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    Hi Shane,

    Thank you so much - that has done the trick - had to swap the [!’s and the [[ for it to work though.

    Ditto call:
    [!Ditto? &parents=`3` &display=`all` &tpl=`prodsubnavEven` &tplAlt=`prodsubnavOdd` &tplCurrentDocument=`prodsubnavCurrent` &filter=`id,[*id*],2` &sortBy=`pagetitle` &sortDir=`ASC`!]

    Spacer Div Call:
    [[setSpacer? &n=`[+ditto_iteration+]` &x=`4` ]]

    I don;t think I need the &tplCurrentDocument parameter in the Ditto Call but probably doesn;t hurt having it.

    Working a treat now.

    You have gone absolutely above and beyond with your help on this matter and I thank you so much.

    You have been so generous with your skills and knowledge - thank you kindly.

    All the best.

      Web design Adelaide