<![CDATA[ MODx Revolution 2.0.0-alpha-6 Released - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=195 <![CDATA[MODx Revolution 2.0.0-alpha-6 Released]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/195/modx-revolution-2-0-0-alpha-6-released#dis-post-1570 MODx Web Transport Facility. This will be the final alpha version.

There are 3 versions for download:
  • Traditional (alpha-6.zip) - For regular users, with all files pre-extracted.
  • Advanced (alpha-6-advanced.zip) - For those who want a smaller download and compressed install. Those who do not have root or sudo access to their machine should use traditional and not sdk or advanced.
  • SDK (alpha-6-sdk.zip) - Includes core building options, API docs, and files for developers.

Again, please fill out bugs in JIRA, read up on documentation in Confluence, and follow SVN developments in Fisheye.

Note: The MODx Web Transport Facility Provider has been upgraded to alpha-6, and therefore remote downloading via the Package Installer will only work with alpha-6 and beyond. If you are using a prior version, please upgrade to alpha-6 if you want to utilize the remote package installation features.

A beta is planned to come out at the beginning of 2009. We will also have a State of the Revolution informational post to come soon, giving you all more insight on what’s left in Revolution, what’s needed, and how you can help.

The MODx Team

P.S. A side note for Mac OSX users upgrading from prior Revolution alphas: when replacing your current Revolution install folder with alpha-6, if doing so locally, make sure to copy core/config/config.inc.php somewhere, as Mac OSX when overwriting folders does not recursively check and may delete the file.

Note: Earlier on Nov 25th if you were having problems downloading alpha-6, that problem has been resolved.

- [#MODX-395] i18n’ed the modMail classes, added lexicon topic ’mail’ for handling mail strings
- Added check to make sure user cannot browse to subdirs with ../ in connector processor fetching
- [#MODX-482] Implemented code to remove setup/ directory when box is checked.
- [#MODX-408] Fix atrocious grammar in mail reception message
- Fixed labels for static resource page
- [#MODX-518] Make sure clearing cache clears registry output from package
- Fixed in_array() checks against $_currentTimestamps in xPDOObject::save() that prevented timestamp/datetime fields from saving 0 values.
- [#MODX-512] Fixing check in setup to make sure core/packages is writable
- Fixed bug with RTE loading and saving
- Changed ’Provisioner’ references to ’Provider’ in UI for nomenclature consistency purposes
- Added lexicon load to resource processors
- Fix error on resource view when template is empty.
- Added namespace filter to settings grid
- Fixed import trees
- Hide the resource ID field if a new resource
- [#MODX-514] Fixed issue with pub_date/unpub_date not being reset properly
- [#MODX-484] Added missing ht.access sample to web context files in included in transport package.
- Modified modWorkspace vehicle attributes to XPDO_TRANSPORT_UPDATE_OBJECT => false
- Updated xPDO to revision 284 for new xPDO package-aware vehicle features when loading classes.
- Slight styling improvement to grid to make alt-rows more apparent
- Added clearCache() functions to modLexiconTopic, modLexiconLanguage
- Added ’collapsible’ options to the options tabs of resources. Can now collapse them to show only the content editor.
- Prevent blank property value names
- Adding css classes to modext components for easier styling
- Fixed some issues related to installation of packages, namely dealing with the setup-options attribute and resolver handling
- Added _build/build.local.xml to prepare an svn development copy for execution; builds core transport, minifies and concats the javascript and puts it in place, etc.
- Slight fix to login box and css styles to get checkbox checked css to render properly
- Updated xPDO to revision 281 to get fix to xPDOObject::save() when updating fields with NULL values.
- Styling updates; make form fields bigger, tabs bigger, menus bigger...basically pretty up the UI
- Fix to typo in createTable in modInstallVersion
- Implemented version-specific upgrades to setup/
- Updated xPDO to revision 275 (xPDOObject datetime/timestamp handling improvements, xPDOTransport pre-existing object restoration features, and more).
- Changed System Events action to Error Log Viewer, which now allows you to view (and clear) the error log from the manager
- [#MODX-509] Fixed issue with refreshing of incorrect node in dragdrops on trees
- Fixes to CSS in setup, moved error box to fixed bottom right, i18n’ed more stuff, cleaned up HTML and simplified outputs
- Fixed issue where the path for processors could not be overridden by changing the parameters for handleRequest in modConnectorRequest to an array of options
- [#MODX-501] Fixed issue where trees didn’t refresh when package was installed. All trees now refresh.
- Fixed bug with duplicating resources
- [#MODX-505] Fixed issue with creating weblink redirecting improperly
- Fixed issue with emptying recycle bin and root-level resources
- [#MODX-508] Weblinks are now not hidden by default
- Fix missing published checkboxes in resource derivative classes
- Applied patch to fix issue with label click of checkboxes not changing value
- [#MODX-507] Fixed bug where Published checkbox wasnt showing in resource panel
- Fixed bug in filetree that would scroll up topmenu
- [#MODX-507] Adding in textbox for parent ID for now, will come up with better solution later
- [#MODX-506] Fixed bug where cache wasn’t cleared on drag/drop in tree
- Fixed bug in modPackageBuilder that was preventing deletion of existing package directories and files.
- Extracted install->test() to a separate class, then i18n’ed the test strings
- LOTS of phpdoc additions to all processors, including parameter lists for each processor
- Removed any last trace of modules from Revolution
- Added phpdoc information to processors
- Properly clear cache on install/uninstall/remove of packages
- Removed "require_once MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH.’index.php’;" from all processors
- Only show ’Update Package’ if the package comes from a provider
- Fixes to get browser working with TinyMCE
- Fixed issue with forced removing of packages not properly removing the resolvers
- Standardized modRequest/modResponse methods across all derivatives (i.e. modRequest::handleRequest() always calls modRequest::prepareResponse(), which calls modResponse::outputContent()).
- [#MODX-478] Fixed typo in lexicon import/export that prevented window hiding
- Fixed issues with Symlinks
- Fix to TV output/input renders when loading in a context other than web/mgr
- Fix to invokeEvent to prevent unwanted caching of event name if plugin executes more than one event per runtime
- [#MODX-424] Added readme viewing to package grid
- Added ability to delete multiple element properties at once via a multiple row handler
- [#MODX-488] Removing double click from properties grid for ’name’ field to prevent unwanted breaking
- Added back in setDirectory to modConnectorRequest
- [#MODX-292] Properly format system settings editedon value
- [#MODX-293] Properly format editedon for lexicon entries
- [#MODX-481] Fixed rendering issues in element property grid columns
- [#MODX-479] Fixed issue where first snippet property edited didn’t show value
- [#MODX-480] Fixed issue with lexicon entry update/create not loading proper topic
- [#MODX-474] Removing package builder menu item from build script
- [#MODX-456] Fixed issues with element property grids
- Fixed MODx.grid.LocalGrid store bugs when dealing with grouped data
- added pageSize and pageStart config items to MODx.grid.Grid
- Fix to MODx.grid.Grid in case listeners are provided, dont ignore context menu
- [#MODX-466] Fixes to dropdowns for element categories, field issues
- [#MODX-115] Some fixes to rendering issues with comboboxes/datefields on Safari
- Updated xPDO to rev 265 for improvements in xPDOValidator allowing multiple rules to be evaluated per column.
- Refactored modError completely, removing all derivative classes and introducing modManagerResponse and modConnectorResponse to handle formatting modError responses appropriately.
- Added modRequest::registerLogging() and relocated logic for detecting and taking action on register logging parameters out of loadErrorHandler().
- Refactored modArrayError to remove Smarty dependencies, moving them to a new derivative, modSmartyError which the manager UI can utilize explicitly.
- Added element property panel to all Element panels for managing default properties (except Modules).
- Added modElement->setPlaceholders() to set placeholders and return any global placeholders that might need to be restored after an element is processed.
- modChunk and modTemplateVar now restore any placeholders from the global scope after processing any local properties with the same name.
- Added properties as local placeholders when processing modTemplateVar instances to match behavior of modChunk/modTemplate.
- Updates to snippet property editor.
- Added properties to modTemplateVar to make them consistent with all other elements.
- Modify modX::getChunk() and runSnippet() to process those elements as non-cacheable instances.
- Added modResource::getContent() and setContent() functions for extensible control of accessing raw source content.
- Modify modElement::setProperties() and modTag::setProperties() to handle various property data formats.
- Updated modParser::parsePropertyString() to handle local property xtypes from UI and convert legacy types.
- Added isCacheable() and setCacheable() to modElement and modTag classes for direct, extensible control of caching.
- Modified behavior of modTemplate/modChunk not to prefix properties turned into placeholders with the name of the element.
- Added getContent(), setContent(), getProperties(), and setProperties() to modTag and derivatives.
- Added modParser::parsePropertyString() to parse element properties from string or array representations.
- Updated modElement::process() behavior to check cache sooner and avoid unnecessary source content access and other processing.
- Additional foreign key and sorting indexes added to modElement classes.
- Added properties to all modElement classes except modTemplateVar.
- Added setProperties() to modElement for setting a set of default properties that will be used by the element.
- Added getProperties() to modElement for getting the properties to be used when processing the element.
- Added getContent() and setContent() function to modElement and provided overrides in the appropriate subclasses.
- Removed modTransportPackage::loadTransport(); the manifest should always be loaded from the file.
- Updated xPDO to rev 262 for improvements in the xPDOTransport manifest format.
- Updated xPDO to rev 258 for bug fix in new xPDOObject::_setRaw() function with array and json phptype fields.
- Updated xPDO to rev 256 for bug fix in xPDO::getSelectColumns() and new xPDOObject::_setRaw() implementation to resolve issues with native php types when using fromArray().
- Added modPackageBuilder->setPackageAttributes() function for easily adding transport-level attributes to a package.
- Updated xPDO to rev 252 to get new features allowing transport packages to carry transport attributes.
- Added numerous foreign key and sorting indexes to site_content table (modResource) to improve performance of common queries.
- Changed modX::changePassword() implementation to call modUser::changePassword().
- Added getResourceGroups() and getUserGroups() to modUser class to retrieve those things and cache in session.
- Renamed and moved modX::_checkPublishStatus() to modRequest::checkPublishStatus() and renabled this functionality.
- Deprecated and moved modX::checkPreview() implementation to modResponse.
- Added view_offline attribute to default Context access policy.
- Removed deprecated and invalid modX::makeFriendlyURL().
- Removed deprecated modX::webAlert() function.
- [#MODX-364] Results of regClient*() functions are now cached into the Resource cache files to solve error on cached pages with cached snippets.
- Removed deprecated modX::mergeDocumentMETATags() and moved feature to modResource::mergeMetatags() and modResource::mergeKeywords().
- Removed deprecated modX::makeList() function.]]>
splittingred Nov 25, 2008, 12:04 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/195/modx-revolution-2-0-0-alpha-6-released#dis-post-1570