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  • Sorry about that, you're 100% correct there.
      Sterc Internet & Marketing | MODX Founding Partner | Chairman of the MODX Advisory Board

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      • 338 Posts
      Actually I think an even better solution for me is to have rel="canonical" on the articles container template

      [[*template:eq=`6`:then=`<link rel="canonical" href="http://onsitenow.co.uk/blog/">`]]

      Because in my blog summaries I use the Summary (introtext) field rather than a snippet of article content + elipsis

      So on my list of posts page the content is unique, there is no duplication of text with the articles themselves (though I do use the intro text in the meta description of the article, but I don't think this will count as duplication) So I think having this page indexed is quite good because it's got unique content that's changing regularly, has relevant keywords and links to the appropriate articles.