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  • Dear MODX people,

    I'd like to parse a bit more than just the node names of an XML file. I need the nodes and sometime their attributes.

    What I do by now (without the attributes) is the following:

    Ok, I completed it so far. Here is my XMl parser snippet. It puts any xml element into a MODX placeholder.

    # Snippet to read and parse XML input
    # USAGE: [[!xmlparser? &source=`feed.rss` &tpl=`xmlTpl`]]
    $source = $scriptProperties['source'];
    if (empty($source)) {
        $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,'[xmlparser] Empty source adress passed, aborting.');
        return '';
    else {
    if ($xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($source))) {
    $output = '';
      foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
        foreach ($item->children() as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == 'pubDate') {
             $value = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($value));
            $modx->setPlaceholder($key, $value);
            foreach ($item->$key->attributes() as $attrkey => $attrval) {
              $modx->setPlaceholder($key.'.'.$attrkey, $attrval);
        $output .= $modx->getChunk($scriptProperties['tpl']);
    } else {
        exit('Konnte '.$source.' nicht öffnen.');
    return $output;

    The template chunk can have any placeholder in it, now even with attributes of the element:
    <h4><a href="[[+link]]" title="[[+title]]">[[+title]]</a></h4>
    <img src="[[+enclosure.url]]"></p>

    See the enclosure.url placeholder? That was an attribute from the rss xml source:
    <enclosure url="some.url">

    Let me know what you think. What would you change? Would you change anything at all?


    • Awesome!! It works...... Just need to add &limit

        Developing Themes/Templates for MODx Revo. Visit http://mdxthemes.com
      • This will come in handy in a future project, thanks!
          Benjamin Davis: American web designer living in Munich, Germany and a MODX Ambassador. I am also co-founder of SEDA.digital, a MODX Agency.
          • 6506
          • 35 Posts
          I have tried different packages including spieFeed and GetFeed to pull in an xml document but neither seems to work so I went searching and found this. I then saw that it has been turned into a package called ParseX. I have installed it and got it working. It works well and I can sort on date but it does has a few limitations.

          There are 2 things I need it to do but can't work out how to add them and was hoping someone could help.

          1. Add a limit to the items pulled in
          2. Get the attributes values of a node

          I am pulling in this xml file.


          and I need to get the ReleaseID attribute from the NewsRelease node, it not being pulled in as separate node within it.

          The snippet code is more or less above but I have included it below

          # Snippet to read and parse XML input
          # USAGE: [[!parsex? &source=`feed.rss` &tpl=`xmlTpl`]]
          # author: [email protected]
          $source = $modx->getOption('source', $scriptProperties, 'http://modx.com/feeds/latest.rss');
          $element = $modx->getOption('element', $scriptProperties, 'item');
          $tpl = $modx->getOption('tpl', $scriptProperties, 'xmlTpl');
          $wrapper = $modx->getOption('wrapper', $scriptProperties, 'wrapX');
          $debugmode = $modx->getOption('debugmode', $scriptProperties, false);
          if (empty($source)) {
              $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] Empty source adress passed, aborting.');
              return 'No source definded.';
          else {
              if ($xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($source))) {
                  #$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] can read file: '.$source);
                  #$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] element value '.$element);
                  $nodes = $xml->xpath("//$element");
                  foreach ($nodes as $node)
                  $values = array();
                      foreach ($node as $key => $value) {
                              if ($key == 'pubDate') {
                                  $value = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($value));
                              $values[$key] = (string)$value;
                              foreach ($node->$key->attributes() as $attrkey => $attrval) {
                                  $values[$key.'.'.$attrkey] = (string)$attrval;
                          if ($debugmode==true) {
                          $output .= $modx->getChunk($tpl, $values);
              else {
                  $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] can NOT read file: '.$source);
          $result = array("result" => $output);
          return $modx->getChunk($wrapper, $result);

          I really hope someone can help as this is the last piece of a website that has a Friday deadline. Thanks in advance.

          • Can access the feed, i get the following error:
            <IRXML><Errors><Error errorCode="0">This request failed validation. Type of Failure encountered was Unauthorized</Error></Errors><IPAddress></IPAddress><RequestedUrl>http://xml.corporate-ir.net:84/irxmlclient.asp?compid=251258&reqtype=newsreleases_2</RequestedUrl></IRXML>
              • 6506
              • 35 Posts
              You might have to copy and paste the whole link if it doesn't work


              but essentially I need to limit the items and get the ReleaseID from the NewsRelease node

              <NewsRelease ReleaseID="2047271" DLU="20150512 21:00:31" ArchiveStatus="Current" RNSSource="" ContainerId="" Type="2"><Title>GasLog Ltd. Announces Election of Directors at 2015 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders</Title>
              <Date Date="20150512" Time="17:00:31" TimeZone="ET">5/12/2015 5:00:31 PM</Date>
              <DisplayDateStart Date="20150512" Time="17:00:31">May 12 2015 05:00</DisplayDateStart>
              <DisplayDateEnd Date="20350512" Time="21:00:31">May 12 2035 09:00</DisplayDateEnd>

              Thanks for the help

                • 22840
                • 1,572 Posts
                Quote from: gallenkamp at Jun 03, 2015, 10:23 AM
                Can access the feed, i get the following error:
                <irxml><errors><error errorcode="0">This request failed validation. Type of Failure encountered was Unauthorized</error></errors><ipaddress></ipaddress><requestedurl>http://xml.corporate-ir.net:84/irxmlclient.asp?compid=251258&reqtype=newsreleases_2</requestedurl></irxml>

                Getting the same error here as well
                • New snippet code with limits:
                  # Snippet to read and parse XML input
                  # USAGE: [[!parsex? &source=`feed.rss` &tpl=`xmlTpl`]]
                  # author: [email protected]
                  $source = $modx->getOption('source', $scriptProperties, 'http://modx.com/feeds/latest.rss');
                  $element = $modx->getOption('element', $scriptProperties, 'item');
                  $tpl = $modx->getOption('tpl', $scriptProperties, 'xmlTpl');
                  $wrapper = $modx->getOption('wrapper', $scriptProperties, 'wrapX');
                  $limit = $modx->getOption('limit', $scriptProperties, 0);
                  $debugmode = $modx->getOption('debugmode', $scriptProperties, false);
                  if (empty($source)) {
                      $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] Empty source adress passed, aborting.');
                      return 'No source definded.';
                  else {
                      if ($xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($source))) {
                          #$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] can read file: '.$source);
                          #$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] element value '.$element);
                          $nodes = $xml->xpath("//$element");
                          $nodecount = 0;
                          foreach ($nodes as $node)
                          $values = array();
                              foreach ($node as $key => $value) {
                                      if ($key == 'pubDate') {
                                          $value = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", strtotime($value));
                                      $values[$key] = (string)$value;
                                      foreach ($node->$key->attributes() as $attrkey => $attrval) {
                                          $values[$key.'.'.$attrkey] = (string)$attrval;
                                  if ($debugmode==true) {
                                  $output .= $modx->getChunk($tpl, $values);
                  if (($nodecount >= $limit) && ($limit !=0)) break;
                      else {
                          $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[parseX] can NOT read file: '.$source);
                  $result = array("result" => $output);
                  return $modx->getChunk($wrapper, $result);

                  Call it with the usual &limit=`5` or whatever.
                    • 6506
                    • 35 Posts
                    The limit works great, thanks for that. Any idea how I can get the ReleaseID id out though? This is a really big help, thanks again.

                    Just another thought as well. Is there any way of setting it to start at certain item? spieFeed does it with &getItemStart=`#`. Is this possible?

                    All this will make it a truly useful snippet (above and beyond what it is now).
                    • I am already on it. Dammit, I already had that integrated but didnt remember smiley
