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    • 9591
    • 3 Posts
    oh, something else to do: Now, when the first day is Monday, Monday and Sunday are marked as weekend. Change in these lines (about 510 and 520):
    // current month
    							if($w==0 || $w==6){
    								// weekends
    both these lines in:
    // current month
    							if($w==5 || $w==6){
    								// weekends
    Now this is a real weekEND wink
      • 30001
      • 19 Posts
      how to rename months?
        • 34162
        • 1 Posts
        If you mean you want the months/days in your own language, use this parameter:

        &lang [string] [ `en` | `de` | `fr` | `nl` (etc.) ]
        language to use for the calendar

        setlocale is used for the language.
          • 30001
          • 19 Posts
          Russian language is not?
            • 34162
            • 1 Posts
            It should, but don’t ask me which language code to use. Perhaps `ru` would do?

            You can find more information on http://php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php

            Kalender uses setlocale (LC_TIME, ’en_EN ’).

            If you need the notation setlocale (LC_TIME, ’russian’), or something similar, then look for this code in the Kalender snippet:

            // internationalization
            $locale = $lang.'_'.strtoupper($lang);
            setlocale (LC_TIME, $locale);

            and change it to your liking.

            Hope this helps.
              • 30001
              • 19 Posts
              sorry, i dont find this strings...
              // snippet parameters
              if($theme=="") $theme = "gold"; // default interface theme is 'gold';
              if($parent=="") $parent = -1; // default parent is '-1' (no document)
              // config
              $snippetsPath = "/assets/snippets/kalender";
              $site_url = $modx->config["site_url"];
              $slash = substr($site_url, (strlen($site_url)-1), 1);
              if($slash=="/") $site_url = substr($site_url, 0, (strlen($site_url)-1));
              $base_path = $modx->config["base_path"];
              $slash = substr($base_path, (strlen($base_path)-1), 1);
              if($slash=="/") $base_path = substr($base_path, 0, (strlen($base_path)-1));
              $assets_path = substr($rb_base_dir, (strlen($base_path)));
              $pathPrefix = "/assets/snippets/kalender";
              $themePath = $pathPrefix."/themes/".$theme."/";
              $includePath = $base_path.$assets_path.$snippetsPath."/themes/".$theme."/";
              $cssTheme = $themePath."theme.css";	
              $jsOverLib = $pathPrefix."/js/overlib.js";
              $url_prefix = "?";
              $dbase = $modx->dbConfig['dbase'];
              $tbl_prefix = $modx->dbConfig['table_prefix'];	
              $dbase_tbl = $dbase.".".$tbl_prefix;
              $site_content = $dbase_tbl."site_content";
              // include theme settings
              // default month and year as of today
              	$mm = date("n");
              	$yyyy = date("Y");
              if(is_numeric($_GET["mo"]) && $_GET["mo"]!=""){
              	$mm = $_GET["mo"];
              if(is_numeric($_GET["yr"]) && $_GET["yr"]!=""){
              	$yyyy = $_GET["yr"];
              //if(!is_numeric($mm)) $mm = date("n");
              //if(!is_numeric($yyyy)) $yyyy = date("Y");
              $month = date("F",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
              $maxdays = date("t",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
              $prevMonth_mm = $mm - 1;
              if($prevMonth_mm==0) $prevMonth_mm = 12;
              $prevMonth_yyyy = $yyyy;
              if($prevMonth_mm==12) $prevMonth_yyyy = $yyyy-1;
              $prevMonth_maxdays = date("t",strtotime($prevMonth_mm."/1/".$yyyy));
              $prevMonth_d = 0;
              $nextMonth_mm = $mm + 1;
              if($nextMonth_mm==13) $nextMonth_mm = 1;
              $nextMonth_yyyy = $yyyy;
              if($nextMonth_mm==1) $nextMonth_yyyy = $yyyy+1;
              $nextMonth_maxdays = date("t",strtotime($nextMonth_mm."/1/".$yyyy));
              $nextMonth_d = 0;
              // get calendar events from modx content database for the selected month
              $strtotime_month_start = strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy." 00:00:00");
              $strtotime_month_end = strtotime($mm."/".$maxdays."/".$yyyy." 23:59:59");
              // get parent where clause to dig and get all non-folder documents within sub-folders of the parent folder
              $parentWhere[] = $parent;
              $parentWhere_tmp[] = $parent;
              $parent_count = 0;
              		$parentWhere_tmp = $childParentWhere_tmp;
              		$parent_count = 0;		
              	foreach($parentWhere_tmp as $p){
              		$sql = "SELECT ".$site_content.".id"
              			." FROM ".$site_content
              			." WHERE ".$site_content.".parent=".$p
              			." AND ".$site_content.".isfolder=1;";
              		$rs = $modx->dbQuery($sql);
              		$parent_count = $modx->recordCount($rs);
              		for($i=0 ; $i<$parent_count ; $i++){
              			$row = $modx->fetchRow($rs);
              			$parentWhere[] = $row["id"];
              			$childParentWhere_tmp[] = $row["id"];
              } while ($parent_count > 0);
              $parentWhere_str = "";
              foreach($parentWhere as $p){
              	if($parentWhere_str!="") $parentWhere_str .= " OR";
              	$parentWhere_str .= " ".$site_content.".parent=".$p;
              $sql = "SELECT "
              	." FROM ".$site_content
              	." WHERE"
              	." (".$parentWhere_str.")"
              	." AND ".$site_content.".isfolder=0"
              	." AND (("
              	." ".$site_content.".pub_date>=".$strtotime_month_start
              	." AND ".$site_content.".pub_date<=".$strtotime_month_end
              	." OR ("
              	." ".$site_content.".unpub_date>=".$strtotime_month_start
              	." AND ".$site_content.".unpub_date<=".$strtotime_month_end
              	." ORDER BY ".$site_content.".pub_date"
              	." ASC";
              $rs = $modx->dbQuery($sql);	
              $rs_count = $modx->recordCount($rs);
              $snippetNameArray = array();
              for ($i = 0; $i < $rs_count; $i++){
              	$row = $modx->fetchRow($rs);
              	if($row["pub_date"]>=$strtotime_month_start && $row["pub_date"]<=$strtotime_month_end){
              		$d = date("j",$row["pub_date"]);
              		$monthEventsArray[$d][] = $row;		
              		$unpub_strtotime_difference = $row["unpub_date"] - $row["pub_date"];
              			if($row["pub_date"]>=$strtotime_month_start && $row["pub_date"]<=$strtotime_month_end){
              				$unpub_days_difference = round($unpub_strtotime_difference/(60*60*24));				
              				$unpub_last_day = intval($d + $unpub_days_difference);
              				$unpub_j = $d+1;
              			else if($row["pub_date"]<$strtotime_month_start){
              				$unpub_j = 1;
              				$unpub_last_day = date("j",$row["unpub_date"]);				
              			if($unpub_last_day > $maxdays){
              				$unpub_last_day = $maxdays;
              			for($j=$unpub_j ; $j<=$unpub_last_day ; $j++){
              				$monthEventsArray[$j][] = $row;
              <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<? echo $cssTheme; ?>" />
              <script type="text/javascript" src="<? echo $jsOverLib; ?>"><!-- overLIB (c) Erik Bosrup --></script>
              <script type="text/javascript">
              	var ol_fgcolor = "#ffffff";
              	var ol_textfont = "Verdana";
              	var ol_cellpad = 0;
              	var ol_bgcolor = "#777777";
              	var ol_border = 1;
              <div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>
              <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="kalender">
              		<td colspan="7" align="center" class="kalender-month">
              			<? echo $month; ?>
              			<? echo $yyyy; ?></td>
              		<td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
              	       <td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
              		<td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
              		<td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
              		<td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
              		<td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
                 <td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
              		$maxdays = date("t",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
              		$firstday = date("w",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy)-(24*60*60));
              if($firstday==5 && $maxdays>=30){
              			// six rows when first day is saturday and max days is 30 or 31		
              			$weekrows = 6;
              		else if($firstday==6 && $maxdays>=30){
              			// four rows when first day is sunday and max days is 30 or 31	
              			$weekrows = 6;
              		else if($firstday==0 && $maxdays==28){
              			// four rows when first day is sunday and max days is 28
              			$weekrows = 4;
              			// all other months have 5 calendar rows
              			$weekrows = 5;
              		$d = 0;		
              		$highlightGroup = 1;
              		$changeHighlight = true;
              		for($row=0 ; $row<$weekrows ; $row++){
              				// calendar details
              				// week
              				for($w=0 ; $w<=6 ; $w++){
              					$tooltip = "";
              					$html = "";					
              					if($row==0 && $d==0 && $w==$firstday) $d = 1;					
              					else if($d>0) $d++;
              					if($d>0 && $d<=$maxdays){
              						$dd = $d;												
              							// calculate previous month							
              								$prevMonth_d = ($prevMonth_maxdays - $firstday) + 1;
              							$dd = $prevMonth_d;
              						else if($d>$maxdays){
              							// calculate next month
              							$dd = $nextMonth_d;
              							$dd = "";							
              					if($d>0 && $d<=$maxdays){
              						if(is_array($monthEventsArray) && array_key_exists($d,$monthEventsArray)){
              							$changeHighlight = true;
              								foreach($monthEventsArray[$d] as $monthEvent){
              										$changeHighlight = false;
              								if($highlightGroup>3) $highlightGroup = 1;
              							$toolTipHighlightClass = "kalender-tooltip-highlight_".$highlightGroup;
              							$html = "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100%>";
              							$html.= "<tr><td align=\'center\' valign=\'middle\' class=\'kalender-tooltip-day\'>";
              							$html.= date("l,  M. d",strtotime($mm."/".$d."/".$yyyy)).", ".$yyyy;
              							$thisMonthsEventsArray = $monthEventsArray[$d];
              							/* sort by hour							
              							$thisMonthsEventsArray = array();
              							$e = 0;
              							foreach($monthEventsArray[$d] as $monthEvent){
              								$thisMonthsEventsArray[$monthEvent["pub_date"]."_".$e] = $monthEvent;
              							foreach($thisMonthsEventsArray as $monthEvent){
              								$yesterdayIDArray[] = $monthEvent["id"];
              								$toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";
              								$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipHighlightClass."\'>";
              								$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$monthEvent["longtitle"]));
              								$html.= "</td></tr>";
              								$eventTime = "";								
              									$eventTime = date("h:ia",$monthEvent["pub_date"]);
              													$eventTime .= " to ";
              													$eventTime .= date("h:ia",$monthEvent["unpub_date"]);												
              									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
              									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$eventTime));
              									$html.= "</td></tr>";	
              									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
              									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";
              									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
              									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$monthEvent["description"]));
              									$html.= "</td></tr>";
              									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
              									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";									
              									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
              									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$monthEvent["introtext"]));
              									$html.= "</td></tr>";
              									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
              									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";									
              									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
              									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$monthEvent["content"]));
              									$html.= "</td></tr>";
              									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
              									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";									
              								$html.= "<tr><td class=\'kalender-tooltip-row_shadow\'></td></tr>";
              							$html.= "</td></tr></table>";
              							$overlib_over = "return overlib('".$html."', CENTER, OFFSETY, 18);";
              							$overlib_out = "return nd();";
              							$overlib_click = "";
              							// current month
              							if($w==0 || $w==6){
              								// weekends
              								$cssClass = "kalender-dayWeekendHighlight_".$highlightGroup;
              								$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayWeekendHighlight_hover["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
              								$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayWeekendHighlight["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
              								$td_click = "";
              								// weekday
              								$cssClass = "kalender-dayHighlight_".$highlightGroup;
              								$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayHighlight_hover["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
              								$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayHighlight["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
              								$td_click = "";								
              							$tooltip = "onMouseOver=\"".$td_over." ".$overlib_over."\"";
              							$tooltip.= " onMouseOut=\"".$td_out." ".$overlib_out."\"";
              							$tooltip.= " onMouseClick=\"".$td_click." ".$overlib_click."\"";
              							// current month
              							if($w==5 || $w==6){
              								// weekends
              								$cssClass = "kalender-dayWeekend";
              								// default day
              								$cssClass = "kalender-dayDefault";
              							$tooltip = "";
              						// previous months
              						$cssClass = "kalender-dayDim";
              						<td nowrap align="center" class="<? echo $cssClass; ?>" <? echo $tooltip; ?>>
              							<? echo $dd; ?></td>								
              		$html_jump = "";
              		$html_jump .= "<table border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'2\' cellspacing=\'1\' width=\'100%\'>";
              		$jump_rows = 7;
              		for($i=($jump_rows-1) ; $i>=0 ; $i--){
              			$minus = $jump_rows - round($jump_rows/2) - $i;
              			$jump_rows_yyyy = $yyyy;			
              			$jump_rows_mm = $mm + $minus;
              			if($minus > 0 && $jump_rows_mm>=13){
              				$jump_rows_mm = $jump_rows_mm - 12;
              				$jump_rows_yyyy = $yyyy + 1;				
              			if($minus < 0 && $jump_rows_mm<=0){
              				$jump_rows_mm = 12 + $jump_rows_mm;
              				$jump_rows_yyyy = $yyyy-1;								
              				$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpCurrentRow["bgColor"]."\';";
              				$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpCurrentRow["bgColor"]."\';";				
              				$td_class = "kalender-jump-current-row";
              				$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpRow_hover["bgColor"]."\';";
              				$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpRow["bgColor"]."\';";
              				$td_class = "kalender-jump-row";				
              			$html_jump .= "<tr>";
              			$html_jump .= "<td class=\'".$td_class."\' align=\'left\' onMouseOver=".$td_over." onMouseOut=".$td_out.">";
              			$html_jump .= "<a class=\'kalender-jump-row-text\' href=\'".$url_prefix."mo=".$jump_rows_mm."&yr=".$jump_rows_yyyy."\'>";
              			$html_jump .= date("F Y",strtotime($jump_rows_mm."/1/".$jump_rows_yyyy));
              			$html_jump .= "</a>";
              			$html_jump .= "</td>";
              			$html_jump .= "</tr>";			
              		$html_jump .= "</table>";
              		$tooltip_jump = "onClick=\"return overlib('".$html_jump."', STICKY, NOCLOSE, ABOVE, HEIGHT, 112, WIDTH, 120, CENTER);\"";
              		$tooltip_jump.= " onMouseOut=\"nd();\"";
                • 34162
                • 1 Posts
                Ahhh... I see the problem now.

                It seems the extras section only contains the original version, not the enhancements that were made and uploaded later. Probably some error with the conversion to the new site of modx huh

                The version shows 1, and the latest version I have is 1.2, which contains the timezone and language settings.

                I enclose the zipfile of version 1.2, so you can download and install it. Hopefully this will solve your problem.

                I just can’t upload the zipfile, due to this error: The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.

                Just replace your snippetcode with this:
                * "KALENDER"
                * ----------
                * A tiny calendar app for MODx.
                * Created by: Danny van Ommen ([email protected])
                * Created on: November 27, 2006
                * Modified by: Wim Beerens ([email protected])
                * Last modified on: November 19, 2008
                * Added some parameters for more flexible use
                * Modified on: November 19, 2008
                * Added timezone to prevent php5 errors
                * Added modx version check because of changed value of rb_base_dir
                * Modified on: April 5, 2007
                * Added internationalization
                * Added highlighting of the current day
                * Added linking to published pages
                * Version: 1.2
                * Details
                * -------
                * "KALENDER", which is basically Dutch for "Calendar",
                * is a simple calendar tool that can be embedded into a website using
                * the MODx content management system.
                * Installing
                * ----------
                * 1. Download the snippet zip file from the MODx Repository.
                * 2. Extract the snippet zip file and place it as a folder called "kalender" in
                *    your "/assets/snippets/" folder on your server.
                * 3. You will find the following files and folders extracted:
                *    => readme.txt
                *    => kalender_screenshots.gif   
                *    => kalender_snippet.php
                *    => themes
                *       => gold
                *          => images
                *             => (images - *.gif files)
                *          => theme.css
                *          => theme.php
                *    => js
                *       => (overLib Javascript library - *.js files)  
                * 4. Create a new snippet called "Kalender" at the MODx Manager
                *    (Resources=>Manager Resources=>Snippets=>New snippet)
                * 5. Copy and paste everything from the file "kalender_snippet_copy_this.php"
                *    as Snippet code and "Save".
                * Embedding Kalender into your template
                * -------------------------------------
                * To display the calendar to your website template, just use this snippet call:
                * [!Kalender?&parent=`1257`!]
                * Where &parent=`1257` points to the document id number where Kalender data resides.
                * MODx content documents that are stored as 'children' of $parent will feed Kalender.
                * Managing Kalender data using the MODx manager
                * ---------------------------------------------
                * 1) Only documents that are not a folder (isfolder=0) that is placed either directly
                *    as a 'child-document' or any level below $parent will be reflected in the
                *    Kalender.
                * 2) Use 'pub_date' to mark your event in the Kalender.
                * 3) You may also use 'unpub_date' for events that will last more than 1 day long.
                * 4) Use "00:00:00" (midnight) to leave time notations blank.
                * 5) When modifying the theme, take note that all CSS classes located in "theme.css"
                *    as well as PHP variables located in "theme.php" MUST remain in-tact.
                * * New themes may be created by simply copying all elements in the default 'gold'
                *   theme folder and pasting it as a new folder with a new theme name of your
                *   choice.
                * More on Themes
                * --------------
                * By default, we have the 'gold' theme available for you.
                * But if you wish to create your own theme, just create a new folder in the "themes" 
                * directory and copy EVERYTHING from the default 'gold' folder.
                * You are free to change the values, dimensions, etc of the theme files.
                * But it is IMPORTANT that you retain all file names, css classes and php 
                * variables intact.  
                * Example:
                *   If I wanted to create an "aqua" theme my file structure would look like:
                *   => themes
                *       => gold
                *          => images
                *             => (images - *.gif files)
                *          => theme.css
                *          => theme.php
                *       => aqua
                *          => images
                *             => (images - *.gif files)
                *          => theme.css
                *          => theme.php         
                *   And my snippet call would look like this:
                *   [!Kalender?&parent=`1257` &theme=`aqua`!]
                * Snippet Parameters Explained
                * ----------------------------
                * $theme [string] ['gold'] : Color theme (should be same name as theme folder).
                * $parent [int] [-1] : MODx document/folder id where calendar documents are stored.
                * $mm [int] [current month] : Month without leading zeros. Defaults to current month
                *                             when blank.
                * $yyyy [int] [current year] : Year. Defaults to current year when blank.  
                * Added parameters:
                * -----------------
                * $timezone [string]
                *   Set timezone as described on http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-set.php
                *     this parameter is added to prevent php5 error messages
                *   You could also past this into the settings tab at default settings:
                *     &timezone=Timezone link text;string;America/Los_Angeles
                * $lang [string] [ 'en' | 'de' | 'fr' | 'nl' (etc.) ]
                *   language to use for the calendar
                * $dateFormat [string] [ 'mdy' | 'dmy' ]
                *   `mdy` will display in English format i.e. March 21, 2007 (default)
                *   `dmy` will display in other format i.e. 21 March 2007
                * $dayLen [int] [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
                *   Number of characters from the daynames to show (max. 3)
                * $showInfo [string] [ 'intro' | 'content' | 'both' ]
                *   `intro` will show summary (introtext) only
                *   `content` will show  content only
                *   `both` will show both introtext and content (default)
                * $links [int] [ 0 | 1 ]
                *   0 just highlights dates with events
                *   1 will make dates with events linkable
                * Credits
                * ------- 
                * As with all calendar apps, this one isn't the most original so credit goes to 
                * where credit is due.
                * 1) The idea for this snippet came out of EasyPHPCalendar.
                *    (http://www.easyphpcalendar.com)
                * 2) Also, Kalender extensively uses Erik Bosrup's "overLib" Javascript library
                *   (http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib) 
                * License
                * -------
                * Everything's FREE. No restrictions. Seriously.
                * Just remember, you're using this at your own risk.
                * But if you want to modify, expand and change the code, feel absolutely free to do so.
                * Just keep in mind to respect Erik Bosrup's license when using his overLib Javascript
                * library.
                // set timezone
                // to prevent errors in PHP5 this must stay on top
                (isset($timezone)) ? $timezone : $timezone="America/Los_Angeles";
                // snippet parameters
                // $parent [ folder id ]
                (isset($parent)) ? $parent : $parent = "-1";
                // $theme [ gold (default) ]
                (isset($theme)) ? $theme : $theme = "gold";
                // $mm [ month ]
                (isset($mm)) ? $mm : $mm = date("n");
                // $yyyy [ year ]
                (isset($yyyy)) ? $yyyy : $yyyy = date("Y");
                // $lang [ language ]
                (isset($lang)) ? $lang : $lang = "en";
                // $dateFormat [ mdy (default) | dmy ]
                (isset($dateFormat)) ? $dateFormat : $dateFormat = "mdy";
                // $dayLen [ 1 (default) | 2 | 3 ]
                (isset($dayLen)) ? $dayLen: $dayLen = "1";
                // $showInfo [ intro | content | both (default) ]
                (isset($showInfo)) ? $showInfo : $showInfo = "both";
                // $links [ 0 (default) | 1 ]
                (isset($links)) ? $links: $links = "0";
                // config
                $url = $modx->config['site_url'];
                $base_path = $modx->config['base_path'];
                $rb_base_dir = $modx->config['rb_base_dir'];
                $version = $modx->config['settings_version'];
                if($version < '') {
                	$assets_path = substr($rb_base_dir, (strlen($base_path)));
                } else {
                	$assets_path = $rb_base_dir;
                // if Kalender is installed in a different directory, change it here
                $pathPrefix = $assets_path."snippets/kalender";
                $themePath = $pathPrefix."/themes/".$theme."/";
                $includePath = $pathPrefix."/themes/".$theme."/";
                $cssTheme = $includePath."theme.css";
                $jsOverLib = $pathPrefix."/js/overlib.js";
                $url_prefix = "index.php?id=" . $modx->documentObject['id'] . "&";
                $dbase = $modx->dbConfig['dbase'];
                $tbl_prefix = $modx->dbConfig['table_prefix'];	
                $dbase_tbl = $dbase.".".$tbl_prefix;
                $site_content = $dbase_tbl."site_content";
                // include theme settings
                // internationalization
                $locale = $lang.'_'.strtoupper($lang);
                setlocale (LC_TIME, $locale);
                // number of characters of daynames more than 3: default to 1
                if($dayLen > 3) {
                	$dayLen = 1;
                // default month and year as of today
                if(is_numeric($_GET["mo"]) && $_GET["mo"]!=""){
                	$mm = $_GET["mo"];
                if(is_numeric($_GET["yr"]) && $_GET["yr"]!=""){
                	$yyyy = $_GET["yr"];
                //if(!is_numeric($mm)) $mm = date("n");
                //if(!is_numeric($yyyy)) $yyyy = date("Y");
                $month = strftime("%B",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
                $maxdays = date("t",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
                $prevMonth_mm = $mm - 1;
                if($prevMonth_mm==0) $prevMonth_mm = 12;
                $prevMonth_yyyy = $yyyy;
                if($prevMonth_mm==12) $prevMonth_yyyy = $yyyy-1;
                $prevMonth_maxdays = date("t",strtotime($prevMonth_mm."/1/".$yyyy));
                $prevMonth_d = 0;
                $nextMonth_mm = $mm + 1;
                if($nextMonth_mm==13) $nextMonth_mm = 1;
                $nextMonth_yyyy = $yyyy;
                if($nextMonth_mm==1) $nextMonth_yyyy = $yyyy+1;
                $nextMonth_maxdays = date("t",strtotime($nextMonth_mm."/1/".$yyyy));
                $nextMonth_d = 0;
                // get calendar events from modx content database for the selected month
                $strtotime_month_start = strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy." 00:00:00");
                $strtotime_month_end = strtotime($mm."/".$maxdays."/".$yyyy." 23:59:59");
                // get parent where clause to dig and get all non-folder documents within sub-folders of the parent folder
                $parentWhere[] = $parent;
                $parentWhere_tmp[] = $parent;
                $parent_count = 0;
                		$parentWhere_tmp = $childParentWhere_tmp;
                		$parent_count = 0;		
                	foreach($parentWhere_tmp as $p){
                		$sql = "SELECT ".$site_content.".id"
                			." FROM ".$site_content
                			." WHERE ".$site_content.".parent=".$p
                			." AND ".$site_content.".isfolder=1;";
                		$rs = $modx->dbQuery($sql);
                		$parent_count = $modx->recordCount($rs);
                		for($i=0 ; $i<$parent_count ; $i++){
                			$row = $modx->fetchRow($rs);
                			$parentWhere[] = $row["id"];
                			$childParentWhere_tmp[] = $row["id"];
                } while ($parent_count > 0);
                $parentWhere_str = "";
                foreach($parentWhere as $p){
                	if($parentWhere_str!="") $parentWhere_str .= " OR";
                	$parentWhere_str .= " ".$site_content.".parent=".$p;
                $sql = "SELECT "
                if(($showInfo=="intro") or ($showInfo=="both")){
                	$sql = $sql.",".$site_content.".introtext";
                if(($showInfo=="content") or ($showInfo=="both")){
                	$sql = $sql.",".$site_content.".content";
                        $sql = $sql
                	." FROM ".$site_content
                	." WHERE"
                	." (".$parentWhere_str.")"
                	." AND ".$site_content.".isfolder=0"
                	." AND (("
                	." ".$site_content.".pub_date>=".$strtotime_month_start
                	." AND ".$site_content.".pub_date<=".$strtotime_month_end
                	." OR ("
                	." ".$site_content.".unpub_date>=".$strtotime_month_start
                	." AND ".$site_content.".unpub_date<=".$strtotime_month_end
                	." ORDER BY ".$site_content.".pub_date"
                	." ASC";
                $rs = $modx->dbQuery($sql);	
                $rs_count = $modx->recordCount($rs);
                $snippetNameArray = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < $rs_count; $i++){
                	$row = $modx->fetchRow($rs);
                	if($row["pub_date"]>=$strtotime_month_start && $row["pub_date"]<=$strtotime_month_end){
                		$d = date("j",$row["pub_date"]);
                		$monthEventsArray[$d][] = $row;	
                		$unpub_strtotime_difference = $row["unpub_date"] - $row["pub_date"];
                			if($row["pub_date"]>=$strtotime_month_start && $row["pub_date"]<=$strtotime_month_end){
                				$unpub_days_difference = round($unpub_strtotime_difference/(60*60*24));			
                				$unpub_last_day = intval($d + $unpub_days_difference);
                				$unpub_j = $d+1;
                			else if($row["pub_date"]<$strtotime_month_start){
                				$unpub_j = 1;
                				$unpub_last_day = date("j",$row["unpub_date"]);				
                			if($unpub_last_day > $maxdays){
                				$unpub_last_day = $maxdays;
                			for($j=$unpub_j ; $j<=$unpub_last_day ; $j++){
                				$monthEventsArray[$j][] = $row;
                <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<? echo $cssTheme; ?>" />
                <script type="text/javascript" src="<? echo $jsOverLib; ?>"><!-- overLIB (c) Erik Bosrup --></script>
                <script type="text/javascript">
                	var ol_fgcolor = "#ffffff";
                	var ol_textfont = "Verdana";
                	var ol_cellpad = 0;
                	var ol_bgcolor = "#777777";
                	var ol_border = 1;
                <div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>
                <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="kalender-menu">
                	<td align="right">
                		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="right">
                			<td align="right">
                				<div class="kalender-previous"><a href="<? echo $url_prefix; ?>mo=<? echo $prevMonth_mm; ?>&yr=<? echo $prevMonth_yyyy; ?>"><img src="<? echo $themePath; ?>images/previous.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" onMouseOver="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/previous_over.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/previous.gif';" style="cursor:pointer;"></a></div>
                			<td align="left">
                				<div class="kalender-next"><a href="<? echo $url_prefix; ?>mo=<? echo $nextMonth_mm; ?>&yr=<? echo $nextMonth_yyyy; ?>"><img src="<? echo $themePath; ?>images/next.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" onMouseOver="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/next_over.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/next.gif';" style="cursor:pointer;"></a></div>
                <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="kalender">
                		<td colspan="7" align="center" class="kalender-month">
                			<? echo utf8_encode($month).' '.$yyyy; ?>
                	$maxdays = date("t",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
                	$firstday = date("w",strtotime($mm."/1/".$yyyy));
                        $difdays = 8 - $firstday;
                		for($count = 0;$count<=6;$count++){
                			$tmpday = $difdays + $count;
                	        	$showday = strftime("%a",strtotime($mm."/".$tmpday."/".$yyyy));
                			<td nowrap align="center" class="kalender-week">
                                        	<? echo substr($showday, 0, $dayLen); ?>
                		} // end for $count
                		if($firstday==6 && $maxdays>=30){
                			// six rows when first day is saturday and max days is 30 or 31		
                			$weekrows = 6;
                		else if($firstday==0 && $maxdays==28){
                			// four rows when first day is sunday and max days is 28
                			$weekrows = 4;
                			// all other months have 5 calendar rows
                			$weekrows = 5;
                		$d = 0;		
                		$highlightGroup = 1;
                		$changeHighlight = true;
                		for($row=0 ; $row<$weekrows ; $row++){
                				// calendar details
                				// week
                				for($w=0 ; $w<=6 ; $w++){
                					$tooltip = "";
                					$html = "";					
                					if($row==0 && $d==0 && $w==$firstday) $d = 1;					
                					else if($d>0) $d++;
                					if($d>0 && $d<=$maxdays){
                						$dd = $d;
                							// calculate previous month					
                								$prevMonth_d = ($prevMonth_maxdays - $firstday) + 1;
                							$dd = $prevMonth_d;
                						else if($d>$maxdays){
                							// calculate next month
                							$dd = $nextMonth_d;
                							$dd = "";							
                					if($d>0 && $d<=$maxdays){
                						if(is_array($monthEventsArray) && array_key_exists($d,$monthEventsArray)){
                							$changeHighlight = true;
                								foreach($monthEventsArray[$d] as $monthEvent){
                										$changeHighlight = false;
                								if($highlightGroup>3) $highlightGroup = 1;
                							$toolTipHighlightClass = "kalender-tooltip-highlight_".$highlightGroup;
                							$html = "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100%>";
                							$html.= "<tr><td align=\'center\' valign=\'middle\' class=\'kalender-tooltip-day\'>";
                                                                                if($dateFormat == "mdy") {
                							                $html.= strftime("%A, %b. %d",strtotime($mm."/".$d."/".$yyyy)).", ".$yyyy;
                                                                                } else {
                							                $html.= strftime("%A %d %b.",strtotime($mm."/".$d."/".$yyyy))." ".$yyyy;
                							$thisMonthsEventsArray = $monthEventsArray[$d];
                							/* sort by hour							
                							$thisMonthsEventsArray = array();
                							$e = 0;
                							foreach($monthEventsArray[$d] as $monthEvent){
                								$thisMonthsEventsArray[$monthEvent["pub_date"]."_".$e] = $monthEvent;
                							foreach($thisMonthsEventsArray as $monthEvent){
                								$yesterdayIDArray[] = $monthEvent["id"];
                								$toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";
                								$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipHighlightClass."\'>";
                								$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$monthEvent["longtitle"]));
                								$html.= "</td></tr>";
                								$eventTime = "";					
                									$eventTime = date("h:ia",$monthEvent["pub_date"]);
                													$eventTime .= " to ";
                													$eventTime .= date("h:ia",$monthEvent["unpub_date"]);										
                									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
                									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",$eventTime));
                									$html.= "</td></tr>";
                									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
                									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";
                									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
                									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$monthEvent["description"])));
                									$html.= "</td></tr>";
                									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
                									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";									
                									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
                									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$monthEvent["introtext"])));
                									$html.= "</td></tr>";
                									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
                									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";									
                									$html.= "<tr><td align=\'left\' valign=\'top\' class=\'".$toolTipRowClass."\'>";
                									$html.= addslashes(str_replace('"',"'",preg_replace('/\r|\n/','',$monthEvent["content"])));
                									$html.= "</td></tr>";
                									if($toolTipRowClass=="kalender-tooltip-row_1") $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_2";
                									else $toolTipRowClass = "kalender-tooltip-row_1";									
                								$html.= "<tr><td class=\'kalender-tooltip-row_shadow\'></td></tr>";
                							$html.= "</td></tr></table>";
                							$overlib_over = "return overlib('".$html."', CENTER, OFFSETY, 18);";
                							$overlib_out = "return nd();";
                							$overlib_click = "";
                							// current month
                							if($w==0 || $w==6){
                								// weekends
                								$cssClass = "kalender-dayWeekendHighlight_".$highlightGroup;
                								$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayWeekendHighlight_hover["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
                								$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayWeekendHighlight["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
                								$td_click = "";
                								// weekday
                								$cssClass = "kalender-dayHighlight_".$highlightGroup;
                								$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayHighlight_hover["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
                								$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor='".$dayHighlight["bgColor"][$highlightGroup]."';";
                								$td_click = "";						
                							$tooltip = "onMouseOver=\"".$td_over." ".$overlib_over."\"";
                							$tooltip.= " onMouseOut=\"".$td_out." ".$overlib_out."\"";
                							$tooltip.= " onMouseClick=\"".$td_click." ".$overlib_click."\"";
                							// current month
                							if($w==0 || $w==6){
                								// weekends
                								$cssClass = "kalender-dayWeekend";
                								// default day
                								$cssClass = "kalender-dayDefault";
                							$tooltip = "";
                                                                // check if date is current date
                                                                if(date("d m y",strtotime("now"))==date("d m y",strtotime($mm."/".$dd."/".$yyyy))){
                                                                        $cssClass = $cssClass." kalender-dayCurrent";
                						// previous months
                						$cssClass = "kalender-dayDim";
                						<td nowrap align="center" class="<? echo $cssClass; ?>" <? echo $tooltip; ?>>
                							if(($links=="1") and ($monthEvent["id"]<>'')){
                								$dd = '<a href="'.$url.'index.php?id='.$monthEvent["id"].'">'.$dd.'</a>';
                							echo $dd;
                		$html_jump = "";
                		$html_jump .= "<table border=\'0\' cellpadding=\'2\' cellspacing=\'1\' width=\'100%\'>";
                		$jump_rows = 7;
                		for($i=($jump_rows-1) ; $i>=0 ; $i--){
                			$minus = $jump_rows - round($jump_rows/2) - $i;
                			$jump_rows_yyyy = $yyyy;			
                			$jump_rows_mm = $mm + $minus;
                			if($minus > 0 && $jump_rows_mm>=13){
                				$jump_rows_mm = $jump_rows_mm - 12;
                				$jump_rows_yyyy = $yyyy + 1;				
                			if($minus < 0 && $jump_rows_mm<=0){
                				$jump_rows_mm = 12 + $jump_rows_mm;
                				$jump_rows_yyyy = $yyyy-1;								
                				$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpCurrentRow["bgColor"]."\';";
                				$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpCurrentRow["bgColor"]."\';";		
                				$td_class = "kalender-jump-current-row";
                				$td_over = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpRow_hover["bgColor"]."\';";
                				$td_out = "this.style.backgroundColor=\'".$jumpRow["bgColor"]."\';";
                				$td_class = "kalender-jump-row";				
                			$html_jump .= "<tr>";
                			$html_jump .= "<td class=\'".$td_class."\' align=\'left\' onMouseOver=".$td_over." onMouseOut=".$td_out.">";
                			$html_jump .= "<a class=\'kalender-jump-row-text\' href=\'".$url_prefix."mo=".$jump_rows_mm."&yr=".$jump_rows_yyyy."\'>";
                			$html_jump .= utf8_encode(strftime("%B %Y",strtotime($jump_rows_mm."/1/".$jump_rows_yyyy)));
                			$html_jump .= "</a>";
                			$html_jump .= "</td>";
                			$html_jump .= "</tr>";			
                		$html_jump .= "</table>";
                		$tooltip_jump = "onClick=\"return overlib('".$html_jump."', STICKY, NOCLOSE, ABOVE, HEIGHT, 112, WIDTH, 120, CENTER);\"";
                		$tooltip_jump.= " onMouseOut=\"nd();\"";
                	<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="kalender-menu">
                		<td align="left">
                			<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="left">
                				<td align="right">
                					<div class="kalender-previous"><a href="<? echo $url_prefix; ?>mo=<? echo $prevMonth_mm; ?>&yr=<? echo $prevMonth_yyyy; ?>"><img src="<? echo $themePath; ?>images/previous.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" onMouseOver="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/previous_over.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/previous.gif';" style="cursor:pointer;"></a></div>
                				<td align="left">
                					<div class="kalender-next"><a href="<? echo $url_prefix; ?>mo=<? echo $nextMonth_mm; ?>&yr=<? echo $nextMonth_yyyy; ?>"><img src="<? echo $themePath; ?>images/next.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" onMouseOver="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/next_over.gif';" onMouseOut="this.src='<? echo $themePath; ?>images/next.gif';" style="cursor:pointer;"></a></div>
                		<td align="center">
                			<a href="<? echo $url_prefix; ?>mo=<? echo date("n"); ?>&yr=<? echo date("Y"); ?>" class="kalender-jump-link"><? echo strftime("%B %Y"); ?></a></td>
                		<td align="right">
                			<img src="<? echo $themePath."images/jump.gif"; ?>" border="0" width="15" height="14" align="right" onMouseOver="this.src='<? echo $themePath."images/jump_over.gif"; ?>';" onMouseOut="this.src='<? echo $themePath."images/jump.gif"; ?>';" <? echo $tooltip_jump; ?>></td>			

                In this version you should be able to set timezone and language.
                  • 10940
                  • 71 Posts
                  Sorry I havent had the time to actually install the Kalender snippet but was just wondering whether anyone could tell me if you can have mutiple calenders in one site, and each calender unique to a particular group. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!
                    • 34162
                    • 1 Posts
                    Never tried this, but I guess it should be possible.

                    Kalender points to a folder which contains the events, like Wayfinder does for navigation.

                    So another snippetcall with a pointer to a different folder should display different events.
                      • 10940
                      • 71 Posts
                      Thanks WeBe. I will give it a go over the next week or two and let you all know if it can be achieved for anyone interested