ memory_limit checks now only need to be 24M for setup/ to run.
- Updated to xPDO 1.0 revision 363 to fix "Error saving changes to parent object fk field action" messages being logged during install.
- Fixed issues with category remove dialog and lexicon topic grid
- [#MODX-1294] Fixed possible obscure problem when using Preview after changing the alias in a Resource
- [#MODX-1278] Fixed issues with checkbox TVs and default values, fixed the ’set to default’ button for complex inputs
- [#MODX-1280] Fixed issues with the user create processor
- Added OnBeforeUserActivate, OnUserActivate events
- Added ’active’ boolean field to modUser. Defaults to 1.
- Added OnCreateUser, OnDeleteUser, OnUpdateUser events
- [#MODX-1170] Fixed issues with Export Topic
- [#MODX-912] Fixed isinrole/ismember output filter
- [#MODX-677] Made capitalization consistent on Resource edit/create screen
- [#MODX-1251] Fixed issue with server offset displaying incorrectly
- [#MODX-896] Fixed issue with server_offset setting description
- [#MODX-928] Fixed issue where parent resource wasnt refreshing properly
- [#MODX-777] Made consistent the checkDirty behaviour of save buttons across manager
- [#MODX-938] Added check to build to check if core+core.transport.zip were removed before build starts.
- [#MODX-629] Added missing automatic_alias setting to build
- [#MODX-790] Fixed issue where couldnt browse back to root directory with MODx.Browser
- [#MODX-902] Fixed empty warning message for removing category
- Fixed bug with removing categories
- Fixed issue where couldn’t drag a resource onto a resource with no children
- [#MODX-1130] Fixed issue with parent triggerfield; also redid how tree hrefs load so that clicking on a node in the tree to load url can be disabled
- [#MODX-1133] Fixed issues with hotkey behavior
- [#MODX-1230] Fixed issue where drag Resource to symlink/weblink content field would add tags as well
- [#MODX-1273] Added OnLoadWebPageCache event invocation to modRequest->getResource().
- [#MODX-1273] Fixed events in User update/create form
- Enabled compression of manager JS scripts by changing the Setting "compress_js" to true.
- Upgraded ExtJS to ExtJS 3.0.2
- [#MODX-1270] OnManagerCreateGroup and OnWebCreateGroup events now fire
- [#MODX-1237] Fixed warning in modParser with regards to uninitialized variable
- [#MODX-979] Added password_generated_length (the length of the auto-generated password) and password_min_length (the minimum length for a password)
- Cleaned up usergroup processors
- Added sanity checks to usergroup processors
- Prevent possible issue on usergroup update that would wipe related objects
- Prevent possible issue that would allow user to remove Administrator group
- Removed some legacy todo statements
- Moved Element category reset on modCategory object remove to modCategory class
- Cleaned up modResourceGroup, modTemplate helper methods
- Added modUser::joinGroup(group,(optional)role) and modUser::leaveGroup(group) for easier development
- Optimized getrecentlyeditedresources processor
- Make sure config.js.php outputs proper headers
- Commented out Content-Length headers on lang.js.php, for some reason was slowing down servers
- [#MODX-1256] Fixed issue with Resource tree not being visible in Resource Groups page
- Fixed issues with Import HTML/Resources pages; properly convert to MODExt
- [#MODX-1202] Fixed issue where Element name was missing in Duplicate window
- [#MODX-1233] Fixed bug where categories could only be renamed once before needing to reload page
- [#MODX-1248] Fix bug that could wipe TV values if tab wasnt loaded
- [#MODX-1241] Fixed Preview button on update panels
- Prettying up of TV fields
- Now display SVN revision number with version in top left of mgr header
- Fixed issues with TVs setting values incorrectly
- Added "Set to Default" button on TVs that will reset the TV’s value to it’s default value. TV Resource values can now be set to blank as a valid value.
- [#MODX-924] Fixed errors in various system setting descriptions
- [#MODX-935] Tooltips in Resource tree now do not show if no description or longtitle is set
- [#MODX-1120] Now shows TV names in tag form below the caption in the TV editing panel in Resource editing
- Fixes to plugin event calls in controllers
- Fixes to filetree to enable in Ext3
- [#MODX-1112] Fixed issue where checkboxes in grids werent firing dirty statuses
- [#MODX-1229] Fixed issue where default hidemenu setting in Create Static Resource was setting incorrectly to true
- Added some extra variables for RTE firing; also made sure MODx.loadRTE fires on new resource creation. Fixes [#TINYMCE-9], [#TINYMCE-8]
- [#MODX-523] Fixed copy issue in console by providing "Download to File" link
- [#MODX-649] Fixed issue where comboboxes were not loading proper displayValue when first rendered
- Added category combobox to quick update/create windows
- [#MODX-1019] Added missing site_unavailable_page System Setting.
- [#MODX-1226] Removed modResource->checkChildren() method; isfolder should not be set based on presence/absence of children.
- [#MODX-1213] Fixed issues with WebLink creation and loading
- [#MODX-1178] Fixed issue where checkbox TVs were unable to be set to false; properly rendered values into a hidden field
- [#MODX-1204] Implemented $matchAll for modUser::isMember, that allows exclusive and inclusive group membership checks
- [#MODX-1203] Now preserves state of open tabs in left bar
- Added "Form Customization" page, which emulates Evolution ManagerManager functionality and integrates it into the core
- Revamped modMenu DB structure to allow for more proper dynamic menus; 3PCs will need to now refer to the Components menu as ’components’, as the "id" field has been dropped and "text" is now the PK
- Fixed DOM issue with Profile page
- Improved core transport build script, lowered build times
- Fixed issue where hiding the alias field would cause it to be erased
- [#MODX-1169] Fixed issue where unchecking Container on a Resource that had children would hide them from the tree
- [#MODX-1125] Fixed issue where Properties were being lost on new Elements
- Fixed some dirty field problems in Element/Resource forms
- [#MODX-1167] Improved isFolder checkbox tooltip
- [#MODX-929] Changed default click functionality in Tree menu to edit Resources, unless does not have permission to, will then go to View
- Fixed navbar structure on main menu to properly handle infinitely deep nested menus. Needs help from a CSS guru on the CSS end.
- [#MODX-1161] Fixed bug with height argument on modX::getParentIds
- Documentation updates to modResource class
- [#MODX-1189] Fixed issue with TV values not setting properly with modTemplateVar->setValue
- Added modResource->getTVValue, which gets the value of a specified TV for the Resource
- [#MODX-1177] Adjusted Lexicon Management text to properly represent functionality
- Added more metadata to Lexicon Topic exports
- [#MODX-1191] Fixed issue where Namespace combo was conflicting with other DOM IDs in Lexicon Management
- Changed Accordion to Tabs in left menu
- In all Resource panels, Moved Page Settings back to right side, moved Template to top, moved Published to top right
- [#MODX-1173] Added modResource->hasChildren() function. Returns # of children for the Resource.
- [#MODX-689] Fixed error when using @SELECT binding with Template Variable Input Option values.
- Fixed issues with modMenu creation/editing
- [#MODX-1132] Various fixes to the user editing page
- [#MODX-1123] Fixed bug where properties were not saving on new elements
- [#MODX-683] Changed title for 1st tab on Resource edit screen
- [#MODX-1118] Tweaked MODx.combo.ComboBox and other store references to possibly fix local store bug
- Fixed issue with Sort By dropdown in the Resource Tree
- Fixed issues with User Group update page
- Added modAccessPermission class to properly handle access policy permissions
- Adjusted UI to handle model change
- Added logic in setup install to clear sessions table after install to prevent access permission changing problems (and is a good general practice anyway); users will have to re-login after setup/ is run.
- Cleaned up access policy grid
- Default sort roles by authority
- Removed no-longer needed Security pages; now done in Access Control and User Group edit screens
- Started cleanup of Security system; changed ’Authority’ listing on User Group page to a more correct "Minimum Role".
- Added some IDs to resource edit page
- [#MODX-1124] Took Templates off the list of attachable elements in Tools | Property Sets]]>
splittingred Oct 20, 2009, 01:07 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/211/modx-revolution-2-0-0-beta-4-released#dis-post-1590