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      HI all,

      I too have encountered this issue. Same error, also going from 1.04 to 1.06.

      Thanks so much to kahli for the fix - it allowed me to bring my client's site back online!

      But is there a verdict on what this change means? Is it bad? Is MODX broken?

      This site is on PHP 4.4.9 - so easily ahead of the required 4.1.20.
      • It's not so much MODx being broken, as the usual problems that occur as a general change to more modern platforms leads to more applications using the newer features and methods, leading to a slowly diminishing number of users adversely affected as their hosts eventually upgrade to the newer version, and a growing number of users of older applications having problems with errors and deprecation warnings on the newer platforms.

        In other words, an application written to work on PHP 5 will likely be "broken" on PHP 4 at some point, while an application written to work on PHP 4 will "break" when run with PHP 5. This isn't anything new; it starts happening within a year or so of any major and sometimes even minor release of PHP.

        This isn't too surprising, considering that PHP 5 was released in 2004 and PHP 4 was officially considered discontinued in 2008. It could get much worse... http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/153-The-Plot-to-Kill-PHP-MySQL-Extension.html
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          • 39073
          • 15 Posts
          Hi everyone,

          Yup, turns out that the site is currently running on PHP 4.4.4 and MySQL 5.0.32. I have the option of upgrading to PHP 5.2.6 / MySQL 5.0.51 – should this fix the issue? As I have this option I think I will go ahead with the upgrade.

          For those that don't have that option, what is the best way to continue working with MODx Evolution?

          Thanks, Kahli
          • MySQL 5.0.51 has some well-known serious bugs that will cause problems with some of the common snippets. This problem is so well-known that I'm surprised any hosting still provides that version. Of course, I've had a few hosting companies that actually used a different version than the one they said they did, they just never got around to updating their site to reflect the change in MySQL version.


            While Evo itself works fine, and there are a couple of workarounds for the problem in the snippets, I don't think Revo will even install with that version.
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              • 39073
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              Thanks sottwell,

              Do you know off the top of your head whether I can apply the sorting problem fix prior to upgrading the site to MySQL 5.0.51?
              • Yes, it won't hurt anything, it just makes the sort less efficient (I think that's what it does, anyway). But I'd be inclined to test the actual version of MySQL before I did anything.

                MODx 1.0.5 (and maybe 1.0.4) say what the MySql version is in Reports -> System Info; you may also be able to find out from your hosting's control panel (phpMyAdmin). [ed. note: sottwell last edited this post 12 years, 1 month ago.]
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                  • 39079
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                  Thanks sottwell. While I understand software can't support old versions forever - my version does exceed the requirement for MODX Evo so I wouldn't expect it to completely fail. So I was wondering whether I should file a bug report, basically.

                  In regards to my edit though - can anyone say if it's a bad thing? Will it affect security of the site?
