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  • I have a very crude implementation of highlighting search terms on the page. It took a quick hack of the FlexSearchForm:

    added the &searched=’.$searchString.’ to line 343
                $resultPageLinks .= '<a href="[~' . $modx->documentObject['id'] . '~]&searched='.$searchString.'&FSF_offset=' . $nrp . '&FSF_search=' . urlencode($searchString) . '">' . $resultPageLinkNumber . '</a>';

    and again to line 361
            $SearchForm.='<a class="FSF_resultLink" href="[~'.$SearchFormsrc['id'].'~]&searched='.$searchString.'" title="' . $SearchFormsrc['pagetitle'] . '">' . $SearchFormsrc['pagetitle'] . "</a>".$newline;

    and this plugin (tied to OnWebPagePrerender)

    if(isset($_GET['searched'])) {
    $searched = $_GET['searched'];
    $content = $modx->documentOutput;
    $new = str_replace($searched, '<span class="searchterm">'.$searched.'</span>', $content);
    $modx->documentOutput = $new;

    Style the .searchterm span in the CSS.

    As I said, it’s very crude and only does one term and one color. But it’s a start!
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    • Susan, very super-cool! Seems like a candidate for a core distribution addition to me. smiley
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • Needs work, but I’m not familiar enough yet with exactly how the FlexSearchForm works to deal with more than one search term. I need to drop in a few debugging echo statements and see what exactly it’s doing. Perhaps I can "explode" it and give each word a different color, sort of like Google does. But for now, I thought it was a pretty good use of a plugin.
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        • Yeah, definitely need to be able to "explode" the string and deal with the individual words. I hate the thought of parsing through the whole document for each word, but right now that’s the only way I can think of to do it. Change the class name to add the number for each word (found1, found2, etc) and still be able to style for it in the CSS.
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          • This does the trick! Just put as many styles as you ever expect to have search words into the CSS file.

            if(isset($_GET['searched'])) {
              $searched = $_GET['searched'];
              $content = $modx->documentOutput;
              $searchArray = explode(' ', $searched);
              $i = 0;
              foreach($searchArray as $term) {
                $content = str_replace($term, '<span class="searchterm'.$i.'">'.$term.'</span>', $content);
              $modx->documentOutput = $content;
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            • what about just creating a few styles then having it alternate through them... maybe 4 or 5 by default.

              Then, we could pass in an array of colors as a parameter:
              &hlcolors=`#ff0, #f0f, #0ff, #ff5, #f5f, #5ff`

              which would then alternated through for the words via a span stylng:
              <span style="background-color:#ff0">first</span> blah blah blah <span style="background-color:#f0f">second</span> and so on...

              It’d be kinda cool to keep it all in the snippet call it seems for some reason.
                Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
              • And then, put a <div> with a message at the very top of the page, like Google’s top frame...with a button to clear it that’s just a "bare" link back to the same page only without the search string in the URL. That would really be cool!
                  Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                  Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
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                • Nice Susan. laugh

                  Better than before (that is when your magic code appears on these here pages... lol)!
                    Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                    Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                  • Well, this has a serious problem. No matter where in the parsed document the searchterm appears, the <span...etc gets put in...even if it’s actually part of a URL or in the head! Bad. I shall have to think on this. Even if I manage to just get the content for the document, it will stil have the problem of urls and image tags and such in the document content. Hm. I think it’s actually going to take a very complex set of regular expressons to do this.
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                    • Well. Got that figured out. It was rather frustrating, I spent hours combing Google and reading forum posts and trying various things...and it turns out that the PHP manual has an example of using eregi_replace to hightlight search terms. Oh, well...I must say, I’ve learned a lot more about regular expressions.

                      So it basically works (I still need to filter out between A tags and Hx tags but that’s really just to make it look prettier)

                      if(isset($_GET['searched'])) {
                        $searched = $_GET['searched'];
                        $output = $modx->documentOutput; // get the parsed document
                        $body= explode("<body>", $output); // break out the head
                        $searchArray = explode(' ', $searched); // break apart the search terms
                        $i = 0; // for individual class names
                        foreach($searchArray as $term) {
                          $pattern = '(>[^<]*)('. quotemeta($term) .')';
                          $replacement = '\\1<span class="searchterm'.$i.'">\\2</span>';
                          $body[1] = eregi_replace($pattern, $replacement, $body[1]);
                        $output = implode("<body>", $body);
                        $modx->documentOutput = $output;
                        Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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