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    • 28107
    • 230 Posts
    there is another one: if you have a register.confirm page (that comes with the login package)
    and you try to activate your login a second time, you'll get also an error.

    i mean this one http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/Login.ConfirmRegister
    (user gets an acivation link and uses it twice.

    I fixed the first bug very rude in line 52++
    if (!$modx->user->hasSessionContext('internal')) {
            return $output; // nicht logged in 

    :) [ed. note: spackko last edited this post 10 years, 9 months ago.]
      CONIN Werbeagentur . Köln
      • 7371
      • 22 Posts
      Hi all,

      my navigation uses icons throughout the site, i'm trying to use breadcrumb to show the relevent icons as well but it seems to be using the same icon for each of the links back through the site.

      This is my template chunk - the [[*Page Icon]] is my template variable that is used to make each link have different graphics, works fine in wayfinder but breadcrumb uses the current pages icon for all 3 links back to the homepage?

      <a href="[[+link]]" title="[[+pagetitle]]">
      <span class="icon ligth-green">
      <img src="[[*Page Icon:phpthumbof=`w=135&h=135&zc=1]]" alt="[[+pagetitle]]"
      data-black-white="[[*Page Icon:phpthumbof=`w=135&h=135&zc=1]]"
      data-black-yellow="[[*Page Icon:phpthumbof=`w=135&h=135&zc=1]]"
      data-yellow-black="[[*Page Icon:phpthumbof=`w=135&h=135&zc=1]]" />
      <span class="name">[[+pagetitle]]</span>

      Anyone know if you can use TVs with Breadcrumb?
        • 34078
        • 76 Posts
        Hi Digibug,

        For now Breadcrumb doesn't support TV yet. So you can't use [[+tv.pageicon]] placehoder BUT you can use getResourceField package and call your TV that way :
        [[getResourceField? &field=`pageicon` &isTV=`1` &id=`[[+id]]`]]
          • 2396
          • 101 Posts

          Is it possible to exclude one or more specified resources from Breadcrumb? (something like e.g &exclude=`23`)

          I am trying to use Breadcrumb to generate the full URL of a current resource (the URL is important, not the clickable hyperlink) as a way of generating a hreflang path attribute. The code I am using is:

          <link rel=”alternate” href=”http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/[[Breadcrumb? &showHidden=`0` &showUnPub=`0` &containerTpl=`@CODE:[[+crumbs]]` &currentCrumbTpl=`@CODE:[[+link]]` &linkCrumbTpl=`@CODE:[[+crumb]]` ]]” hreflang=”fr-fr” />

          and it comes very close, if I'm in the French version of the site, it generates:

          <link rel=”alternate” href=”http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/fr/news/name-of-article” hreflang=”fr-fr” />

          In this case, I am trying to exclude the extra 'fr/' (which is added by Breadcrumb because it's the parent container of the French language version of the site).

          I need to do this so I can hard code the region but have the remainder of the URL automatically inserted for additional hreflang attributes, e.g.
          <link rel=”alternate” href=”http://www.mywebsite.com/sp/news/name-of-article” hreflang=”sp-sp” />
          <link rel=”alternate” href=”http://www.mywebsite.com/en/news/name-of-article” hreflang=”en-en” />

          Or maybe there is an easier way with another plugin or something?

          By the way, I hope this all makes sense : /
            • 45353
            • 12 Posts

            I have a similar issue as atype, however, I do not wish to exclude resources from Breadcrumb, but rather have items in the breadcrumb chain display as text instead of links. For example, I am working on a site that has a navigation item labeled as "Programs". Under this item is a drop-down sub-navigation of various programs. The "Programs" page is not actually a page, but rather a container that is holding its respective sub-navigation. When breadcrumbs are displayed on the child pages of "Programs", "Programs" appears as a link and goes to www.mysite.com/programs.html even though this page uses an empty template and technically does not exist. Is there any way to work around/fix this issue?
              • 34078
              • 76 Posts


              Thanks to brunk's contribution you can now use a category crumb template to display resources which are folders and have empty template or link attribute to

              Update to BreadCrumb 1.3.2-beta1 !
                • 8822
                • 203 Posts
                Hi Ben, can you explain how you use rel="category" to exclude specific resources. The breadcrumbs i am generating displays 'Home - Directory - Business Services - Service Name' and i want it to display 'Home - Directory - Service Name', but not sure what the best way around this is ??
                  • 34078
                  • 76 Posts
                  BreadCrumb 1.4.0-pl released !

                  • Simplified home crumb usage. Now, the &showHomeCrumb=1 property adds the home crumb at the start of breadcrumb and &showHomeCrumb=0 hides it if present.
                  • Add &exclude property to exlude one or many resources from breadcumb
                  • Tpl @CODE no longer supported. Use @INLINE instead.
                  • &resourceId no longer supported. Use &to property instead
                    • 8898
                    • 181 Posts
                    Hi Ben,

                    I just updated BreadCrumb 1.3.2-beta1 to version 1.4.0-pl. Now the part belonging to the displayed resource is shown as a link with a delimiter behind it (using my template for default breadcrumb links) instead of just a text without a character behind it (using my template for the current crumb).

                    Is it possible that the "currentCrumbTpl" property isn't used correctly anymore? Here's the tag I'm calling the BreadCrumb snippet with:


                    I didn't have the time to check the PHP code yet.

                      This message has been ROT-13 encrypted twice for higher security.
                      • 34078
                      • 76 Posts
                      Hi enigmatic_user,

                      You're right, there was a bug with the current resource detection.
                      It's fixed in BreadCrumb 1.4.1-pl.

                      Thank's for the report.