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    @bodhiC: What OS, browser, and Flash version are you using? Have you tried a local install of MODx to see if it works? If it works locally but not on a hosted server then it might point to a possible Flash issue or something.

    @sottwell: Susan, that’s a good point. However, I think the main reason for not doing it that way is avoiding the possibility of inadvertently killing a directory and/or images in the galleries directory. Maybe a better way to do it would be to add the galleries directory to the list of available choices when inserting images. Actually...I think we’ll be replacing the current file/image browser with something better in the near future anyways. wink

    @bennyb: You can find documentation here. Provided some example snippet calls and information about all the parameters. Take a look at the three default types folders for some examples of the placeholders available.
      Jeff Whitfield

      "I like my coffee hot and strong, like I like my women, hot and strong... with a spoon in them."
    • Quote from: sottwell at May 21, 2010, 01:55 PM

      I do have one quibble, though. Why do all the galleries tend to use custom assets/galleries directories? If they were in assets/images/galleries then you could use tinymce to include images from the galleries in other documents.

      sometime because of filename characters.
        Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas A. Edison
        MODx is great, but knowing how to use it well makes it perfect!


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        • 33208
        • 21 Posts
        Evening all,

        I have installed the new module trying to give a simple scrolling image to a front page! All looks good the module installed, I have followed the install instructions without error. I am on a vista development environment at the moment and given the galleries folder full control permissions to any computer user. Unfortunately I am getting an I/O error when uploading any image to any page!?

        Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

        Kind Regards

          • 23299
          • 1,161 Posts
          I just found this package while thinking about another post on adding the jQuery Cycle plugin.

          I downloaded the EvoGallery package and followed the excellent instructions (wish more snippet docs were this good), created a new page, and added the basic images with jQuery Cycle call. I then uploaded a series of pictures using the Module pane. At first the page just presented the images in a static stack, one on top of each other. I then logged out of the Manager and then went back to the gallery page and the cycle slideshow worked perfectly!

          This is a really interesting package. It takes care of a lot of the heavy lifting to get the pieces working. It also looks very friendly for the end user when uploading new images.

          My test was very basic without using any template or specific CSS. I will try tweaking that next.

          I am also interested in seeing how this system could be used in say the site banner area for all pages instead of just one particular gallery page. Are there any issues with using the snippet call for EvoGallery inside a chunk that targets the banner in the site template?
            • 4018
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            @yoshima: Is the server IIS or Apache? Also, does it work with small images? Saw a post on the Uploadify about this...small images work fine but large images don’t (http://www.uploadify.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5086&p=9560&hilit=IO#p9560). Definitely check the error logs for PHP.

            @Photowebmax: Glad you like it! As for issues using the snippet inside a chunk, don’t see a problem with that. EvoGallery is like any other snippet; it’s only limited by the parameters available. If you can pass in the necessary parameters to get it to do what you want then it’s good. laugh
              Jeff Whitfield

              "I like my coffee hot and strong, like I like my women, hot and strong... with a spoon in them."
              • 33208
              • 21 Posts

              thanks for the quick reply. I just tried a 3k gif and same error, I am running Xammpp which is apache and apache setting are as follows:

              max_file_uploads 20 20
              upload_max_filesize 128M 128M

              The error log in apache logs has nothing of any coniquence, do I need to enable further logging?


                • 23299
                • 1,161 Posts

                Lets see what it takes to use this system in the top banner for all pages. Obviously the snippet call needs to target the banner chunk within the template.

                But how do you target the chunk while uploading the images? Right now it looks like you open the Modules pane and then open the EvoGallery pane. This opens the page resource tree for all current pages/resources in the site. From there you can select the page/resource and upload the images from there.

                But what about sending the images to a template chunk and not just to individual pages?

                  • 23299
                  • 1,161 Posts
                  Its also interesting that the script to run the gallery does not work for me when I am logged in to the MODx Manager? As soon as I log out and go back to the EvoGallery page it starts working...

                  But overall I am very excited about this module!

                    • 4018
                    • 1,131 Posts
                    @Photowebmax: What I would do for a banner area is to create a page that is used simply to manage the photos for the banner as well as any extra parameters for it. That way you could create a "banner" template and have different banner configs saved under a "banner" container. Then, for the EvoGallery snippet call, you would simply call it with the ’docId’ parameter and pass in the ID of the page with the banner images you want. Cool thing about this is that you can use a TV and save the ID of the banner page to use using a simple TV. Make sense?

                    @yoshima: Honestly, I would have to download and install Xammpp to diagnose this further. I honestly haven’t tested the snippet in a Windows environment yet. In the meantime, feel free to hop over to the Uploadify site and see if they can be of any assistance on the forums (www.uploadify.com)
                      Jeff Whitfield

                      "I like my coffee hot and strong, like I like my women, hot and strong... with a spoon in them."
                      • 23299
                      • 1,161 Posts
                      Before reading your last post I tried something...

                      As I stated I already created a test page for the Evo Gallery system. I am using this basic call:
                      [[EvoGallery? &display=`images` &type=`jquery-cycle`]] 

                      Once I am logged out of the Manager this page works fine.

                      To see if I could target the call into a chunk I created a test chunk and dumped it into my template. I then added that basic EvoGallery call into that chunk in my template. I then logged out of the Manager and the EvoGallery is there working on every page that uses this template!

                      This is very, very interesting...