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    • 5811
    • 1,717 Posts
    Thanks Kleist. It ’s not too late. I will include the Danish language file with the next 1.8.2 update.
    Just a question, is it an UTf-8 encoded file or not ?
      • 19
      • 10 Posts
      I have arranged for AjaxSearch to be translated into Arabic for a project my company is working on at the moment, and would like to contribute the results to the community. Unfortunately, I can’t post attachments yet as I have just registered for the forums, so here is the raw contents of the file. This is UTF-8 encoded.
      <br /><?php<br />/*<br />arabic-utf8.inc.php - for AjaxSearch 1.8<br />Created by: Robin North (www.phenotype.net)<br />Created on: 10/06/09<br />Description: Language strings for AjaxSearch<br />*/<br />$_lang[’as_resultsIntroFailure’] = ’ليس هناك أي نتائج للبحث. يرجي المحاولة باستخدام مصطلحات عامة أكثر من أجل الحصول على نتائج أكثر.’;<br />$_lang[’as_searchButtonText’] = ’ابدء!’;<br />$_lang[’as_boxText’] = ’البحث هنا...’;<br />$_lang[’as_introMessage’] = ’يرجى إدخال مصطلح البحث لكي يتم بدء البحث.’;<br />$_lang[’as_resultsFoundTextSingle’] = ’%d نتائج للبحث"%s".’;<br />$_lang[’as_resultsFoundTextMultiple’] = ’%d نتائج للبحث"%s".’;<br />$_lang[’as_paginationTextSinglePage’] = ’’;<br />$_lang[’as_paginationTextMultiplePages’] = ’صفحات النتائج: ’;<br />$_lang[’as_moreResultsText’] = ’انقر هنا لعرض جميع النتائج.’;<br />$_lang[’as_moreResultsTitle’] = ’المزيد من النتائج’;<br />$_lang[’as_maxWords’] = ’الحد الأقصى للكلمات المسموح بها للبحث هي %d’;<br />$_lang[’as_minChars’] = ’يتطلب على الأقل %d حرف لمصطلح المبحث’;<br />$_lang[’as_maxChars’] = ’الحد الأقصى للحروف المسموح بها للبحث هي %d’;<br />$_lang[’oneword’] = ’كلمة واحدة’;<br />$_lang[’allwords’] = ’جميع الكلمات’;<br />$_lang[’exactphrase’] = ’نفس العبارة’;<br />$_lang[’nowords’] = ’بدون كلمات’;<br />$_lang[’as_cmtHiddenFieldIntro’] = ’يجب أن تكون مساحة الكتابة فارغة.<br /> تجنب كتابة أي نص.’;<br />$_lang[’as_cmtIntroMessage’] = ’هل عثرت على ما تبحث عنه؟ أكتب تعليقك هنا!’;<br />$_lang[’as_cmtSubmitText’] = ’إرسال’;<br />$_lang[’as_cmtResetText’] = ’مسح’;<br />$_lang[’as_cmtThksMessage’] = ’شكرا على تعليقك!’;<br />?><br />
        • 27749
        • 53 Posts
        here is the czech translation of AS
          • 22668
          • 718 Posts
          Whoohoo grin
          New strings!
          I think it’s time to create a page on the wiki (or on the modx site, or forum thread) with list of core snippets, their languages and responsible people.
          If someone wants to translate or help with translation, he can just PM to responsible person of translation.
          Also would be nice to pin message for all subforums and send notice to responsible when translation is needed.
            • 5811
            • 1,717 Posts
            Thanks a lot Smiley. And welcome to the Czech community.

            I will deliver a new release of AS (1.8.3b) with your language file and the correction for the following issues:
            AJAXSEARCH-38 - body>> in Search Highlighting
            AJAXSEARCH-39 - Call to undefined method DocumentParser::getRecordCount()

            I think it’s time to create a page on the wiki (or on the modx site, or forum thread) with list of core snippets, their languages and responsible people.
            May be Ryan could accept this proposal. You should discuss of that with him.
            If someone wants to translate or help with translation, he can just PM to responsible person of translation.
            This is the reason, I have sticked a dedicated post about languages for AS.
            Also would be nice to pin message for all subforums and send notice to responsible when translation is needed.
              • 9757
              • 82 Posts
              Here is my Polish translation for AjaxSearch. Enjoy!

              Polskie tłumaczenie dla AjaxSearch smiley

                • 5811
                • 1,717 Posts
                Thanks for this contribution
