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    • 32678
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    Quote from: Everettg_99 at Dec 17, 2013, 05:43 AM
    I've got an AddOn worked out in part that should give taxonomies to all MODX posts/pages/articles a la WordPress style...

    Do tell...
      • 42967
      • 143 Posts
      Here's how I handle posts that can be in multiple categories.

      1) Create the categories editor

      I use the excellent Grid Class Key, but you could use articles and even just resources in a container

      2) Create a categories tv and assign it to your post template

      Input Type = Listbox (mulit-select)
      Input option = @SELECT pagetitle, pagetitle FROM modx_site_content WHERE parent=20
      output type = delimiter
      delimiter = ||

      *change 20 to the id of your categories container

      3) List the relevant posts in the categories template

      [[getResources? &parents=`21` &tpl=`postTpl` &limit=`99` &processTVs=`1` &includeTV=`1` &includeTVList=`categories` &tvFilters=`categories==%[[*pagetitle]]%` &depth=`0`]]  

      * &parents is the id of your posts container

      4) Create a categories menu

      [[Wayfinder? &startId=`20` &level=`1`]]

      [ed. note: eighthday last edited this post 10 years, 2 months ago.]
        Eighth day design
        Design agency with offices in Edinburgh and Brighton
        • 36516
        • 179 Posts
        Ah ha. This is the kind of solution I had in mind, but never found the time to have a go at. Thanks for this - it looks like just the trick. I'll soon be giving it a go, at which time I'll report back on how well it works for me so others might consider it too.
        • Quote from: Everettg_99 at Dec 17, 2013, 11:43 AM
          I've got an AddOn worked out in part that should give taxonomies to all MODX posts/pages/articles a la WordPress style...

          Any update on that Everett?
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 36516
            • 179 Posts
            Frustratingly I still haven't started my project that requires this, but rereading this has me thinking that in the modular, granular spirit of modx perhaps it would be useful to have a custom TV for presenting a hierarchical tickbox list of categories as per eighthday's suggestion above. Same solution but with tickboxes, and hierarchy as per the WordPress solution. Doesn't seem like a stretch either. Might have a go at it myself. Conceivably you could point it at a resource and it'll build the category list from that resource's children.
            • Working on it -- gotta debundle it from another project. @Dave Smith: that's the idea -- when taxonomies (i.e. categories) and their terms are stored as custom resource classes (CRCs), then the terms are simply children of the parent taxonomy. Customizing the modx manager to work with that stuff via Ext JS isn't much fun though.
                • 18367
                • 834 Posts
                As I've said before, there's no need to use Articles.

                I built a blog with categories the old fashioned way http://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/case-studies-and-tutorials/creating-a-blog-in-modx-revolution#CreatingaBloginMODxRevolution-CreatingtheSections

                First on Evo then I moved it to Revo. It was daunting at first because I'm not a coder but if I can do it anyone can. I did it because I got so ticked off with Wordpress. After seeing how easy it was to do in Modx I'd never go back to using Wordpress. Plus it's a dream to manage.

                The blog has been running for 6 years now on Modx without any problems. http://www.makethemclick.com.au/library

                I did look at Articles, but it seemed to be trying to be a Wordpress clone which was exactly what I was trying to get away from.

                PS I like eigthday's suggestion of using Grid Class Key, I might try that as it seems like a slightly more elegant solution to what I originally used.

                  Content Creator and Copywriter
                  • 32678
                  • 290 Posts
                  Quote from: markg at Jun 21, 2014, 08:16 AM
                  As I've said before, there's no need to use Articles.

                  I built a blog with categories the old fashioned way http://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/case-studies-and-tutorials/creating-a-blog-in-modx-revolution#CreatingaBloginMODxRevolution-CreatingtheSections

                  First on Evo then I moved it to Revo. It was daunting at first because I'm not a coder but if I can do it anyone can. I did it because I got so ticked off with Wordpress. After seeing how easy it was to do in Modx I'd never go back to using Wordpress. Plus it's a dream to manage.

                  The blog has been running for 6 years now on Modx without any problems. http://www.makethemclick.com.au/library

                  I did look at Articles, but it seemed to be trying to be a Wordpress clone which was exactly what I was trying to get away from.

                  PS I like eigthday's suggestion of using Grid Class Key, I might try that as it seems like a slightly more elegant solution to what I originally used.

                  I really couldn't agree more. I've also built a blog not using Articles and it works great. For a site that's about to launch, I chose Articles and regret it. It has been nothing but a pain in the ass. It doesn't function as described, the documentation is criminally incomplete, and the whole Wordpress to Modx migration...those posts should be unpublished. It's just totally unrealistic.
                    • 40088
                    • 708 Posts
                    Thanks to @MarkG for the link, and to @eighthday for the Grid Class Key suggestion. Having used Articles several times I now need a blog with categories so I decided to try and build one manually.

                    I'm new to Grid Class Key and having installed it and played around I find it interesting, though I don't understand under what kind of use-case scenarios (apart from eighthday's example above) where it would be beneficial. For example, are there any inherent pros (or cons) to using GCK to build the structure of a category-based blog vs. doing it the typical way by creating nested folders in the Resource tree, as explained in the above tutorial?

                    Trying to wrap my head around all of this.

                    • Here's the Taxonomies Extra: http://modx.com/extras/package/taxonomies
                      It lets you create categories and tags and it supports true hierarchical searches.