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    Quote from: jgrant at Nov 03, 2013, 07:30 PM
    Ok, I'll throw my hat into the crowded ring here for phpThumbOf alternatives smiley
    I've got one called pThumb which I think is worth a look at least. I've put together a page summarizing some testing and thoughts on how the various packages compare. It covers phpThumbOf, phpThumbsUp, phpThumbOn and pThumb.

    Good job on picking up development of these extras by the way!

    I so wish we could just make pThumb the new phpThumbOf so all the existing sites got updated to it smiley
    Hopefully our plan to remove phpThumbOf from the Extras repo and promote alternatives like pThumb and others will get people switching over.
    • Eh, people will find them if they need to smiley

      One point of potential confusion to clear up. While the Gallery extra shares some code from phpThumbOf, it doesn't use phpThumbOf itself. So if you switched to pThumb instead, nothing would change as far as Gallery is concerned; it's completely separate. Here's the relevant file.
      Getting back to lithiumlab's question though: if you're using Gallery and zc=`T` isn't working, installing pThumb won't change that, at least for Gallery-generated images.
        Extras :: pThumbResizerimageSlimsetPlaceholders
      • Quote from: jgrant at Nov 28, 2013, 05:34 AM
        Quote from: lithiumlab at Nov 27, 2013, 06:12 PM
        Does anyone knows if pThumb works ok cropping from top? (Zoom Crop property = `T`) ?

        Yes, it'll do that, with one caveat. If it's using phpThumb to do the resizing—the default—then you need to have ImageMagick installed and available to phpThumb in order for zc options other than C to work. Not all servers have ImageMagick installed though, and sometimes phpThumb can't find it even when it's there. Likely this is why phpThumbOf isn't working properly for you.

        However if you use Resizer it should work in any case, even if you only have GD (which most all servers have). You can change which class pThumb uses either globally in system settings or for a particular snippet call with the &useResizer=`1` property.

        Thanks a lot for the details about it.
        It worked beautifully. I used Resizer as you suggested.
        By fortune, all requirements were installed.
        Also liked better the naming convention of files in pThumb.
        Caching system also a nice addition.

        Regarding Gallery i just surrounded the issue not using gallery generated thumbs.
        Generated thumbs with pThumb using the original file as the source.

        About other extras:
        Similar named Extras does generate some confusion.
        I didn't realized the existence of pThumb because of this. (phpThumbOf, phpThumbsUp, pThumb, phpThumbsOn, etc) [ed. note: lithiumlab last edited this post 10 years, 5 months ago.]