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    • 18913
    • 654 Posts
    Tthis was way easier than I thought it would be. First, I created a snippet in MODx and called it wp_bridge. In it, I put the following code, which is basically everything that gets loaded up until "wp" gets called. So the snippet looks like this :

    //This code pieced together by Matt Considine from files
    //in a Wordpress install, January 2010
    * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
    define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
    /* Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
    if ( !isset($wp_did_header) )
       $wp_did_header = true;
       //In this case it is assumed that the Wordpress install is
       //located in a folder called 'wordpress', which lives alongside
       //the assets and manager folders of a default MODx installation
       require_once( 'wordpress' . '/wp-load.php' );

    At the start of a MODx template, e.g. "Minimal Template", I put this


    Now, I created another snippet, called wp_function. This looks like this :
    $output = '';
    $output .= 'Blog name : '.get_bloginfo('name');
    return $output;

    Creating a new document that uses this new template, I place the following call in it’s content area :

    ... which displays the name of the blog.

    A bigger example of the info available is here :
    $output = '';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('admin_email').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('atom_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('charset').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('comments_atom_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('comments_rss2_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('description').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('html_typen').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('language').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('name').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('pingback_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('rdf_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('rss2_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('rss_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('siteurl').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('stylesheet_directory').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('stylesheet_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('template_directory').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('template_url').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('text_direction').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('version').'<br />';
    $output .= get_bloginfo('twpurl').'<br />';
    $variable = wp_list_categories('echo=0&show_count=1&title_li=<h2>Categories</h2>');
    $variable = str_replace(array('(',')'), '', $variable);
    $output .= $variable;
    $output .= wp_list_pages('echo=0');
    return $output;

    Finally, I was also able to pull in the header, footer, etc. files via the "get" functions
    in WP. But there was a conflict with the existing style sheet that I was using, so I haven’t
    got the kinks worked out yet. But I’ve begun to wonder if it’s possible to have one set of
    cleverly written templates that work in both MODx and WP.

    As much as anything else, this was an effort to see if the same general approach could
    be used in making Wordpress functions available in MODx as is used in making MODx resources
    available in Wordpress. Dunno yet where this will lead, but I thought I’d point this approach


      • 8609
      • 607 Posts
      Thanks for sharing this! This is pretty interesting and neat, I’m going to have to play with it some smiley
        • 18913
        • 654 Posts
        Well, for just for you-know-what-and giggles, I was able to pull up an essentially-unaltered Wordpress template from within MODx. The layout wasn’t perfect because I didn’t try to use all the WP code in MODx, but it was close.

        In MODX, I created the following snippet, called wp_bridge :
        if (!defined('MODX_WP'))
             define('MODX_WP','MODX'); //MattC
              * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
             define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
             /* Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
             if ( !isset($wp_did_header) )
        	$wp_did_header = true;
        	require_once( 'wordpress' . '/wp-load.php' );

        This allows us to not load the MODX bridge routine that will be set up in Wordpress. And vice versa (see below)

        Next I created a new document template, the contents of which are

        A snippet called wp_call is created and it looks like this :

        This snippet is invoking the basic Wordpress functions to get and process various templates. Just to see what would happen smiley

        In Wordpress, I have a file called modx_bridge.php which lives in whatever theme I am using. It is based on Tim Spencer’s work found here
        There is another, similar, routine which can be found in the MODx archives which would probably work as well. But I haven’t tried it.

        In any case, my version of that routine looks like this :
        if (!defined('MODX_WP'))
        	// MODx integration
        	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        	// ----- CONFIG -----
        	define('MODX_SITE_BASE_URL', 'http://localhost/testsite/');
        	define('MODX_MANAGER_PATH', 'c:/xampp/htdocs/testsite/manager');
        	define('MODX_DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER', 206); // The MODx document we are going to pretend to be
        	// ------------------
        	// Some defines used by the modx API
        	define('MODX_API_MODE', true); // Tells MODx index.php to not run $modx->executeParser
        	define('MODX_SITE_URL', (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'off' ? 'http://' : 'https://').$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].MODX_SITE_BASE_URL); 
        	// Run the MODx config and get site settings
        	//  Set the docid (most sensibly to the MODx weblink to here) and get the MODx document object
        	$modx->documentObject = $modx->getDocumentObject('id', MODX_DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER);
        	$modx->documentIdentifier = MODX_DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER;
        	// Set the base URL for any MODx snippets
        	$modx->config['base_url'] = MODX_SITE_BASE_URL;
        	// Get AND parse a modx chunk. Cannot cope with nested snippets within the chunk. 
        	function modx_chunk($chunk_name)
        		global $modx;
        		return $modx->rewriteURLs(str_replace('[~', MODX_SITE_URL.'[~', // Ensure that the link goes to the MODx site and not e.g. /blog/pagename       
        		$modx->parseDocumentSource(str_replace('[!', '[[', str_replace('!]', ']]', $modx->getChunk($chunk_name))))));

        And it is included at the top of each Wordpress theme .PHP file like this
        <?php require_once('modx_bridge.php'); ?>

        With the variable "MODX_WP" available in both locations and MODx and WP functions available to the other app, I think it might be possible to have one set of layout and stylesheets for both apps. Not being intimately familiar with the innards of either MODx or WP, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a ton of overhead that gets created, or that it is incredibly inefficient to do this. And there may be a lot of good reasons not to do this. But for the moment, ignorance is bliss. Or at least entertaining ...

        UPDATE : I got two WP widgets to run in MODx...

          • 18913
          • 654 Posts
          There’s a bit more flexibility to be had if, instead of one snippet like wp_call (above), there are separate calls to the WP "get" functions. So the template looks like :

          <div id="content">
          <div><!-- content -->

          where each snippet has a form similar to this one (wp_get_header) :

          I’ve still got the sidebar ending up on the left as opposed to the right (using the "Scruffy" WP template I’ve been playing with), so there’s still some tweaking to be done.

            • 18913
            • 654 Posts
            Of course, the fun couldn’t last for long...

            I’m trying to implement this in an online environment and getting this error
            Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::set_prefix() in [...]/wp-settings.php on line 287
            when trying to get the wp_bridge snippet to load in MODx. ([...] is just the path on the testinstall I’m trying)

            I suspect there’s some include file that is not getting loaded, but not sure why that would be the case. The versions of WP are the same (2.9.1).

            Loading the modx_bridge works - I’m able to load a chunk and have it’s contents displayed on the WP blog. But I’m there must be some permissions or .htaccess or ... something that’s different enough from the local install I was initially playing with to mess things up. I’ll report back if I ever get it figured out ...
              • 18913
              • 654 Posts
              This is a bit puzzling. I had MODx and WP talking to each other on a local install, with MODx being v 1.0.0 and WP being and v 2.8.4 upgraded to 2.9.1

              So I went to try the same trick on an online setup, using a clean MODx install (1.0.2) and WP install (2.9.1). And promptly ran into the above problem. Which seems to be related to the use of global variables, in part, by WP. This type of error has been noted by others trying to pull info out of WP, at least according to Google. (It seems that the 2.9.1 update has busted things for other people as well).

              Still, I thought I should try things locally again with a clean Evo and WP install. Same versions as the ones online, just local. Pulling info from MODx into WP works, but when I tried my already-tested routine to get the blog name displayed in MODx, I get this error
              « MODx Parse Error »
              MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
              « PHP Parse Error »

              PHP error debug
              Error: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
              Error type/ Nr.: - 8192
              File: C:\xampp\htdocs\wpmodx\blog\wp-settings.php
              Line: 601
              Line 601 source: $wp_the_query =& new WP_Query();

              So I’m guessing something changed between v1.0.0 of Evo and v1.0.2 of Evo to cause this.

              Does anyone know of a flag that can be thrown which will treat this sort of thing as a warning rather than an error? Is it possible to do that "on the fly" rather than having to mess with the default install options of MODx?

              Or is this error a red herring, meaning the real issue lies elsewhere? I’d note that I don’t see any errors when running WP - which is why I’m puzzled about what is causing this.

              Any perspective would be helpful.
                • 18913
                • 654 Posts
                Okay. It would have helped if I had remembered that index.php in the MODx install needs to have this as the first line :

                where "blog" is the subfolder name where Wordpress lives. (I suppose this could also be require_once ...)

                Also, it appears that the recent install of WP did not have this

                on the first line of wp-config.php

                I haven’t run a complete check, but this seems to take care of the problem.

                  • 8609
                  • 607 Posts
                  Just saying thanks again for this thread and for sharing your process smiley
                    • 10076
                    • 1,024 Posts

                    thanks for sharing. Do you think you could work this out, with a doc so even I could understand it.
                    I have been trying to do the same, but I lack PHP skills, so keep up the good work,

                      • 18913
                      • 654 Posts
                      I’ll try to write this up. In the meantime, here’s a live example of running WP widgets in MODx, with a link to the Wordpress blog, which itself pulls the MODx "Minimal" theme elements and uses that in place of it’s default. In this instance, I editted the Wordpress "classic" theme to pull the elements of the MODx theme it needed. This did require chopping up the "Minimal" theme so that it was more Wordpress-ready, in a sense.

                      I’m not sure the databases was all that happy with this work. Maybe my host was having a glitch, but at one point I got a database error and needed to revisit the site. Didn’t need to reload anything - it was more of a hiccup than a problem. But one thing that had been working - using a snippet to return the title of a document in the "Title" field of the document settings - no longer works. Dunno why.

                      In any event, here’s the site
                      You’ll see the snowflakes, cartoon-of-the-day and quotes widgets that are installed in Wordpress as soon as you load the MODx page. If you hit the blog, you’ll see how the style is carried over. Not completely gracefully, but I’m shooting for proof of concept.

                      Also, I’ve set up a demo user : username = demo pwd = modxwp. If you log in you should be able to explore the template, chunks and snippets and see what I’ve been trying to do.

                      Finally, the Wordpress theme files that I editted are zipped up and available here

                      I can’t reiterate enough that this is an experiment-in-progress and messing with this stuff might well screw something up. So - caveat emptor! But I hope it helps someone better than me come up with some clever routines.
