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  • I've attempted to integrate wordpress "template tags" (which are simple php API calls embedded in the HTML templates), but trying to load up the API never seemed to work via a snippet call.

    Can anyone suggest an approach to this? I'd like to build my pages with direct access to these WordPress functions.

    Cheers and Viva MODx!
      • 8634
      • 56 Posts
      Opengeek, what would be the advantages of integrating wordpress or any other blog software compared to the document<->guestbook integration? it seems that one needs to maintain two admin back-ends if not completly transparently integrated?
      • To keep from reproducing all the features WordPress offers. I have several sites that used WordPress already that I am integrating with MODx, and yes, even though the administration would be separate, user data could be shared.

        Document<->guestbook integration, though it holds potential is not an option for me on these gigs, as it does not have even a portion of the features required to support these customers blogging needs. And I don't have time to make it otherwise for these projects.

        However, if I could integrate the API's by creating a Plugin for Etomite that could load the proper classes needed to interact with WordPress, then I could use WordPress without their themes and have the flexibility of integrating data from disparate sources (e.g. anything I can do in MODx). I just want to be able to pull up category lists or loop through the posts in a MODx managed document.
          • 17650
          • 13 Posts
          To keep from reproducing all the features WordPress offers. I have several sites that used WordPress already that I am integrating with MODx, and yes, even though the administration would be separate, user data could be shared.

          Document<->guestbook integration, though it holds potential is not an option for me on these gigs, as it does not have even a portion of the features required to support these customers blogging needs. And I don't have time to make it otherwise for these projects.

          However, if I could integrate the API's by creating a Plugin for Etomite that could load the proper classes needed to interact with WordPress, then I could use WordPress without their themes and have the flexibility of integrating data from disparate sources (e.g. anything I can do in MODx). I just want to be able to pull up category lists or loop through the posts in a MODx managed document.

          Sounds sexy
            • 4673
            • 577 Posts
            Now that is the kind of thinking that I was thinking MODx should end up being.

            Something to to pull together many of the other great open source projects out there.

            hmmm ... special APIs to pull necessary functions from other software.

            hehe, imagine cool
              Tangent-Warrior smiley
              • 14267
              • 113 Posts

              However, if I could integrate the API's by creating a Plugin for Etomite that could load the proper classes needed to interact with WordPress, then I could use WordPress without their themes and have the flexibility of integrating data from disparate sources (e.g. anything I can do in MODx). I just want to be able to pull up category lists or loop through the posts in a MODx managed document.

              Did you ever get anywhere on this, Jason?

              • However, if I could integrate the API's by creating a Plugin for Etomite that could load the proper classes needed to interact with WordPress, then I could use WordPress without their themes and have the flexibility of integrating data from disparate sources (e.g. anything I can do in MODx). I just want to be able to pull up category lists or loop through the posts in a MODx managed document.

                Did you ever get anywhere on this, Jason?

                Honestly, I just haven't had the time to get back to the research on this, but I have been thinking about approaches. I should have some time this week to expriment some more, and will post updates as I make progress. This is definitely still on my to-do list...
                  • 34162
                  • 1 Posts
                  what have you tried already.

                  from reading this I assume the object is to create a module that will load wordpress api and then give you access ot those as regular modx calls [[likeso]] or am I understanding this wrong. I also understand that this would allow modx to directly access the wordpress database and edit wordrpess posts.

                  what you are after in this case really or what is needed is a simple way to run a blog from within modx?
                  • Quote from: webmedic at Jul 20, 2005, 05:21 PM

                    what have you tried already.

                    from reading this I assume the object is to create a module that will load wordpress api and then give you access ot those as regular modx calls [[likeso]] or am I understanding this wrong. I also understand that this would allow modx to directly access the wordpress database and edit wordrpess posts.

                    what you are after in this case really or what is needed is a simple way to run a blog from within modx?

                    I think I was looking for a way to actually build WordPress views using the native WordPress API inside MODx generated pages. Probably not the most efficient approach, but in my original attempt I was trying to achieve this.

                    I still have the need for integrating WordPress, but I have not yet found the proper approach (or had the time to really research it much). Some more time to digest and tinker with xWisdom’s latest additions to the core (modules, plugins, etc.) will help. If anyone has the bandwidth to work on or even just reseach this in more depth, we’d certainly appreciate the contribution.

                    On a similar front, I am starting to build a set of loosely coupled resources beyond the NewsListing snippet (Comments, Categories, Technorati, Pingback, Import from other blogs, etc. along with snippets and chunks to build the views) to use inside MODx as a native blog application. These resources could then also be used outside of the "blog", blurring the lines between content management and blogging in the process. More on this soon.
                      • 34162
                      • 1 Posts
                      ah that brings me to another question then. If you have pingback working then is there a way to use xmlrpc with the modx core? I was going to start researching on this also adn poking around for answers.

                      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.