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    • 38 Posts
    Interesting, but not a very good real world test.

    I’ve migrated one site to Revolution but didn’t fully finish it as I am waiting for the 1.0 release. When that comes out, I’ll finish the migration to 1.0 and run some tests to compare.

    I have about 4500 documents on 0.9.6 and it is doing pretty well because I hacked the document parser and moved snippets to files to keep the siteCache file smaller. You do notice the speed decrease in 0.9.6 as you have more docs, but you can do a lot to increase performance.

    I’ve recently configured Apache with gzip, moved my server to Amazon EC2 on a medium instance (~1.7GB Ram and 5 compute units), and installed eaccelerator. Huge boost! Still have some MySQL optimization to do and might move MySQL to a dedicated instance on EC2. When Revolution comes out, I’ll get memcached going and it will smoke!

    But as mentioned, I think the difference will be seen when the stable release is out and you compare larger/more complex sites.