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    • 31471
    • 206 Posts
    I’m trying to install this (function, rather than) snippet to a testsite. (v0.2.5b)
    After setup, the instructions say to first make a new category. What may cause this error upon trying to create the first one?
      Error: 	Missing argument 1 for xeventtable::dbinsert(), called in /var/www/html/drago.hu/test/assets/snippets/xeventtable/xeventtable.php on line 244 and defined	 
      Error type/ Nr.: 	Warning - 2	 
      File: 	/var/www/html/drago.hu/test/assets/snippets/xeventtable/xeventtable.class.inc.php	 
      Line: 	323	 
      Line 323 source: 	function dbinsert($row, $table = 'default') {

    And what about english doku.html? rolleyes

    It seems to be a product of really hard work, so it may be worth to polish it with some style and stability. And with english docu also!

    Apropos languages... the snippets/xeventtable/lang/ folder is empty.
    Will this have any function later?

    Thanx for the effort!
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      In the file xeventtable.php about line 236 change

      if ($xet->xetconfig['canedit'] == '1'){
      		if (($_POST['saveevent']) || ($_POST['savexet']) || ($_POST['dbsave'])){
      		if ($_POST['makeevents']) {
      		if ($_POST['dbinsert']) {


      if ($xet->xetconfig['canedit'] == '1'){
      		if (($_POST['saveevent']) || ($_POST['savexet']) || ($_POST['dbsave'])|| ($_POST['dbinsert'])){
      		if ($_POST['makeevents']) {

      fixed in Xett_v0.2.5.1_beta

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 4172
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        have uploaded a new version with some little modifications and bugfixes.
        my experiments with timeline-sliders you can see here: http://www.meine-goldschmiede.de/testmodx/index.php?id=202&day=17&month=06&year=2008

          you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


          • 7231
          • 4,205 Posts
          Does this use a custom table or can it use modx documents as the source for the events?
            [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

            Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is.
            Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
            • 4172
            • 5,888 Posts
            you can use custom tables or documents. I made project-files for both. (Used easy-events-class for reading the document-events) And you are free to make your own select and save files.

              you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


              • 25483
              • 741 Posts
              Can I use this snippet for my problem: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,29167.0.html ?

              I am looking for a calendar where clients can book a timeblock (pre-defined) and that it is able to select how many places there are inside that timeblock (for example: at 10.00 there are 4 dentists available to book)
                with regards,

                Ronald Lokers
                'Front-end developer' @ h2o Media

                • 4172
                • 5,888 Posts
                Quote from: MediaGuy at Sep 27, 2008, 11:55 AM

                Can I use this snippet for my problem: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,29167.0.html ?

                I am looking for a calendar where clients can book a timeblock (pre-defined) and that it is able to select how many places there are inside that timeblock (for example: at 10.00 there are 4 dentists available to book)

                Yes, I think you can. At the moment I’m working on something similiar to this. It is for a online-radio where there are timeblocks and the moderators can set there dates with one click, when they moderate.
                There are predifined timeblocks too. when a moderator books this time it is automatically created a document with start and end timeTV like for EasyEvents, but could also be a entry in another database.
                When you can wait a few days you can see it in action. I’m making some work on this snippet at the moment for even more flexibility. So you can parse templates in templates in templates and so on with more templates side by site, filled with datas from one array.
                A calendar is only one example where you have weeks in month, days in week, datarows or events in a day. you are free how you put your templates together and where the datas come from and then where the datas are stored.

                  you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                  • 4172
                  • 5,888 Posts
                  New 02.12.2008 v 0.3_beta:
                  You are now free to Create Templates, which are nested into each other. Create an array in your projectfile getdatas.php with the key [’innerrows’][’xxxx’]
                  then you have placeholders in your Templates [+xett.innerrows.xxxx+] they can all be nested into each other. So you can have in the innerTpls more innerTpls and so on.
                  You can create the whole array in the getdatas.php or you can say for example: [’innerrows’][’day’][’getDatasOnRender’] then comes the array for this Template to the placeholder [+xett.innerrows.day+] from the file dayGetdatas.php. Each row is then rendered in the Template dayTpl where you have the placeholders [+xett.row.value+] and so on.

                  there is only one example-project at the moment. More examples for this release are coming later.


                    you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                    • 3647
                    • 177 Posts
                    Loving this snippet. Still trying to get into however!

                    To help others, a slight correction on your setup instructions
                    The suggested snippet call for the edit page seemed wrong, think it should be:
                    [!Xett? &service=`edittime` &config_path=`config`&project_path=`fewo` &includes_path=`edittime/dbincludes`!]

                    Also I have a couple of questions...
                    Is there a way to have something like the long calendar example, but only with a week at a time rather than a month at a time? - how would I go about doing that

                    Also, what dictates the overall date span? If I only wanted the calendar only to have a ’next month’ option for say 6 months in advance, is this easy to set?


                      • 4172
                      • 5,888 Posts
                      Quote from: bluespark at Feb 23, 2009, 01:38 PM

                      Loving this snippet. Still trying to get into however!

                      To help others, a slight correction on your setup instructions
                      The suggested snippet call for the edit page seemed wrong, think it should be:
                      [!Xett? &service=`edittime` &config_path=`config`&project_path=`fewo` &includes_path=`edittime/dbincludes`!]
                      Thanks for that!

                      Quote from: bluespark at Feb 23, 2009, 01:38 PM

                      Is there a way to have something like the long calendar example, but only with a week at a time rather than a month at a time? - how would I go about doing that
                      I will upload my next version soon with an example for this. what do you plan exactly to do? can you post some details?

                      Quote from: bluespark at Feb 23, 2009, 01:38 PM

                      Also, what dictates the overall date span? If I only wanted the calendar only to have a ’next month’ option for say 6 months in advance, is this easy to set?
                      Not sure to understand you right. you want navigation-links in your week-calendar for next week, prev week, perhaps next month, prev month. And you want the next 6 months to click directly, where now are the 12 next months?

                      I can include all that in this week-example. Let me know your plan!

                      One exampe with an week-view in action you can see here: http://www.radio-lop.de/sendeplan.html

                        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

