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    • 34193
    • 330 Posts
    OK so here is the latest I have been able to create a snippet that creates a user account when the user is logged in and the script is called. The only problem I have is only calling the script when the connect button is clicked there is an option to run a Java script when the button is pressed using the
     <fb:login-button onlogin=" 
    But I can not find away of running a php script.

    I have tried placing a snippet call in the body of the page but then it tries to add the user even when no one is logged in. As far as I can tell there is no way to check if a user is logged in to facebook from within PHP there is javascript but not PHP and so can’t go down the road of don’t run this if no one logged in.

    Now I’m not up on Javascript and so don’t know if there is a way of getting javascript to run a snippet. Any help would be appriciated in this since I reackon that if I can get this sorted then the rest of restricting access to certain parts of the page unless logged in will be as simple as it is with normal webusers since an account is created for them with my script and I have anouther script which once they are registerd will log them on to the websuser account using their facebook account. But both scripts require the connect button to run PHP and not Java or for the JAVA to run PHP.
      • 36416
      • 589 Posts
      Quote from: peteedley at Feb 05, 2009, 04:45 PM

      Now I’m not up on Javascript and so don’t know if there is a way of getting javascript to run a snippet. Any help would be appriciated in this...(snip)

      One word: Ajax
        • 34193
        • 330 Posts
        Hi thanks, picked that up from anouther thread http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,32763.0.html my only problem now is that my java script doesn’t work see my latest post in that thread. If you have any suggestions on why not please let me know.
          • 34193
          • 330 Posts
          OK so after lots of posts and ideas on the other thread I posted the question of AJAX on, I now have a sudden brain wave does facebook have it’s own AJAX framework, the answer of it does, i’m using it to diaplay the connect button. So a quick search I thing I have found the answer, so will test in the morning since I now need to go to bed, feeling a complete and utter idiot, for wasting all your and my time when I already knew the answer.
            • 10792
            • 13 Posts
            Quote from: peteedley at Feb 06, 2009, 10:08 AM

            So a quick search I thing I have found the answer

            Thank you Pete!  smiley I will put your name into my site list of credits
              • 34193
              • 330 Posts
              OK so this has been a complete pain in the neck but thanks to Saidur Rahman at http://fbcookbook.ofhas.in/2009/02/11/dealing-with-ajax-on-fbconnect/ I have finally got the AJAX side of things running. So at the moment the first time you visit and use connect it creates an account in modx webusers, after that everytime you visit and click connect it just displays your profile pic and a welcome message. This can be seen working at http://www.cww.org.uk/test

              I know need to figure out what is needed to log the user in to their modx account eachtime they come back will prob look at the weblogin code to see how it does it. Unless some one can tell me how to on here before I have chance.

              Will then work through a walk through for people on here to use. Then I will start to look at inviting friends, writing to FBFeeds. After that I am open to further requests for further features.
              • Peeking at the Weblogin code should be the fastest means to an end indeed. Awesome stuff; keep it up!
                  Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                  Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                  • 34193
                  • 330 Posts
                  OK here is the work so far this is going to be a fairly long post but at the moment this is what happens:

                  • Displays Facebook connect button
                  • on click of button user is authenticated against facebook
                  • A user account is added to modx webusers under facebook group
                  • user is logged into modx webuser account
                  • next time user visits they are simply logged into modx webuser account using facebook

                  So here are the steps:
                  1) create a face book app account using the details here http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Trying_Out_Facebook_Connect. Make a note of the public and private keys you will need both later.
                  2) Now back in modx create a plugin with the following code
                   $e = $modx->Event; 
                  $startscript = '<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php" type="text/javascript"></script>   ';
                  $endscript = '<script type="text/javascript"> FB.init("'.$account.'","xd_receiver.htm");  </script> ';
                  $htmlcode = ' xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml "';
                  switch ($e->name) {
                             case "OnWebPagePrerender":
                                  $o = &$modx->documentOutput; // get a reference of the output
                                  $o = str_replace("<body>","<body>".$startscript,$o);
                                  $o = str_replace("</body>",$endscript."</body>",$o);
                                  $o = str_replace("<html","<html".$htmlcode,$o);
                             default :
                                  return; // stop here - this is very important.

                  Then click on configuration tab of the plugin and paste the following into the plug in configuration box.
                  then enter your facebook app public api into the paramiter value box.

                  now click on the system events tab and select OnWebPagePrerender.

                  3) Create a document in the root of your site called xd_receiver.htm with the following :
                  a) blank template
                  b) turn rich text off
                  c) this code in the content
                   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> 
                  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > 
                  <script src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/XdCommReceiver.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

                  4) now create a chuck called connectbutton and paste the following
                   <script type="text/javascript">  
                    function update_user_box()  
                      Var url = "http://[b]urlofyouraddpage[/b]"; // you will create this page next 
                        type: "POST",  
                        data: "save=yes",  
                        success: function(msg){  
                  	var user_box = document.getElementById("user");  
                  	user_box.innerHTML =msg;  
                  <fb:login-button onlogin="update_user_box();"></fb:login-button>
                  <a href="[+id+]" onclick='FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect("/test")'>Logout</a>

                  In the variable you are going to set this to the url of the adduser page that we will now create.

                  5) create a new page called adduser.php
                  in the content type [!facebook!] set to blank template and turn rich text off.
                  make sure you change url in step 4 to match this document.

                  6) now create a snippet called facebook and paste the following
                  // Copyright 2007 Facebook Corp.  All Rights Reserved. 
                  // Application: edley
                  // File: 'index.php' 
                  //   This is a sample skeleton for your application. 
                  require_once 'assets/snippets/facebook/php/facebook.php';
                  $appapikey = ' '; //enter your public api key here
                  $appsecret = ''; //enter your private api key here
                  $facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
                  $user_id = $facebook->require_login();
                  $nlxAdded = '<span> <fb:profile-pic uid='.$user_id.' facebook-logo=true></fb:profile-pic> Welcome, <fb:name uid='.$user_id.' useyou=false></fb:name>. You are signed in with your Facebook account.</span>';
                  $user_details=$facebook->api_client->users_getStandardInfo($user_id, array('last_name','first_name','proxied_email')); 
                  $result = $modx->db->select('username',$modx->getFullTableName('web_users')," username = '".$user_id."'");
                  if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) != 1)
                  // add user
                  $pass = md5($user_id.'facebook'); //change the word facebook to a random set of letters and numbers of your choice
                  $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_users')." (username,password) VALUES ('".$user_id."', '".$pass."')";
                  $rs = $modx->db->query($sql);
                  if(!$rs) {
                                       return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
                              } else {
                                      $uid = $modx->db->getInsertId();
                                      // add data to web_user_attributes 
                                     $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_user_attributes')." (internalKey,fullname,email) VALUES (".$uid.",'".$data['first_name']." ".$data['last_name']."','".$data['email']."')";
                                     $rs = $modx->db->query($sql);
                                     if(!$rs) {
                                                $modx->db->delete($modx->getFullTableName('web_users'),"id = ".$uid);
                                                return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
                                      } else {
                                                // add user to the group
                                                $result = $modx->db->select('id',$modx->getFullTableName('webgroup_names'),"name = '".$usergroup."'");
                                                if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) == 1) {
                                                           $gid = $modx->db->getValue($result);
                                                $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$modx->getFullTableName('web_groups')." (webgroup, webuser) VALUES (".$gid.",".$uid.")";
                                                $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
                                                if($result) { 
                                                             if(isset($sendadmin)) { sendMail($sendadmin,"admin","in"); }
                                                             if($senduser != 0) { sendMail($email,"user","in"); }
                                                             return '<span class="important">'.$nlxAdded.'</span>'; 
                                                  } else {
                                                              return '<span class="error">'.$nlxError.'</span><br />' . $nlxForm;
                  return '<span class="important">'.$nlxAdded.'</span>';}
                  function login($user) {
                  # process login
                      global $modx;
                  defined('IN_PARSER_MODE') or die();
                  $dbase = $modx->dbConfig['dbase'];
                  $table_prefix = $modx->dbConfig['table_prefix'];
                      $logindetails = array();
                      $logindetails['username'] = $user;
                      $logindetails['givenPass'] = $user.'facebook'; //change the word facebook to a random set of letters and numbers that you set earlier
                      $username = $modx->db->escape(strip_tags($logindetails['username']));
                      $givenPassword = $modx->db->escape($logindetails['givenPass']);
                      //$captcha_code = isset($_POST['captcha_code'])? $_POST['captcha_code']: '';
                      //$rememberme = $_POST['rememberme'];
                      // invoke OnBeforeWebLogin event
                                                  "username"        => $username,
                                                  "userpassword"    => $givenPassword,
                                                  "rememberme"    => $rememberme
                      $sql = "SELECT $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_users`.*, $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes`.* FROM $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_users`, $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes` WHERE BINARY $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_users`.username = '".$username."' and $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes`.internalKey=$dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_users`.id;";
                      $ds = $modx->db->query($sql);
                      $limit = $modx->db->getRecordCount($ds);
                      if($limit==0 || $limit>1) {
                          $output = webLoginAlert("Incorrect username or password entered!");
                      $row = $modx->db->getRow($ds);
                      $internalKey             = $row['internalKey'];
                      $dbasePassword             = $row['password'];
                      $failedlogins             = $row['failedlogincount'];
                      $blocked                 = $row['blocked'];
                      $blockeduntildate        = $row['blockeduntil'];
                      $blockedafterdate        = $row['blockedafter'];
                      $registeredsessionid    = $row['sessionid'];
                      $role                    = $row['role'];
                      $lastlogin                = $row['lastlogin'];
                      $nrlogins                = $row['logincount'];
                      $fullname                = $row['fullname'];
                      //$sessionRegistered         = checkSession();
                      $email                     = $row['email'];
                      // load user settings
                          $result = $modx->db->query("SELECT setting_name, setting_value FROM ".$dbase.".`".$table_prefix."web_user_settings` WHERE webuser='$internalKey'");
                          while ($row = $modx->fetchRow($result, 'both')) $modx->config[$row[0]] = $row[1];
                      if($failedlogins>=$modx->config['failed_login_attempts'] && $blockeduntildate>time()) {    // blocked due to number of login errors.
                          $output = webLoginAlert("Due to too many failed logins, you have been blocked!");
                      if($failedlogins>=$modx->config['failed_login_attempts'] && $blockeduntildate<time()) {    // blocked due to number of login errors, but get to try again
                          $sql = "UPDATE $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes` SET failedlogincount='0', blockeduntil='".(time()-1)."' where internalKey=$internalKey";
                          $ds = $modx->db->query($sql);
                      if($blocked=="1") { // this user has been blocked by an admin, so no way he's loggin in!
                          $output = webLoginAlert("You are blocked and cannot log in!");
                      // blockuntil
                      if($blockeduntildate>time()) { // this user has a block until date
                          $output = webLoginAlert("You are blocked and cannot log in! Please try again later.");
                      // blockafter
                      if($blockedafterdate>0 && $blockedafterdate<time()) { // this user has a block after date
                          $output = webLoginAlert("You are blocked and cannot log in! Please try again later.");
                      // allowed ip
                      if (isset($modx->config['allowed_ip'])) {
                          if (strpos($modx->config['allowed_ip'],$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])===false) {
                              $output = webLoginAlert("You are not allowed to login from this location.");
                      // allowed days
                      if (isset($modx->config['allowed_days'])) {
                          $date = getdate();
                          $day = $date['wday']+1;
                          if (strpos($modx->config['allowed_days'],"$day")===false) {
                              $output = webLoginAlert("You are not allowed to login at this time. Please try again later.");
                      // invoke OnWebAuthentication event
                      $rt = $modx->invokeEvent("OnWebAuthentication",
                                                  "userid"        => $internalKey,
                                                  "username"      => $username,
                                                  "userpassword"  => $givenPassword,
                                                  "savedpassword" => $dbasePassword,
                                                  "rememberme"    => $rememberme
                      // check if plugin authenticated the user
                      if (!$rt||(is_array($rt) && !in_array(TRUE,$rt))) {
                          // check user password - local authentication
                          if($dbasePassword != md5($givenPassword)) {
                              $output = webLoginAlert("Incorrect username or password entered!");
                              $newloginerror = 1;
                      if(isset($modx->config['use_captcha']) && $modx->config['use_captcha']==1) {
                          if($_SESSION['veriword']!=$captcha_code) {
                              $output = webLoginAlert("The security code you entered didn't validate! Please try to login again!");
                              $newloginerror = 1;
                      if(isset($newloginerror) && $newloginerror==1) {
                          $failedlogins += $newloginerror;
                          if($failedlogins>=$modx->config['failed_login_attempts']) { //increment the failed login counter, and block!
                              $sql = "update $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes` SET failedlogincount='$failedlogins', blockeduntil='".(time()+($modx->config['blocked_minutes']*60))."' where internalKey=$internalKey";
                              $ds = $modx->db->query($sql);
                          } else { //increment the failed login counter
                              $sql = "update $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes` SET failedlogincount='$failedlogins' where internalKey=$internalKey";
                              $ds = $modx->db->query($sql);
                      $currentsessionid = session_id();
                      if(!isset($_SESSION['webValidated'])) {
                          $sql = "update $dbase.`".$table_prefix."web_user_attributes` SET failedlogincount=0, logincount=logincount+1, lastlogin=thislogin, thislogin=".time().", sessionid='$currentsessionid' where internalKey=$internalKey";
                          $ds = $modx->db->query($sql);
                      $_SESSION['webUserGroupNames'] = ''; // reset user group names
                      // get user's document groups
                      $tblug = $dbase.".`".$table_prefix."web_groups`";
                      $tbluga = $dbase.".`".$table_prefix."webgroup_access`";
                      $sql = "SELECT uga.documentgroup
                              FROM $tblug ug
                              INNER JOIN $tbluga uga ON uga.webgroup=ug.webgroup
                              WHERE ug.webuser =".$internalKey;
                      $ds = $modx->db->query($sql);
                      while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($ds,'num')) $dg[$i++]=$row[0];
                      $_SESSION['webDocgroups'] = $dg;
                      if($rememberme) {
                          $_SESSION['modx.web.session.cookie.lifetime']= intval($modx->config['session.cookie.lifetime']);
                      } else {
                          $_SESSION['modx.web.session.cookie.lifetime']= 0;
                      //$log = new logHandler;
                      //$log->initAndWriteLog("Logged in", $_SESSION['webInternalKey'], $_SESSION['webShortname'], "58", "-", "WebLogin");
                      // get login home page
                      if(isset($modx->config['login_home']) && $id=$modx->config['login_home']) {
                          if ($modx->getPageInfo($id)) $ok = true;
                      if (!$ok) {
                          // check if a login home id page was set
                          foreach($liHomeId as $id) {
                              $id = trim($id);
                              if ($modx->getPageInfo($id)) {$ok=true; break;}
                      // update active users list if redirectinq to another page
                      if($id!=$modx->documentIdentifier) {
                          if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");else if(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");else if(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");else $ip = "UNKNOWN";$_SESSION['ip'] = $ip;
                          $itemid = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : 'NULL' ;$lasthittime = time();$a = 998;
                          if($a!=1) {
                              // web users are stored with negative id
                              $sql = "REPLACE INTO $dbase.`".$table_prefix."active_users` (internalKey, username, lasthit, action, id, ip) values(-".$_SESSION['webInternalKey'].", '".$_SESSION['webShortname']."', '".$lasthittime."', '".$a."', ".$itemid.", '$ip')";
                              if(!$ds = $modx->db->query($sql)) {
                                  $output = "error replacing into active users! SQL: ".$sql;
                      // invoke OnWebLogin event
                                                  "userid"        => $internalKey,
                                                  "username"        => $username,
                                                  "userpassword"    => $givenPassword,
                                                  "rememberme"    => $_POST['rememberme']
                      // redirect
                      if(isset($_REQUEST['refurl']) && !empty($_REQUEST['refurl'])) {
                          // last accessed page
                          $targetPageId= urldecode($_REQUEST['refurl']);
                          if (strpos($targetPageId, 'q=') !== false) {
                              $urlPos = strpos($targetPageId, 'q=')+2;
                              $alias = substr($targetPageId, $urlPos);
                              $aliasLength = (strpos($alias, '&'))? strpos($alias, '&'): strlen($alias);
                              $alias = substr($alias, 0, $aliasLength);
                              $url = $modx->config['base_url'] . $alias;
                          } elseif (intval($targetPageId)) {
                              $url = $modx->makeUrl($targetPageId);
                          } else {
                              $url = urldecode($_REQUEST['refurl']);

                  Remember to set both api keys and also a random password in the two places indicated by comments (note: this really should be set by snippet parameters I will add this late)

                  7) now on the pages you want the login button to appear add the following
                  <div id="user"> {{connectbutton}} </div>

                  EDIT : opps forgot to say you need to set up a user and document group called facebook and link the two

                  EDIT 2 : Also download http://svn.facebook.com/svnroot/platform/clients/packages/facebook-platform.tar.gz unzip and then upload the two folders in side to assets/snipets/facebook you need to be able to reach the folders via /assets/snipets/facebook/php and /assets/snipets/facebook/footprints not /assets/snipets/facebook/facebook-platform/php

                  So what I am saying is don’t just upload the facebook-platform to the facebook folder upload the 2 folders inside facebook-platform

                  If that all makes sense

                  I am pretty sure that was all the steps needed so far if you find this does not work the please post with any error messages and I will recheck if anything is missing.

                  If you want to see this working please visit http://www.cww.org.uk

                  A big thanks to Saidur Rahman at http://fbcookbook.ofhas.in/2009/02/11/dealing-with-ajax-on-fbconnect/ for the AJAX code.
                  Raymond Irving for the weblogin code plus those on here who pointed me to the right parts of the weblogin code
                  And sottwell for the registerX snippet whose user account creation code I borrowed.
                    • 10792
                    • 13 Posts
                    Pete Thank you anymore!

                    I think this file is missing: "assets/snippets/facebook/php/facebook.php", but it is invocated into the snippet code.
                    (i retrieve a "Parse error: document not found")

                      • 34193
                      • 330 Posts
                      Quote from: gianfra at Feb 17, 2009, 04:00 PM

                      Pete Thank you anymore!

                      I think this file is missing: "assets/snippets/facebook/php/facebook.php", but it is invocated into the snippet code.
                      (i retrieve a "Parse error: document not found")

                      Have now edited above post to rectify