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  • Yeah, I know. someone will thunk me for even bringing this up. However this is super easy and I thought I would share.

    1. Disable htmlentities in your template. I was using smoothgallery so I went into assets/maxigallery/templates/gallerypicturetpl and took out the :htmlent

    it went from

    	<div class="imageElement">
    	<a href="[+maxigallery.picture_link_url+]" title="[+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" class="open"></a>
    	<img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" class="full" />
    	<img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+]tn_[+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" class="thumbnail" />


    	<div class="imageElement">
    	<a href="[+maxigallery.picture_link_url+]" title="[+maxigallery.strings.click_to_zoom+]" class="open"></a>
    	<img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+][+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" class="full" />
    	<img src="[(base_url)][+maxigallery.path_to_gal+]tn_[+maxigallery.picture.filename+]" class="thumbnail" />

    then in assets/snipplets/maxigallery/manageoutertpl.html

    I pasted this. At the top.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/plugins/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js" ></script >
    <script type="text/javascript" >
            mode : "textareas",
            theme : "advanced",   //(n.b. no trailing comma, this will be critical as you experiment later)
            theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,link,unlink,removeformat",
            theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
            theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
            theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
            theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
            theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom",
            theme_advanced_resizing : true
    </script >

    I also added closing body and html rags at the bottom of the tpl file.

    so now my manager looks thusly (screenshot attached below)

    this makes it so my happy little business owner can add his own links to his photo captions without knowing html. Yay.


      Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
      Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
      "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
    • and before someone asks me how I have MG configured...

      here is my snippet call.

      [!MaxiGallery? &view_gallery=`135` &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`smoothgallery` &keep_bigimg=`1` &smoothgallery_id=`7` &smoothgallery_height=`284` &smoothgallery_width=`637` &smoothgallery_delay=`9000` &smoothgallery_showInfopane=`true` &smoothgallery_timed=`true` &smoothgallery_showCarousel=`false` &smoothgallery_embedLinks=`false` &smoothgallery_showArrows=`false` &manage_target=`135` &max_pic_size=`0` !] 

      &smoothgallery_showinfopane does the caption magic.

        Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
        Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
        "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
      • ouch, one other thing.

        in the name of really really really zealous error trapping, the lovely author of this snippet has a place:

        if($_REQUEST['modified'.$i]=='yes') {
        						// restructured for clarity and extended MF oct2005
        						$updateQueryString= "UPDATE ".$mg->pics_tbl." SET ";
        						$updateQueryString.= "title='".addslashes($_REQUEST['title'.$i])."'"; //add title content
        							$updateQueryString.=", descr='".addslashes($_REQUEST['descr'.$i])."'"; //MF add descr content
        						if($custposvalid==1 && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pos'.$i]))
        							$updateQueryString.=", pos=".$_REQUEST['pos'.$i]; //add pos value
        						if ($_REQUEST['hide'.$i]=="yes") {
        							$updateQueryString.=", hide='1'";
        						} else {
        							$updateQueryString.=", hide='0'";
        						$updateQueryString.=" WHERE id='" .$_REQUEST['pic_id'.$i]."'";
        						$rs3=$modx->db->query( $updateQueryString );

        like that in maxigallery.php

        because I want this to -work- I totally hacked it up and added this:

        if($_REQUEST['modified'.$i]=='no') {
        						// restructured for clarity and extended MF oct2005
        						$updateQueryString= "UPDATE ".$mg->pics_tbl." SET ";
        						$updateQueryString.= "title='".addslashes($_REQUEST['title'.$i])."'"; //add title content
        							$updateQueryString.=", descr='".addslashes($_REQUEST['descr'.$i])."'"; //MF add descr content
        						if($custposvalid==1 && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pos'.$i]))
        							$updateQueryString.=", pos=".$_REQUEST['pos'.$i]; //add pos value
        						if ($_REQUEST['hide'.$i]=="yes") {
        							$updateQueryString.=", hide='1'";
        						} else {
        							$updateQueryString.=", hide='0'";
        						$updateQueryString.=" WHERE id='" .$_REQUEST['pic_id'.$i]."'";
        						$rs3=$modx->db->query( $updateQueryString );

        which basically just undoes all the zealous and painstaking error trapping that Sparky did. I’m deeply sorry.

        I understand that the correct way to fix this is to go and bind the event with ajax so the keyDown registers and toggles the "modified" trigger... and there is an actual tinyMCE function to do that (tinyMCE writes to an iframe and then replaces your textarea, so a keyDown event doesn’t register when you use it here), but I tried it and it seems to be fighting Prototype/Scriptaculous. I’m just not that ambitious and it seems to me that it might be okay to send an update query whether there was a keyDown trigger or not?

        so I am.

        the other small wrinkle.

        one other place the pesky :htmlent appeared.... managepicturetpl.html
        	<textarea name="[+maxigallery.fieldnames.title+]" rows="2" cols="40" onKeyDown="document.editform.[+maxigallery.fieldnames.modified+].value='yes'">[+maxigallery.picture.title+]</textarea>
        	<br />
        	<textarea name="[+maxigallery.fieldnames.description+]" rows="4" cols="40" onKeyDown="document.editform.[+maxigallery.fieldnames.modified+].value='yes'">[+maxigallery.picture.descr+]</textarea>
        	<br />

        that’s what it was after I removed them.

        alright, all is working now. If anyone wishes to correct me and give me the right js to fix and bind my form rather than hacking up the if-then statement then you will be my hero, if not then,....oh well.



          Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
          Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
          "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
          • 23849
          • 223 Posts
          *** SOLVED***
          I didn't follow the instructions explicitly - I replaced with your code instead of adding your code. All set now!
          *** /SOLVED ***

          Hello Red,

          Thanks so much for this tutorial! It works really well.

          I have noticed one problem though - it seems the "position" field no longer functions when I implement your changes to maxigallery.php.

          Any thoughts would be much appreciated! [ed. note: presson83 last edited this post 12 years, 6 months ago.]
            Nick Hoag
            Creative Partner
            The FutureForward

          • um, I have no idea. But I will add it to my list of to-do's and if I have a chance I will test it on the set up where I did this. He hasnt complained so it might be fine on mine and if so we can track down the difference.

              Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
              Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
              "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
              • 23849
              • 223 Posts
              I actually figured out the issue (you can see my *SOLVED* comment above). Thanks!
                Nick Hoag
                Creative Partner
                The FutureForward

              • lol, okay, sorry. Glad you have it working!

                  Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
                  Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
                  "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
                  • 23849
                  • 223 Posts
                  Definitely! Thanks again for this great little tutorial. Such a help with most clients!
                    Nick Hoag
                    Creative Partner
                    The FutureForward

                  • ATTENTION...apparently if you want to be able to hide/order photos after adding this modification, you have to change the code referenced above a different way. Gracias to Rodney, my programmer/partner for this catch and fix.

                    so above I referenced a chunk of code....(if request modified=YES ...yada yada) and it should be this instead:

                    if($_REQUEST['modified'.$i]=='yes') {
                                            // restructured for clarity and extended MF oct2005
                                            $updateQueryString= "UPDATE ".$mg->pics_tbl." SET ";
                                            $updateQueryString.= "title='".addslashes($_REQUEST['title'.$i])."'"; //add title content
                                                $updateQueryString.=", descr='".addslashes($_REQUEST['descr'.$i])."'"; //MF add descr content
                                            if($custposvalid==1 && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pos'.$i]))
                                                $updateQueryString.=", pos=".$_REQUEST['pos'.$i]; //add pos value
                                            if ($_REQUEST['hide'.$i]=="yes") {
                                                $updateQueryString.=", hide='1'";
                                            } else {
                                                $updateQueryString.=", hide='0'";
                                            $updateQueryString.=" WHERE id='" .$_REQUEST['pic_id'.$i]."'";
                                            $rs3=$modx->db->query( $updateQueryString );

                      Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
                      Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
                      "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
                      • 22574
                      • 181 Posts
                      Awesome solution. One problem, mine Tinymce adds <p> around the h3 and current p tags.

                      Which creates errors but also the <p><p>description here - doesnt appear.

                      Any ideas?

                      I removed the extra <p> </p> from the template but it stops maxi from working altogether.