<![CDATA[ pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields - My Forums]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=102797 <![CDATA[pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields?page=2#dis-post-553696
I use pdoUsers + pdoPage to list the registered users with the &where=`username LIKE \"%gerard%\"` condition

But the registered users also have extended fields (eg: color, size...)

Extended fields is json data

Is there a custom solution to search inside extended fields as if they were normal sql field

Maybe there is a builtin Modx or even MySQL tool designed to deal with this ?

I'd rather not to create a new table for the extra fields because the extended fields are very flexible: if later I want to add a new column for new users I just have to add a new html input field for the new users registration

If I create a new table it won't be so flexible

Thank you smiley]]>
radoslav Sep 06, 2017, 07:12 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields?page=2#dis-post-553696
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields?page=2#dis-post-553966 ]]> BobRay Sep 18, 2017, 04:52 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields?page=2#dis-post-553966 <![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields?page=2#dis-post-553962
apologies for the late reply

In my situation (local website) my modifications do work fine

I updated my code above

I would like to thank you for the time you took to help me smiley
radoslav Sep 18, 2017, 12:42 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields?page=2#dis-post-553962
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553853
It might be possible to get the count directly from the extended fields table with either getCount() or getCollection(). That would be faster, but I think you'd need a new $where to do that, and it probably shouldn't be added as an official part of the extra.]]>
BobRay Sep 12, 2017, 08:27 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553853
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553841
I used getCount at first but it turns out getCount is not working properly with some queries (it always returns 0) this is why getCollectionGraph

Maybe there is a more efficient methode than getCollectionGraph?

&totalUsersPlaceholder is not needed because pdoPage already has its own placeholder for this => [[!+page.total]]

I will do some more testing today and update everything]]>
radoslav Sep 12, 2017, 01:01 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553841
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553830

A couple notes,

I think this might do the job without the "if" tests below for both limit and offset. I could be wrong:

$limit = $modx->getOption('limit', $sp, 0, true);//new
$offset = $modx->getOption('offset', $sp, 0, true); //new

// if ($limit !== null) {// removed
    $c->limit($limit, $offset); //new
// }  // removed

Do you envision something like a &totalUsersPlaceholder property in addition to a &toPlaceholder property?

I can't tell if you're actually using the $totalUsers array or just using it to get the count. If the latter, I think the count could be pulled more conveniently with:

$total = $modx->getCount($userClass, $c);

BobRay Sep 12, 2017, 04:46 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553830
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553820
the offset and limit params work but the other functions of pdoPage do not work (the pagination itself does not work, all the placeholders are empty)

I edited the GetExtUser snippet and now it works like a charm(needs more testing but I think it's ok)

As a memo I will post here all the changes to GetExtUser snippet, all the new lines have a //new comment:
$sortBy = $modx->getOption('sortby', $sp, 'username');
$sortDir = $modx->getOption('sortdir', $sp, 'ASC');
$limit = $modx->getOption('limit', $sp, 'null', true);//new
$offset = $modx->getOption('offset', $sp, 0, true); //new
$element = $modx->getOption('element', $sp, 'null', true); //new

$c = $modx->newQuery($userClass);
$c->sortby($sortBy, $sortDir);

if ($element == 'GetExtUsers'){//new
    $totalUsers = $modx->getCollectionGraph($userClass, '{"Profile":{},"User":{}}', $c);//new
    $total = count($totalUsers); // new
    $c->limit($limit, $offset); //new

now the last line "return $output;" has to be replaced by :
$modx->setPlaceholder($totalVar,$total); //new

if (!empty($toPlaceholder)) { //new
    $modx->setPlaceholder($toPlaceholder, $output); //new
} else { //new
    return $output; //new
} //new

here is the snippet call
notice that &sortby=`id` did not work I assume because there are 2 id fields (in modUser and extUser) this is why it had to be changed to a field that is unique in both tables (userdata_id is the foreign key in the ext_user_data table)
	&tplPage=`@INLINE <li><a href="[[+href]]" title="">[[+pageNo]]</a></li>`
	&tplPageWrapper=`@INLINE <div class="pagination"><ul class="pagination">[[+first]][[+prev]][[+pages]][[+next]][[+last]]</ul></div>`
	&itplPageActive=`@INLINE <li class="active"><a href="[[+href]]" title="">[[+pageNo]]</a></li>`
	&tplPageFirst=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]" title="">[[%adverts_firstpage]]</a></li>`
	&tplPageLast=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]" title="">[[%adverts_lastpage]]</a></li>`
	&tplPagePrev=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]" title="">«</a></li>`
	&tplPageNext=`@INLINE <li class="control"><a href="[[+href]]" title="">»</a></li>`
	&tplPageSkip=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span>...</span></li>`
	&tplPageFirstEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span>[[%adverts_firstpage]]</span></li>`
	&tplPageLastEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span>[[%adverts_lastpage]]</span></li>`
	&tplPagePrevEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span>«</span></li>`
	&tplPageNextEmpty=`@INLINE <li class="disabled"><span>»</span></li>`

now you can see the results with the following code:
	<li>Total Users Found: [[!+page.total]]</li>
	<li>Pages: [[!+pageCount]]</li>





	<li>Total Users Found: [[!+page.total]]</li>
	<li>Pages: [[!+pageCount]]</li>


this works fine in my local modx install

this has not been tested with ajax]]>
radoslav Sep 11, 2017, 12:08 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553820
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553803

$outerTpl = $modx->getOption('extUserOuterTpl', $sp, 'extUserOuterTpl');
$innerTpl = $modx->getOption('extUserInnerTpl', $sp, 'extUserInnerTpl');
$rowTpl = $modx->getOption('extUserRowTpl', $sp, 'extUserRowTpl');
$sortBy = $modx->getOption('sortby', $sp, 'username');
$sortDir = $modx->getOption('sortdir', $sp, 'ASC');
$limit = $modx->getOption('limit', $sp, 'null', true);

$offset = $modx->getOption('offset', $sp, 'null', true); //new
$offset = ($offset === null) ? 0 : (int) $offset; //new

$c = $modx->newQuery($userClass);
$c->sortby($sortBy, $sortDir);
if ($limit !== null) {
    $c->limit($limit, $offset); // changed

$users = $modx->getCollectionGraph($userClass, '{"Profile":{},"User":{}}', $c);

Let me know if it works and I'll include it in the next release.

BobRay Sep 10, 2017, 05:29 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553803
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553799
but now I have a search engine page where we can filter the members

Because I have many members I would like to have a pagination for the results

I think I will customize pdoPage to work with GetExtUsers

If someone has a better idea feel free to let me know smiley thank you smiley]]>
radoslav Sep 10, 2017, 04:52 AM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553799
<![CDATA[Re: pdoPage + where condition > how to find in users extended fields]]> https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553736
ClassExtender is a nice extra BobRay !
radoslav Sep 07, 2017, 12:58 PM https://forums.modx.com/thread/102797/pdopage-where-condition-how-to-find-in-users-extended-fields#dis-post-553736