<![CDATA[ New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks. - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=104912 <![CDATA[Re: New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564125
$waitSessionName = $modx->getOption('waitSessionName', $formit->config, 'waitSession');
$delay = $modx->getOption('delay', $formit->config, 15);
$delayPenalty = $modx->getOption('delayPenalty', $formit->config, 30);

$delayTimer = ($_SESSION[$waitSessionName] - time()) + $delayPenalty ;
$s = $delayTimer%60;
$dTm = floor(($delayTimer % 3600) / 60);
$dTh = floor(($delayTimer % 86400) / 3600);
$m = $dTm>0?$dTm.' minute'.($dTm>1?'s':''):'';
$h = $dTh>0?$dTh.' hour'.($dTh>1?'s':''):'';

$timeRemaining = "$h $m $s seconds - " . $delayTimer;

$waitErrorMsg = $modx->getOption('waitErrorMsg', $formit->config, 'Too soon, please wait <strong id="countdown"></strong> ([[!+timeRemaining]])');

if ($_SESSION[$waitSessionName] + $delay <= time()){
  $_SESSION[$waitSessionName] = time();
  return true;
} else {
  $_SESSION[$waitSessionName] = time() + $delayTimer;
  $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $_SESSION[$waitSessionName]);
  $modx->setPlaceholder('timeRemaining', $timeRemaining);
  $newDelay = $delayTimer + $delay;
  $modx->regClientStartupHTMLBlock('<script type="text/javascript">countSeconds('.$newDelay.');</script>');
  return false;


function countSeconds(seconds) {
     initialSecs = seconds;
	 currentSecs = initialSecs;


function decrement() {
   var displayedSecs = currentSecs % 60;
   var displayedMin = Math.floor(currentSecs / 60) % 60;
   var displayedHrs = Math.floor(currentSecs / 60 /60);

    if(displayedMin <= 9) displayedMin = "0" + displayedMin;
    if(displayedSecs <= 9) displayedSecs = "0" + displayedSecs;
    document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = displayedHrs + ":" + displayedMin + ":" + displayedSecs;
    if(currentSecs !== -1) setTimeout(decrement,1000);

bwente Feb 18, 2019, 04:21 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564125
<![CDATA[Re: New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564124 Quote from: himurovi4 at Feb 18, 2019, 08:33 AM
I had the same idea some time ago, thank you for sharing! That will be helpful for many people.

If you have ideas please add them. I tried to think of different use cases. I would like to output the time left to wait as a raw time then format it with javascript for a live countdown.]]>
bwente Feb 18, 2019, 01:03 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564124
<![CDATA[Re: New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564112 himurovi4 Feb 18, 2019, 08:33 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564112 <![CDATA[Re: New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564111 muzzstick Feb 18, 2019, 04:14 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564111 <![CDATA[Re: New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564110 Quote from: BobRay at Feb 17, 2019, 11:32 PM

Adding an extra, unused field, like 'user_name' or 'enter_subject' that is not visible and rejecting things when it's filled out can also help. You can do it with the FormIt spam hook, or on your own with a postHook.

I had it on one of the forms, but not all. I had a CSS hidden fax number field. Not sure if they hit that one at not. I need to download the data and have a look. It stopped the spam bots on that form before. I did get much on the others until now. This was different, this was a vulnerability test, lots of weird code submitted.]]>
bwente Feb 18, 2019, 12:06 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564110
<![CDATA[Re: New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564109
You might also look at the SPForm code to see some other options like requiring the use of the mouse or keyboard (something bots almost never do). Restricting bad user agents in .htaccess can also help a lot.

Adding an extra, unused field, like 'user_name' or 'enter_subject' that is not visible and rejecting things when it's filled out can also help. You can do it with the FormIt spam hook, or on your own with a postHook.

BobRay Feb 17, 2019, 11:32 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564109
<![CDATA[New FormIt Hook and Prehook to prevent bot attacks.]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564107 So I created a cool-down hook to slow the bots down. Most people do not submit form twice so quickly.

It is working for me, but I was wondering if anyone else could use it, and or did I miss a feature.
The prehook creates a session with a timestamp. The hook compares it to the time and a delay.

$waitSessionName = $modx->getOption('waitSessionName', $formit->config, 'waitSession');
if (!isset($_SESSION[$waitSessionName])) {
	$_SESSION[$waitSessionName] = time();
// debug
// $hook->setValue('session', $_SESSION[$waitSessionName] . ' - ' . time());
return true;

$waitSessionName = $modx->getOption('waitSessionName', $formit->config, 'waitSession');
$delay = $modx->getOption('delay', $formit->config, 15);
$delayPenalty = $modx->getOption('delayPenalty', $formit->config, 30);

$delayTimer = ($_SESSION[$waitSessionName] - time()) + $delayPenalty;
$s = $delayTimer%60;
$dTm = floor(($delayTimer % 3600) / 60);
$dTh = floor(($delayTimer % 86400) / 3600);
$m = $dTm>0?$dTm.' minute'.($dTm>1?'s':''):'';
$h = $dTh>0?$dTh.' hour'.($dTh>1?'s':''):'';

$timeRemaining = "$h $m $s seconds" . ' ' . $_SESSION[$waitSessionName] . ' ' . $delayTimer;

$waitErrorMsg = $modx->getOption('waitErrorMsg', $formit->config, 'Too soon, please wait [[!+timeRemaining]]');

if ($_SESSION[$waitSessionName]+$delay <= time()){
  $_SESSION[$waitSessionName] = time();
  return true;
} else {
  $_SESSION[$waitSessionName] = time() + $delayTimer;
  $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $_SESSION[$waitSessionName]);
  $modx->setPlaceholder('timeRemaining', $timeRemaining);
  return false;

Test Form
   &emailTo=`[email protected]`
<h1>Session Form</h1>
<span class="errors">[[!+fi.error.waitError]]</span>
<form action="[[~[[*id]]]]" method="post" class="form">
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="session">Session</label>
        <input type="text" name="session" size="50" autocomplete="off" class="form-field" value="[[!+fi.session]]"/>
    <button type="submit" class="submit-button">Submit</button>
bwente Feb 17, 2019, 10:54 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/104912/new-formit-hook-and-prehook-to-prevent-bot-attacks#dis-post-564107