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  • Love the sentiment! No problems. Look forward to next release.

    Have spent afternoon getting to grips with mxCalendar and it seems to fit the bill for the current project. Small site for local badminton club needing calendar functionality for match fixtures and club dates. Currently have categories hidden when all working will add link to site.

    Thanks smiley
      Helen Warner
      Number one pixel!
      Proud to be linked with MODX at Crimson Pixel
      • 38878
      • 255 Posts
      Having what I believe is a similar problem (revo 2.2.4.pl) fresh mxcalendar install. I checked the solution you referred to below and the line is already commented out in mine however, receiving this error when changing months (via ajax)

      Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in .../core/cache/includes/elements/modsnippet/102.include.cache.php on line 283

      Also blowing up a js coin slider element in my header. Has anyone else seen that behavior? May be a conflict somewhere /sigh
        • 38878
        • 255 Posts
        In looking through the documentation, I didn't see any reference to form integration (for things like event registration). Maybe I'm overlooking it. Are there any examples/tutorials for this? If not, can someone point me in the right direction? TIA.
          • 38878
          • 255 Posts
          I managed to fix the javascript manlfuction in my header after implementing MXCal by creating a new property set and adding the property addJQ and set it to false. This prevents a reload of the jquery libraries (should probably be off by default since it's highly unlikely that query wouldn't be loaded already.

          I did notice that I cannot set the showCategories property to false. It just reverts back, but I may have read that reported elsewhere.

          Now on to deciphering the Google Maps bits.
          • If you get the Google maps working could you share knowledge as I've not managed to get that to work yet.
              Helen Warner
              Number one pixel!
              Proud to be linked with MODX at Crimson Pixel
              • 38878
              • 255 Posts
              Happy to share google maps once I get it working.

              At present I am suffering from a javascript issue. It appears that the calendar modal view only works if addJQ property is set to true even if the page is loading the exact same instance of jquery in the header. Not sure if anyone else has seen this.

              The page initially loads fine but whenever you change months view the ajax load breaks and you get the naked ajax cal page. If I set the property to true my image slider breaks.

              Events Page can be seen at http://tinyurl.com/d3lqayf

              BTW also interested in any form integration examples. Has anyone done a registration form in MX Calendar yet? [ed. note: harveyev last edited this post 11 years, 7 months ago.]
              • That error you are experiencing is because there are no dates in that month, it seems to be a bug which hopefully will be fixed in next release - according to thread wink

                I've got the calendar working as a list view alongside the slideshow with this call:

                 [[!mxcalendar? &theme=`local` &addJQ=`0` &displayType=`list` &ajaxResourceId=`23` &dir=`ASC`  &tplListHeading=`tplBListHeading` &tplListItem=`tplBListItem` &tplListWrap=`tplBListWrap` &modalView=`1` &calendarFilter=`1`]] 

                I too had to disable jquery as it was being loaded with the slideshow. I've created my own css theme and my own chunks so that updates won't overwrite my changes.

                Awaiting fix for modal sizing as it is rather big at present!

                You can view the list at http://www.beaconsfieldbadmintonclub.co.uk

                  Helen Warner
                  Number one pixel!
                  Proud to be linked with MODX at Crimson Pixel
                  • 38878
                  • 255 Posts
                  Nice work. Yep I got the empty month thing. I am more concerned with my fail image slider atm. I unfortunately cannot disable jquery as I have other bits depending on it. I have noticed an injection in the page header for all mxcalendar related css and js bits (inlcuding jquery if enabled) and am attempting to locate that logic so I can place my reference to a custom js script after it. Was hoping for a chunk but no luck so far.

                  The login for injection of these elements in the header is that they go immediately before the </head> tag. That said there is no way for me to load my slider script after the mxcalendar bits (and thus jquery) loads, and thus my slider is not rendering. On document ready is not an option as the dom is already there and the slider needs to write to the dom on load. Slider script won't execute if the js call is in the body.

                  If I don't load ajax with MXCalendar then my slider works but the ajax calendar view doesn't work. /grrrr
                    • 38878
                    • 255 Posts
                    Thanks Charles. Did that yesterday. No luck. Even though when I look at the snippet code the line required is commented out, no matter what I do the cached modsnippet version (even after I manually delete) still shows the line un-commented. Very odd.

                    However this doesn't fix my ordering of the Jquery and js load. Can you tell me where I can inject a reference to a custom script in the mxcalendar header injection?

                    The code Im referring to is:

                    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.skipngofarm.com/assets/templates/sng/js/script.js"></script>
                    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/components/mxcalendars/themes/sng/css/mxcalendar.css" type="text/css" />
                    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
                    <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/components/mxcalendars/js/web/mxc-calendar.js"></script>
                    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/components/gallery/packages/slimbox/css/slimbox2.css" type="text/css" />
                    <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/components/gallery/packages/slimbox/js/slimbox2.js"></script>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                    if (!/android|iphone|ipod|series60|symbian|windows ce|blackberry/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
                    	jQuery(function($) {
                    	    var opts = {"loop":false,"overlayOpacity":0.8,"overlayFadeDuration":400,"resizeDuration":400,"resizeEasing":"swing","initialWidth":250,"initialHeight":250,"imageFadeDuration":400,"captionAnimationDuration":400,"counterText":"Image {x} of {y}","album":"2","tag":"","plugin":"slimbox","pluginPath":"","thumbTpl":"galItemThumb","containerTpl":"","itemCls":"gal-item-active","toPlaceholder":"current","thumbWidth":"120","thumbHeight":"90","thumbZoomCrop":true,"thumbFar":"C","thumbQuality":90,"thumbProperties":"","linkToImage":"","imageGetParam":"galItem","imageWidth":500,"imageHeight":500,"imageZoomCrop":false,"imageFar":"","imageQuality":90,"imageProperties":"","sort":"rand","dir":"ASC","limit":"4","start":0,"showInactive":false,"checkForRequestAlbumVar":true,"albumRequestVar":"galAlbum","checkForRequestTagVar":true,"tagRequestVar":"galTag","useCss":true};
                    		$("a[rel^='lightbox']").slimbox(opts, function(el) {
                    			return [encodeURI(el.href), el.title];
                    		}, function(el) {
                    			return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && (this.rel == el.rel));

                    I'd like to insert a script link after this and before the </head> tag.
                    • just an update if you haven't seen the newest release is out v1.1.6-pl.

                        Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
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