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    • 46886
    • 1,154 Posts
    any errors in the logs? if its not saving something should be triggered

    or possibly your hoster will have errors [ed. note: nuan88 last edited this post 5 years, 7 months ago.]
    • The MODX error log does not show any errors when The item is check
        • 46886
        • 1,154 Posts
        So what happens when you try to save? Does it keep running forever, or does it just instantly not do anything, or does it seem to be saving and then just kind of stop?

        I have had issues with my hoster, where their rules get triggered when I try to save snippets templates or chunks, where saving is impossible. You might want to ask them if there were any errors around that time.

        But, I don't think we need to assume the problem is the same as what I had, let's get all the evidence out to solve this one