Hi everyone!
Doc Finder Module 1.0 was just released, a news Ajax powered search for the manager.
Please write here if you have any questions, bug reports or feedback.
If you want to have a quick look at Doc Finder Module try the life demo at trymodx.com:
Login: demo_user / demo_user
Hi Bogdan,
This is brilliant contribution.
BTW, if I am right it doesnt search chunks yet?
Keep up the great work.
Thanks! Searching in Chunks, Snippets and Modules is included in the roadmap. But next steps are a parent selector for the document search and Regular Expression. This features should be ready quite soon.
And after that: search and REPLACE!
Hi everyone,
Doc Finder 1.1 ist released and here are the new features:
- Search within parents added.
- Regular expressions are supported now.
- Several bugfixes (see changelog).
Have fun,
Excellent module/snippet - I would like the ability to search for pages that use a specific template.
For example, MODX has the template (blank), and I need to find them all and change them (where necessary and approprirate), but docfinder does not search for template.
@worchyld: Yes, good idea. I added it to my roadmap
@Ryan: Pssst, don’t reveal everything. This is supposed to be a surprise!
MODX Staff
- 12,272 Posts
Hey Bogdan, any updates coming soon?
Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me