<![CDATA[ MODx Revolution 2.0.0-beta-2 Released - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=203 <![CDATA[MODx Revolution 2.0.0-beta-2 Released]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/203/modx-revolution-2-0-0-beta-2-released#dis-post-1580
Get it here!

There are 2 versions:
  • Traditional (beta-2.zip) - For regular users, with all files pre-extracted.
  • Advanced (beta-2-advanced.zip) - For those who want a smaller download and compressed install. Those who do not have root or sudo access to their machine should use traditional and not advanced.

Main fixes and new cool stuff:

  • Manager upgraded to ExtJS 3.0 from 2.2; now faster and more responsive.
  • You now can drag/drop Elements and Resources directly into any content field and watch as it builds the tag for you.
  • We’ve added a Visual Tag Builder for Elements, where after drag/dropping them into fields, you can select a Property Set and customize values from a form, and watch it build the tag syntax for you after you’re done.
  • Now you can Quick Update or Create any type of Element or Resource. Don’t want to leave a page to update another Document? Quick Update it!
  • Toggle your Manager layout between tab-based and portal based with a setting.
  • Speed improvements to the backend manager.
  • Fixed issues with uninstalling packages; they properly revert and save zipped copies of older versions.
  • Package Download section now grays out packages you’ve already downloaded.
  • Manage all Plugins assigned to an Event now easily from an intuitive grid.
  • Added new methods for zip compresssion for installation and packaging that speeds up install time.
  • Many, many bug fixes across the framework.

You can see some of the new features in this screencast.

Special Note for Upgrades:
If you are upgrading from Revolution 2.0.0-beta-1 you will need to clear your browser cache. If you experience issues during upgrade you may need to empty your core/cache directory. Mac OSX users upgrading from prior Revolution alphas: when replacing your current Revolution install folder with beta-2, if doing so locally, make sure to copy core/config/config.inc.php somewhere, as Mac OSX when overwriting folders does not recursively check and may delete the file.

Please help by posting all bugs in JIRA, read the documentation in Confluence, and follow SVN developments in Fisheye.

The MODx Team


- Updated version info for beta2 release
- [#MODX-942] Made sure all get-based processors use REQUEST, not POST
- [#MODX-937] Added ’Download Extras’ button to package grid which loads modxcms.com provider
- login processor does not return site_url in response by default.
- modResponse->outputContent() allows programmatic options to configure max_parser_iterations.
- Updated xPDO to revision 341: package uninstall preserves and restores file resolver data
- Changed key shortcuts to always require ctrl+shift to prevent browser collisions
- Added in field for description key in modMenu windows
- [#MODX-931] Added isequal, isequalto, and notequalto as modifier aliases to default Output Filter
- Fixed issues with pagination on settings grids
- Fixed ENTER key issues on quick create/update windows
- Added &language option to lexicon tags.
- Added ability to load lexicon topics via tag: [[%key? &namespace=`mynamespace` &topic=`mytopic`]]
- [#MODX-910] Fixed issues with gte/lte/gt/lt output filters
- [#MODX-921] Added "isempty" as an alias of "ifempty" in output filters
- [#MODX-920] Fixed wordwrap output filter
- [#MODX-914] Added isnotempty and hide output filters
- [#MODX-913] Added isloggedin and isnotloggedin to output filters
- Upgraded ExtJS from 2.2 to 3.0
- [#MODX-925] Fixed issue where name couldnt be changed on duplicate resource window with resources with children
- [#MODX-911] Fixed dragability issue when assigning resources to resource groups
- [#MODX-901] System Settings grid search now searches descriptions
- Added ’afterLayout’, ’loadKeyMap’, and ’loadAccordion’ events to MODx.Layout
- Fixed bugs with File TV input renders
- [#MODX-887] Properly standardized POST/REQUEST access methods for element processors
- Fixed issues with user emails being sent in plaintext with no linebreaks; now HTML-based for the time being
- Package Download tree now disables already downloaded packages.
- [#MODX-885] Fixed missing break statement in cat output filter
- [#MODX-844] Fixed ucfirst output filter, added ucwords output filter
- [#MODX-869] Added missing descriptions for certain menu items
- [#MODX-868] Fixed bug on settings grid where filter box was not firing on enter key
- Fixed bug where hidemenu was not persisting in Quick Update Resource
- Fixed bug with tree mask rendering before panel is rendered
- [#MODX-747] Fixed issues with access grids update windows
- [#MODX-803] Fixed DOM issues with TV mgr input property renders
- [#MODX-805] Fixed attribute issues with TV web output renders
- [#MODX-859] Changed login page loader box to say ’Loading...’ instead of ’Saving...’
- [#MODX-860] Fixed z-index issues across manager
- Added a custom loadMask to MODx.tree.Tree objects to display when they’re loading but not affect page focus
- Added a custom loadMask to the Package Management download tree to display while loading the remote provider payload
- Added in icon for package files
- Added fsockopen as a fallback for transport package if allow_url_fopen or cURL is not enabled
- [#MODX-856] Added cURL method of grabbing transport packages when allow_url_fopen is set to false
- Fixed bug in property update where list grid was not hiding if list xtype was previously selected but not now
- Fixed import properties where it was not properly handling descriptions
- Fixed bug where ExtJS couldnt handle text/json header responses with fileUpload set to true in form panels
- Fixed some DOM issues with Package Management
- [#MODX-833] Temporary fix for modManagerLog message showing up in console
- [#MODX-853] Changed source caption of view resource data
- [#MODX-809] Adjusted formatting of View Resource data fields
- Fixed bugs with Resource data page not loading fully, glitching tree
- [#MODX-772] Fixed bug where plugin events were not showing enabled if filtered by name
- Fixed user system event calls to pass proper arguments
- Fixed bug where you could only load 1 Quick window at a time
- Fixed bug with duplicate resource
- [#MODX-845] If no setup options are specified, package installation will automatically proceed
- Added parameter to the getNodes processor for resources/elements called ’stringLiterals’ which, when true, does not encode the JS literals
- Layout can now be toggled between tabs (default) and portal panels via the setting ’manager_use_tabs’
- Nuked the Loading Box in MODExt
- Changed clearCache key shortcut to CTRL+U (CTRL+SHIFT+U for PC users)
- Fixed issue where folder resources couldnt be drag/dropped
- Added some key-events: CTRL+H for hiding accordion, CTRL+U for clearing cache, CTRL+N for Quick Create Resource (PC users will need to add SHIFT to all those calls)
- Fixed portal issues with Safari
- Added a few events to MODx. JS object, cleaned up code
- Added sanity checks to context/category create/update processors
- [#MODX-766] Added check to prevent settings starting with numbers
- Added ability to update plugin events and dynamically manage plugins associated with them by right-clicking on them in the Plugin Event grid
- Added ’beforeSubmit’ listener to MODx.Window
- Adjusted TreeDrop code to allow for RTEs to utilize drag/drop features
- [#MODX-827] Fixed typo in resource container help string
- Added prevention fix to prevent dragging of non-elements/resources into content panes
- [#MODX-770] Fixed bug with creating Symlink
- Fixed issues with creating and editing a static resource
- Fixed bug with treedrop that set boolean values to string representations; changed to 1/0
- Fixed missing context menu item to remove new properties in a property set
- Added functionality for Element Tag Builder to use descriptions of properties
- [#MODX-817] Redid Clear Cache window to use MODx.Console
- Lexiconized missing "Copy to Clipboard" string
- Slight tweaks to MODx.Console to get messages to display final ending messages properly
- Changed invokeEvent missing event warning to debug msg to prevent it from logging in every console output
- [#MODX-818] Fixed issues with Quick Create where it didnt work in FF, missing lexicon strings
- Added Visual Element tag builder when you drag/drop an element into a field
- Resources/Elements can now be dragged from tree straight to Resource Content pane.
- Removed Spotlight effect on dialogs; was unnecessary.
- Fixed bug in Namespace creation window that was preventing namespace from creating
- Added refreshes to comboboxes in Lexicon Management to refresh combos on Namespace/Topic creation to keep panels up-to-date
- Fixed Safari issue with Element tree displaying funky on certain pages
- Fixed issue in Safari where combobox trigger was on left side
- Only set lexicon entries for context/user settings if they dont exist as system settings
- Fixed issue with Actions panel causing accordion DOM to bug
- Fixed issue with Quick Update not persisting class_key
- Fixed some issues with persistent settings for Quick Update Resource
- Fixed issue with Quick Update Resource content field being too long
- Fixed invalid lexicon entry reference for quick create resource
- Added Quick Create/Update Resource
- Preview context menu option now is "smart" and builds FURLs and separate context references
- Fixed invalid topic reference issue with modLexiconEntry::clearCache()
- Fixed headers for connector responses
- Added Quick Create/Update for all Element types
- Fixed bugs with category setting in Element processors
- Added Clear Cache checkbox option to all Element type forms
- Fixed bug with Category dropdown
- Fixed tv input properties forms from double-rendering
- [#MODX-804] TV fields now fire resource change event
- Fixed bug in Safari with TV fields being uneditable if panel is dragged
- [#MODX-745] Added ’cancel’ button to go back to policy page when updating a policy
- [#MODX-573] Removed no-longer-applicable ’role’ column from users grid, fixed capitalization issues in processors
- [#MODX-762] Added in missing lexicon entries to hardcoded strings
- Added modx.localization.js for i18n translations
- Added indexes on modLexiconEntry table
- Properly formatted lexicon strings still using sprintf
- Fixed bug where created was not set on transport package creation
- Made sure package grid paginates correctly if number of packages installed exceeds 20
- Fixed Last Modified On on Lexicon grid
- Optimized action, menu, language, content-type, lexicon, namespace processors
- [#MODX-765] Added fix to prevent creation of blank system settings
- Fixed bug in Safari with TV widget properties rendering
- Consolidated resource getNodes processor, added access policy checks
- Added sanity check to toJSON function in modConnectorResponse
- Properly refactor element tree to point to correct processor
- Added delegate processors for different modes in element tree
- Updated Context policy attributes for missing attributes
- Fixed invalid category reference on chunk update processor
- Added log error messages if save()/remove() fails on modElement derivatives
- [#MODX-771] Fixed invalid lexicon string reference in element tree
- Added WARN log message when executing a system event that doesn’t exist
- Filled out missing access policy checks in element processors
- Fixed incorrect and missing permission check in snippet get/getList processors
- Fixed invalid lexicon reference in template processors
- Optimized templateTV getList processor to use only one query
- Optimized plugin event getList processor to use only one query
- [#MODX-194] Added sanity checks to element names
- [#MODX-792] Added check to prevent user from creating blank context, other sanity checks
- [#MODX-475] Prevented adding contexts with _ in name; will auto-strip
- [#MODX-796] Fixed check for valid passwords in setup
- Fixed problematic reference to $_lang
- Fixed improper log message reference in lexicon’s reloadFromBase processor
- Additional access control defects and warning messages resolved for anonymous users.
- Fixed access control defect which prevented multiple policies from being respected per principal.
- Fixed issue with Policy Attributes not adding b/c id was not passed in
- Added ’save’ event fire to Element/Resource formpanels
- Properly setup on*FormRender events for Element classes
- Added MODx.onSaveEditor check, which will fire on form save, that allows 3rd Party Components to execute JS code on Element/Resource saves
- Major refactoring to modx.actionbuttons, to render faster, as well as properly register events and button configs
- Allowed OnRichTextEditorRegister to return a string as well as an array
- Added MODx.releaseLock(id), which releases the lock on a Resource for a given ID
- Added MODx.sleep(ms), which sleeps the UI for a given number of milliseconds (useful in async calls)]]>
splittingred Jul 16, 2009, 03:22 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/203/modx-revolution-2-0-0-beta-2-released#dis-post-1580