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  • I think lossendae is right on in this case. That seems to be a fit for your particular app and could be done with a custom TV.
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
    • First off – I want to say after using Revolution for a couple months and then switching back to a site using Evolution – I really appreciate all the work and thought that has gone into it. Once I got used to rev (which took a bit of time), it speeds up the process of developing a site quite a bit and I like all the flexibility that is built in.

      As for thoughts:
      Because recently I have been using the form customization quite a bit on a more complicated site, I feel it would easier if there was an option to apply the rule to both resource/update and resource/create at the same time. This would save time in setup and simplify maintaining and reviewing the rules. I understand the flexibility for having it unique for each action but most of the time the rules are the same for me so I duplicate the rule and then change the action.

      Along the same lines (and similar to a request on the settings page) I think anywhere there are tables of data (such as the rules page), it would be a timesaver if we could have an option to change the amount of items its displaying instead of paginating through. I think 20 is a good default number, but when working on it locally and having 3 pages of form customization rules, I often wish I could set it much higher to scan through things.
        • 28215
        • 4,149 Posts
        Quote from: waldus68 at Aug 18, 2010, 04:53 PM

        Because recently I have been using the form customization quite a bit on a more complicated site, I feel it would easier if there was an option to apply the rule to both resource/update and resource/create at the same time. This would save time in setup and simplify maintaining and reviewing the rules. I understand the flexibility for having it unique for each action but most of the time the rules are the same for me so I duplicate the rule and then change the action.
        We’re definitely looking into ways to speed up and optimize the flow of adding Form Customization rules. Suggestions are welcome.

        Along the same lines (and similar to a request on the settings page) I think anywhere there are tables of data (such as the rules page), it would be a timesaver if we could have an option to change the amount of items its displaying instead of paginating through. I think 20 is a good default number, but when working on it locally and having 3 pages of form customization rules, I often wish I could set it much higher to scan through things.
        This has already been added to Revo in the Git version, and will be in the 2.0.1 patch release.
          shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
          • 24021
          • 2 Posts
          How about a bulk import/export to csv system/Snippet/Module for web user profiles would be great rather then havin to go into phpmyadmin. I have a few websites now that want a members only login area. MODx works great for this and its very easy to set up but if I have 100 or so members to add I have to do it manually one at a time unless I go into the database.
            • 20288
            • 132 Posts
            I like the fact that in Package Management, you are give a "Yes" if there is an update available. What I don’t like is the fact that you have to navigate yourself to find that update. Would it be possible to make the "Yes" a link to update right there?
              • 28215
              • 4,149 Posts
              Quote from: motoxer4533 at Aug 20, 2010, 01:28 PM

              I like the fact that in Package Management, you are give a "Yes" if there is an update available. What I don’t like is the fact that you have to navigate yourself to find that update. Would it be possible to make the "Yes" a link to update right there?
              Excellent suggestion. Added in Git, will be in 2.0.1: http://github.com/modxcms/revolution/commit/3ae71c46dd4ae8338479aa9a36e7dbaa3fa8307d
                shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
                • 19388
                • 297 Posts
                Two little sugestions:
                System Settings: I think making double-click in each item to be edited is not usable. 1) it is not intuitive. 2) If we want to change some settings, with have to make a lot of double clicks! I think is easier a classic field + save button or another alternative.
                Each time we try to add a new package, we are asked to select a provider. In a future, could be a lot of providers but now there is only one. Why not to jump directly to the final screen??? In a future, modxcms.com could be the default provider and jump directly to it. If we want to change the provider, there could be a link at the bottom to select another provider.
                • @mIDO

                  If you click directly on Download Extras, you will see the modxcms provider by default without having to select it beforehand.

                    • 19388
                    • 297 Posts
                    Thanks, I hadn’t have clicked it. But I think the two bottons are confusing...
                      • 4971
                      • 964 Posts
                      Doesn’t Download Extras send you to a list of links to
                      manually download the files? And the other way you
                      can download the Package automatically?

                      Let me go try the buttons too...

                      Edit: no, you are right, the tree appears on the left side...
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