Do you agree with me!? 2.3 and even 2.3.1 are not ready at all for GA release, many issues here and there. I've ACL screwed up, and it behaves really weird.
1- Resource which was configured with no save is throwing:
Code: 200 OK
{"success":false,"message":"Permission denied!","total":0,"data":[],"object":[]}
2- Menu items in topnav do not display for non-super user when they have custom permissions.
3- Some menu items with javascript handle causes the manager not to load at all: test with "flush your permissions" JS for example
3- Have to fix some of my code which sometimes hangs only on 2.3.x
Didn't have all those issues on 2.2.14
Bottom line: I suggest a clear straight forward test scenarios to be handled by community members.
[ed. note: mina_gerges last edited this post 10 years, 4 months ago.]