<![CDATA[ Need help with Gallery and Slimbox plugin - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=102841 <![CDATA[Need help with Gallery and Slimbox plugin]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102841/need-help-with-gallery-and-slimbox-plugin#dis-post-553930
My gallery itself is looking good, but I can't get the Slimbox to work and I tried several things:

1. [[Gallery? &album=`Hairpower` &plugin=`slimbox` &slimboxRenderJsOnStartup=`1` &thumbWidth=`250` &thumbHeight=`250` &ZoomCrop=`1` $linkToImage=`1`]]

--> when adding this plugin to the properties, my gallery is a mess. It's placing all the images underneath eacht other in stead of placing them nicely in rows. When clicking on the picture, you get redirected to an non-existing web page so you arrive at a modx base template.
(see for yourself: http://cursistenmodx3.be/qualityhairdesign/index.php?id=17&galItem=98&galAlbum=Hairpower&galTag=)

What am I missing here? Probably it's something stupid, but I have been breaking my head several hours now and I just can't find it. Anyone?

(I'm using MODX Revolution 2.5.7-pl)
commrade Sep 15, 2017, 09:54 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102841/need-help-with-gallery-and-slimbox-plugin#dis-post-553930
<![CDATA[Re: Need help with Gallery and Slimbox plugin]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102841/need-help-with-gallery-and-slimbox-plugin#dis-post-553932 " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://cursistenmodx3.be/qualityhairdesign//qualityhairdesign/assets/gallery/1/97.jpg

The link to the image should be: http://cursistenmodx3.be/qualityhairdesign/assets/gallery/1/97.jpg

As you can see the first qualityhairdesign// needs to be removed.

You code contains $linkToImage=`1` at the end. Should this be: &linkToImage=`1`]]>
andytough Sep 15, 2017, 12:45 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102841/need-help-with-gallery-and-slimbox-plugin#dis-post-553932