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    • 2136
    • 134 Posts
    still wondering if using it twice on the same page is possible or whether the error i’m getting is unique to me. thank you.
      Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
      • 2136
      • 134 Posts
        Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
        • 4041
        • 788 Posts
        I don’t use this snippet myself, but maybe try and strip the function part out of the snippet and use that code to create a new file, then include that file in the snippet...
          http://frsbuilders.net (under construction) forum for evolution
          • 2136
          • 134 Posts
          that’s a bit over my head tongue i haven’t had a chance to learn any php yet, but i’ll try poking around a bit.
            Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
            • 6778
            • 20 Posts
            I had the same problem with 2 instances. So I changed the snippet a little bit. Now it fulfills my requirements. Not more or less wink

            My Changes:
            - possibility to use the snippet more than one time on a page
            - changed the path to the gtext images (old: assets/images/ -> new: assets/images/gtext/
            - snippet inserts the image (not printing the link), so you don’t need the img-tag around the snippet call

            //GTEXT Snippet 
            //Version 1.0, 30 january 2006
            //Adrianus Warmenhoven
            // patch by dazze 2006-09-27
            // changes to original version marked with //#dazze#
            //Used to create images out of text using a TrueType Font.
            //             color=<#color>&bgcolor=<#bgcolor>&
            //             text=<usertext>]]
            //This will then generate an image in '/assets/images/'
            //and output the absolute path (when using as URL) to the 
            //This is done so you can add your own HTML around it, or
            //use it in other snippets.
            //The font has to be uploaded in '/assets/files/fonts/'
            //You have to create this directory and add .ttf to allowable
            //uploadable files.
            //Performance-wise it only generates some load once, since
            //it creates a hash from all the parameters and uses that as
            //the filename.
            //If the parameters are the same, the file exists and only the
            //path is returned.
            //If the file does not exist, it is generated.
            //You might have to clean the images directory once every so 
            //often though... :)
            //Based on the excellent atextimage class by George A. Clarke
            //See license below.
            // class.atextimage.php
            // version 1.1.0, 10 June, 2005
            // License
            // PHP class to put text of a True Type font onto a photo image, a graphic
            // image or to create a new blank image with just the text.
            // Copyright (C) 2005 George A. Clarke, [email protected], http://gaclarke.com/
            // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
            // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
            // Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
            // version.
            // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
            // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
            // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
            // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
            // this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
            // Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
            // Description
            // This class allows for easy insertion of text onto an image. The image
            // can be either an existing image file or a newly created blank image.
            // If a new blank image is chosen, the class creates it, either the size you
            // specify or will size it to exactly fit the text. You can have one line of
            // text or multiple lines. Each cluster of lines of text can be positioned
            // by top, center, or bottom, and left, center, or right. Each cluster of
            // lines of text can be left, center, or right justified. There can also be
            // multiple clusters of text on an image. This class uses True Type fonts
            // which defaults to Arial.ttf and the size can also be set. The color of
            // text can be specified, and the background color can also be specified
            // if using a blank image.
            // This class would be good for adding comments onto photos in a photo
            // gallery or to make dynamic navigation buttons on an html page.
            // June,10, 2005: Added function SetOffset($offx,$offy)
            //  Gave it the ability to offset from the chosen position up/down,
            //  or left/right, by the specified number of pixels. This version is
            //  backward compatible to the original one.
            if(!defined("_class_aTextImage_")) {
            class ATextImage
              var $text = array();
              var $size;
              var $font;
              var $image;
              var $bgr;
              var $bgb;
              var $bgg;
              var $txtr;
              var $txtb;
              var $txtg;
              var $horz;
              var $vert;
              var $just;
              var $bdr;
              var $bdg;
              var $bdb;
              var $border;
             function ATextImage()
            //  Set default values for the class variables
              $this->size=12;             //font size
              $this->font="arial.ttf";    //path to True Type font file (.ttf)
              $this->bgr=255;             //background red color value (decimal 0-255)
              $this->bgb=255;             //background blue color value (decimal 0-255)
              $this->bgg=255;             //background green color value (decimal 0-255)
              $this->txtr=0;              //text red color value (decimal 0-255)
              $this->txtb=0;              //text blue color value (decimal 0-255)
              $this->txtg=0;              //text green color value (decimal 0-255)
              $this->horz="center";       //horiaontal position (left,center,right)
              $this->vert="center";       //vertical position (top,center,bottom)
              $this->just="center";       //text lines justification (left,center,right)
              $this->border=false;        //put border around image (true,false)
            //***************** User Functions ***********************
            // $font >> Sets the path to the True Type font file.
            // $size >> Sets the size of the font.
             function SetFont($font,$size)
              $this->font = $font;      //path to the .ttf font file
              $this->size = $size;      //size of font
            // $bgr, $bgg, $bgb >> Sets the background color
            // (red, green, blue) (0 - 255 decimal)
             function SetBackground($bgr,$bgg,$bgb)
              $this->bgr=$bgr;          //red background value
              $this->bgb=$bgb;          //blue background value
              $this->bgg=$bgg;          //green background value
            // $bgr, $bgg, $bgb >> Sets the text color
            // (red, green, blue) (0 - 255 decimal)
             function SetTextColor($txtr,$txtg,$txtb)
              $this->txtr=$txtr;          //red text value
              $this->txtb=$txtb;          //blue text value
              $this->txtg=$txtg;          //green text value
            // Enables the border to be put around the image.
            // $bgr, $bgg, $bgb >> Sets the border color
            // (red, green, blue) (0 - 255 decimal)
             function SetBorder($bdr=0,$bdg=0,$bdb=0)
              $this->bdr=$bdr;          //red border value
              $this->bdb=$bdb;          //blue border value
              $this->bdg=$bdg;          //green border value
            // Sets the horizontal, vertical positions and the
            //  justification of multiple lines of text.
            // $horz >> should be left, center, or right
            // $vert >> should be top, center, or bottom
            // $just >> should be left, center, or right
             function SetPos($horz,$vert,$just)
              $this->horz=$horz;         //horz=left,center,right
              $this->vert=$vert;         //vert=top,center,bottom
              $this->just=$just;         //just=horizontal justification
                                         //     left,center,right
             // Adds an x and y offset to the position settings.
             // x=positive >> offsets to the right
             // y=positive >> offsets down
             function SetOffset($offx,$offy)
            // Adds one line of text to be inserted onto the image.
            // $txt >> one line of text
            // $clear >> should be true for the first line of a new group of text lines.
            //           otherwise false.
             function AddLine($txt,$clear=FALSE)
              return $this->text;
            // Is called to load an existing image
            // Can be .jpg, .png, or .gif
            // $ipath >> path to image file (eg: c:\path\to\image\file\image.gif)
             function CreateImage($ipath)
            // Makes the new image with the text embedded
            // If an existing image was not used, it creates a new blank one to use.
            // $iw >> width of a new blank image
            // $ih >> height of a new blank image
            // If a new blank image is used and $iw and $ih are not specified or are zeros
            //  the size of the new image will exactly fit the text.
             function MakeImage($iw=0,$ih=0)
              $bbox=imagettfbbox ($this->size, 0, $this->font, $tex);
              $bgnd = imagecolorallocate($this->image,$this->bgr,$this->bgg,$this->bgb);
              $tclr = imagecolorallocate($this->image,$this->txtr,$this->txtg,$this->txtb);
              $bclr = imagecolorallocate($this->image,$this->bdr,$this->bdg,$this->bdb);
              foreach($this->text as $tx)
              $bbox=imagettfbbox ($this->size, 0, $this->font, $tx);
              imagettftext($this->image, $this->size, 0, $xnew, $ynew, $tclr, $this->font, $tx);
             if($this->border)imagerectangle($this->image, 0, 0, $width-1, $height-1, $bclr );
            // Displays and/or saves the new image with text as a gif image.
            // $sim >> path for the saving of the new gif image with text.
            // if $sim is not set, it will merely display the gif image with text.
            // if $sim is set and $dim is set to 1, the image will be saved and displayed.
             function ShowGif($sim="",$dim="1")
              //output picture
              header("Content-type: image/gif");
              if($dim == "1")imagegif($this->image);
            // Displays and/or saves the new image with text as a jpg image.
            // $sim >> path for the saving of the new jpg image with text.
            // if $sim is not set, it will merely display the jpg image with text.
            // if $sim is set and $dim is set to 1, the image will be saved and displayed.
             function ShowJpg($sim="",$dim="1")
              //output picture
              header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
              if($dim == "1")imagejpeg($this->image,'',100);
            // Displays and/or saves the new image with text as a png image.
            // $sim >> path for the saving of the new png image with text.
            // if $sim is not set, it will merely display the png image with text.
            // if $sim is set and $dim is set to 1, the image will be saved and displayed.
              function ShowPng($sim="",$dim="1")
              //output picture
              header("Content-type: image/png");
              if($dim == "1")imagepng($this->image);
            //**************** Internal Functions used by MakeImage**************
            // Sets the horizontal position of the first character of a line of text.
            // $width >> width of the image
            // $twidth >> width of the longest line of this group of lines of text
            // $lwidth >> width of this line of text.
             function Horiz($width,$twidth,$lwidth)
              return $xnew;
            // Sets the vertical position of the first character of a line of text.
            // $width >> height of the image
            // $twidth >> height of this group of lines of text
            // $lwidth >> height of one line of text.
              function Vert($height,$theight,$lheight)
              return $ynew;
            function hex2rgb($hex) {
              $color = str_replace('#','',$hex);
              $rgb = array('r' => hexdec(substr($color,0,2)),
                           'g' => hexdec(substr($color,2,2)),
                           'b' => hexdec(substr($color,4,2)));
              return $rgb;
            $usertxt="No text!";
            // original: if(!file_exists($modx->config['base_path']."assets/images/".$myfilename.".gif"))
                $timg = new ATextImage();
            // original: return "/assets/images/".$myfilename.".gif";
            print "<img src='/assets/images/gtext/".$myfilename.".gif'/>";
              • 2136
              • 134 Posts
              thanks for sharing - will give that a go!
                Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
                • 2136
                • 134 Posts
                hmm - seems that changing the code = parse errors. is it not possible to use the new code once the previous version has already been used?

                « MODx Parse Error »
                MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
                « PHP Parse Error »

                PHP error debug
                Error: fopen(/home/website/public_html/assets/images/gtext/gtext_daeca79880502eb41d393cdc165ceb32.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
                Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
                File: /home/website/public_html/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php(705) : eval()’d code
                Line: 250

                Parser timing
                MySQL: 0.0459 s s (3 Requests)
                PHP: 0.1641 s s
                Total: 0.2100 s s

                i removed the img tags as mentioned, here’s the various instances i’ve tried:

                <h1><span class="graphicHeader">Class Descriptions</span><img src="[[gtext? &font=`BabelSans.ttf` &fontsize=`19` &color=`#aa3e00` &bgcolor=`#e6f4fb` &text=`Class Descriptions`]]" alt="Class Descriptions" /></h1>

                <h1><span class="graphicHeader">Class Descriptions</span>[[gtext? &font=`BabelSans.ttf` &fontsize=`19` &color=`#aa3e00` &bgcolor=`#e6f4fb` &text=`Class Descriptions`]]</h1>

                [gtext? &font=`BabelSans.ttf` &fontsize=`19` &color=`#aa3e00` &bgcolor=`#e6f4fb` &text=`New Code Test`]]
                  Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
                  • 6778
                  • 20 Posts
                  Maybe you have to create the "gtext" subfolder in assets/images by hand.
                  Or is there an image in assets/images/gtext/gtext_daeca79880502eb41d393cdc165ceb32.gif ?

                  If you have many files with gtext_.. in assets/images you can move them to assets/images/gtext.

                    • 2136
                    • 134 Posts
                    i have about 6, i’ll try creating the folder and copying them & see how it goes.
                      Sorry - not using ModX anymore 01/01/2007
                      • 22289
                      • 41 Posts
                      I apologize for cross-posting, but this thread seems to be more recently frequented than the snippets[gtext]thread (http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,2647.30.html)- so I’ll give it a whirl:

                      Like others, I’m getting this error

                      « MODx Parse Error »
                      MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
                      « PHP Parse Error »

                      PHP error debug
                      Error: imagettfbbox() [function.imagettfbbox]: Could not find/open font
                      Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
                      File: /httpdocs/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php(705) : eval()’d code
                      Line: 208

                      Parser timing
                      MySQL: 0.0024 s s (3 Requests)
                      PHP: 0.0711 s s
                      Total: 0.0736 s s

                      with this call:

                      <img src="[[gtext? &font=`arial.ttf` &fontsize=`19` &color=`#aa3e00` &bgcolor=`#e6f4fb` &text=`Class Descriptions`]]" alt="Class Descriptions" />

                      I know my ttf is in the assets/fonts directory, backtics are being used, the file name is all lowercase in both instances... I’ve read all of the gtext thread as well as Text2PNG, and done a fair amount of gtext searching on the web.

                      - I’ve tried replacing assets/ paths with the full path "/var/www/vhosts/mysite/httpdocs/", to no avail
                      - I’ve tried replacing the offending line 208:

                      $bbox=imagettfbbox ($this->size, 0, $this->font, $tex);






                      and done similar permutations with the actual call line

                      -I’ve checked done phpinfo and confirmed FreeType Support enabled (and MaxiGallery works fine)
                      -I’ve added .ttf as an allowable uploadable file in ModX, and re-uploaded arial.ttf
                      -I’ve set permissions to 777 on everything in every path, and created all the relevant directories- but nothing seems to work.

                      Does anyone have any clue what could be off?