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    • 14147
    • 26 Posts
    Evening all.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this problem of mine, which I'm sure is a simple one, but for the life of me, I cannot fathom it out!

    Developing locally on my server, everything worked as intended. However, when I moved it to my hosting company, I've got the main website to function however, everytime I go into the manager sections all I get is the top tool bar (see screen shot below).

    I suppose the worse comes to the worse, I'll have to re-install MODX on my hosts server, but rather fid out what I've done wrong to prevent this happening again.

    It is a football website for my local club and the season is about to start, so any help would be gratefully recieved.

    • First, did you clear the cache (core/cache/ - delete all files) before you dumped the database and files? Also, did you re-run setup after you moved the database? If not, do so. And then make sure to clear the core/cache files again. Also, clear the browser cache.

      Depending on the server, you may need to set compress_css and compress_js to "off" in system settings. If you can't get to the system settings, go to the modx_system_settings table in the database and set them both to "0".

      Essential: check your config files.

      core/config/config.inc.php is where the major path changes will likely be set incorrectly. Re-running setup doesn't change these paths unfortunately, so go in and check each path instance. I think there are something like 6 instances of path settings in this file.

      There are three other files that need checking too, if you read through the "moving your site to another server" docs, they are all listed. Usually a setting of "/core/" in these will work, as long as the other file points to the root install. Setting the path specifically should also work.

      Once you've deployed files to the new server, you need to update the main configuration file: core/config/config.inc.php. You have to update paths to 6 different resources. Open the file and update the values for the following variables doing a find and replace:
      /* PATHS */
      $modx_core_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/core/';
      $modx_processors_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/core/model/modx/processors/';
      $modx_connectors_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/connectors/';
      $modx_manager_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/manager/';
      $modx_base_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/';
      $modx_assets_path= '/path/to/modx_doc_root/assets/';
      /* HOST (used for command-line PHP stuff) */

      If you are also moving your site into or out of a subfolder, be sure to update the variables such as $modx_connectors_url, $modx_manager_url, and $modx_base_url. They should generally
      end with a slash (e.g., $modx_base_url='/' for a site not in a subfolder).
      Before you can edit your config file, you may need to loosen up the permissions. After you've edited it, be sure you restore the read-only permissions on the file.

      There are also 3 additional configuration files that contain two PHP constants:

      define('MODX_CORE_PATH', '/path/to/modx_doc_root/core/');
      define('MODX_CONFIG_KEY', 'config');


      Make sure you update the paths in these files as well.
        Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
        "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
        Having server issues? These guys have MODX Hosting perfected - SkyToaster
        • 14147
        • 26 Posts
        Hi FrogABog.

        I've just re-ran setup, which is the only thing I didn't do from that step-by-step instruction on moving your site. Still get the same manager page.

        I've still got my moved website working now (a snippet editted in phpmyadmin) fixed that, but still the manager for whatever reason isn't playng ball! I cannot access any of the menu items either, as they simply show the manager screen as it was before, blank below the toolbar.

        This is really confusing me now.

          • 14147
          • 26 Posts
          The other differences I see between my configuration and that of the guide are the following:

          My workspace name in the database is:
          1 Default MODX workspace {core_path} 2012-06-12 11:12:19 1 NULL


          If you are also moving your site into or out of a subfolder, be sure to update the variables such as $modx_connectors_url, $modx_manager_url, and $modx_base_url. They should generally
          end with a slash (e.g., $modx_base_url='/' for a site not in a subfolder).

          Mine are $modx_base_url='/connectors/' etc.
            • 14147
            • 26 Posts
            Also when I re-ran the setup, everything came back as being passed, nothing was wrong.
              • 14147
              • 26 Posts
              All of the CSS is loading and I'm not seeing any javascript errors either.
                • 14147
                • 26 Posts
                Whoops, I did actually have some javascript errors 404 bad network which has since been prevented by not compressing CSS (although it was loading correctly) and javascript.

                Cleared cache manually but now I'm getting several "ReferenceError: _ is not defined" javascript errors.
                • How did you transfer and unpack your .zip copy of MODX? If you used FTP, some files may not have made it. Grab a fresh zip file, ftp it to the server, and then unpack in the file manger on the server itself. Move the files up to the install folder, log out of the manager, delete the cache manually, and re-run setup. Setup usually runs just fine, even if the settings aren't correct. It's pushing all the other files you need and that might be missing or corrupted however.

                  It's installed in the root, yes? If so, those $modx_base_url='/connectors/' type settings should be set to $modx_base_url='/', etc. If in the root, the {core_path} setting is fine.

                  If it's in a subfolder however, leave them as is.

                  You turned off compress_css and compress_js, correct?

                  Where are you Bob? I'm not qualified to figure this out!
                    Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
                    "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
                    Having server issues? These guys have MODX Hosting perfected - SkyToaster
                    • 14147
                    • 26 Posts
                    Thanks for your continued help on this.

                    I packed the original site on my development box using the "tar -czf" command and then gunzipped it and tar -xvf on the target box.

                    It is installed in a sub-directory of the main www root directory, however, the URL to access it is: draytongrange.net as opposed to grantzone.net/draytongrange. Now if I try the latter, I don't get any CSS through and still nothing works, whilst in the former, CSS all works and I simply now get JS errors.

                    I've turned off compress_css and compress_js.

                    Attached is the screen shot of the manager website showing the errors in Firebug.

                      • 14147
                      • 26 Posts
                      Looking through Google, it seems remarkably similar to this problem http://tracker.modx.com/issues/7201. I know this is 99% certainly a configuration error since it is working fine on my local server, but for the life of me, I don't know what needs changing. (Above what was mentioned in the original topic about moving websites.)

                      The annoying thing is, apart from the JS errors on the front end, I'm getting no errors come through either via PHP or MODX.