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  • You are dealing with two different things here. MODX is an application installed on the web server, and your MODX Manager login only applies to the MODX Manager.

    The other control panel has nothing to do with MODX. You will need the login name and password for that control panel in order to access the database. If you weren't given access to the site's control panel, you'll need to talk to the site owner about it.
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      • 49515
      • 184 Posts
      Quote from: sottwell at Jan 27, 2015, 04:34 AM
      You are dealing with two different things here. MODX is an application installed on the web server, and your MODX Manager login only applies to the MODX Manager.

      The other control panel has nothing to do with MODX. You will need the login name and password for that control panel in order to access the database. If you weren't given access to the site's control panel, you'll need to talk to the site owner about it.
        • 49515
        • 184 Posts
        I have access to the Control Panel (ilisys Package Manager), however inside this Package Manager, is the MySQL admin > which is failing to log in.
        I tried MySQL admin as the previous reply suggested to fix the MODX Dashboard by checking the database.

        Are you saying that the MODX Dashboard error is not related to the database?
        If so, how can I pull some kind of error log on MODX Dashboard to see if this is an error or a lock out issue?
        /var/logs? How to access MODX CLI /var/logs?
        • I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I was just saying that your Control Panel was different from your MODX Manager. I wasn't sure if you were trying to use the same login for both.

          You can find your database login username and password in the core/config/config.inc.php file. At the top of the file you'll see something like this:
          $database_type = 'mysql';
          $database_server = 'localhost';
          $database_user = 'root';
          $database_password = 'root';
          $database_connection_charset = 'utf8';
          $dbase = 'revo233';
          $table_prefix = 'modx_';
          $database_dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=revo233;charset=utf8';

            Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
            Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
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            • 49515
            • 184 Posts
            Thank you.
            So, the MODX issue seems to be now pointing to the Control Panel not running one of its databases properly?

            Seeing I can't log into the database with the correct password, perhaps the database is corrupted.

            Thanks for the reminder of the database path to the username and password, but I don't think I can access that yet, as I haven't worked out SSH access to it.

            I think I might have to contact the webhost.
              • 3749
              • 24,544 Posts
              I think we may still be confusing terms. When you say "Control Panel" we take that to mean cPanel at your host. We usually use "cPanel" to refer to that, and "MODX Manager" to refer to where you get with yoursite.com/manager.

              The credentials in the MODX core/config/config.inc.php file are the ones you use to log into PhpMyAdmin in cPanel. They are not the ones you use to log into the MODX Manager.
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                • 49515
                • 184 Posts
                Yes, thank you.
                I used cPanel maybe 10 years ago, but this particular MODX website manager hasn't really displayed any cPanel that I'm familiar with.

                Yes, so my understanding is MODX is the website manager where I can edit the site 'live'.
                Another topic, but I don't think this should be done, so I have a side job where I'm trying to download the site and its databases to run locally (maybe through git if possible) to edit, then upload.
                Maybe MODX makes offline editing redundant, I don't know?

                Yes, I've then been pointed to the webhost's manager to check for faulty databases, due to MODX only showing the MODX Dashboard tabs and not the lower part of the page with the editing tools for the website.

                Still working on accessing the databases with the webhost (if this is the issue to make editing work again).
                  • 3749
                  • 24,544 Posts
                  cPanel is a utility provided by your host -- the odds are good that you have access to it. It doesn't have anything to do with MODX.

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                    Bob's Guides is now hosted at A2 MODX Hosting
                    • 49515
                    • 184 Posts
                    Thank you.
                    Yes, I can access the Control Panel that the Webhost hosts. Not called cPanel, but it is a Control Panel.

                    Well, the databases are apparently managed from the Webhost's Control Panel.
                    I went into MySQL Admin and was unable to login via GUI.

                    This MySQL Admin has now been fixed, but now the website gives a 503 error and MODX website manager only shows a 100% blank page now, unlike before it could show the tab, just not the website editing below.

                    Well, I'm now looking for SSH access, so I can use CLI to access the php config file to view usernames and passwords.

                    I don't understand how MODX is running off the phpMyAdmin yet, but I do see a lot of tables in phpMyAdmin relating to MODX.
                      • 49515
                      • 184 Posts
                      Well, the Webhost has 'fixed' the website.
                      Seems the MySQL Admin password update on the Webhost Control Panel GUI did not carry through to the conf file.
                      Have to manually change the conf file...hmmm.
                      So, now the Webhost Control Panel shows the MySQL Admin webpage phpMyAdmin and I see loads of MODX tables.

                      The MODX Dashboard still shows just the tabs and not the website for editing below.
                      Not sure what tables need to changed and what to change on them?