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    • 20407
    • 82 Posts
    Perhaps it has something to do with the .htaccess settings being commented out? If the .htaccess settings aren't needed, why are they there in the first place? So I'll repeat my question from #17: Do those settings need to be made a different way?
      • 34078
      • 76 Posts
      Rhoooo ... I'm very tired !!! You just have to set smartoptimizer.client_cache_check setting to Yes and SmartOmptimizer will check client cache and serve file only if there is no cached file or if file was modified.

      The .htaccess disable PHP compression since SmartOptimizer already gzip files.

      If you have a dedicated server you can use the Google mod_pagespeed instead of SmartOptimizer. [ed. note: ben_omycode last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]
      • Hey Ben,

        I got it running with one single css file. When I give it a second one, it doesnt give any output at all. Could that rely on rather long /path/file combinations?

        	<link rel="stylesheet" href="[[SmartOptimizer? &files=`/assets/templates/flexibility/stylesheets/foundation.css`]]">
        	<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/templates/flexibility/stylesheets/jquery.fancybox.css">
        	<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/templates/flexibility/style.css">
        • I got the .htaccess version running, but unfortunately it kills my map (openlayers).
            • 34078
            • 76 Posts
            If you want concatenate multiple CSS or JS files, those have to be in the same directory and then call them like that :
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="[[SmartOptimizer? &files=`assets/css/file1.css,file2.css`]]">

            or if you choose the .htaccess method :
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/file1.css,file2.css"/>

            I don't know why it kills your map. Did you have a JS error ?
              • 47635
              • 33 Posts
              Thanks for extra.
              Why I can't find it by MODX package manager?