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    Thanks for the reply. I had a senior dev evaluate aspects of the code. Conservative estimates are that 0.9.7 is most likely some 12 - 18 months from completion. (Do let me know if you find that completely unreasonable and why. Public or private.) I think therefore our goals will be to work with 0.9.6 and, to the degree possible, aim for upgrade-ability.

    I suspect I may assign two or more developers to work on particular aspects of 0.9.7 as it is the direction best suited for future applications. We’re a relatively small firm, so developers are likely to quietly slip into the stream of things. I hope our modest contribution can increase the pace of development and move likely release dates forward by some modicum.

    Admin note: split from original UI thread
      • 22303 MODX Staff
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      Quote from: SeanPH at Jan 17, 2008, 04:59 AM

      Thanks for the reply. I had a senior dev evaluate aspects of the code. Conservative estimates are that 0.9.7 is most likely some 12 - 18 months from completion. (Do let me know if you find that completely unreasonable and why. Public or private.) I think therefore our goals will be to work with 0.9.6 and, to the degree possible, aim for upgrade-ability.
      I definitely have to call left-field on that one. With some dedicated testing and time documenting (with more help than just splittingred and myself), it could be ready for distribution in 2 to 4 weeks. Why/how you ask? I’m already using it on some projects in various forms, I just have not had any time to work on it in the past few weeks due to other commitments; it’s honestly just lacking some usability tweaks, an add-on repository, a few upgrade/migration scripts and some tutorials. I’m not saying every feature on the roadmap is completely fleshed-out, but it’s basically ready, the code is fairly well documented, and, well, it’s working quite well for me.

      Perhaps you can enlighten me to the points leading to this conservative estimate?

        • 8353
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        Quote from: OpenGeek at Jan 17, 2008, 03:08 PM

        Quote from: SeanPH at Jan 17, 2008, 04:59 AM

        [...]Conservative estimates are that 0.9.7 is most likely some 12 - 18 months from completion. (Do let me know if you find that completely unreasonable and why. ) [...]
        With some dedicated testing and time documenting (with more help than just splittingred and myself), it could be ready for distribution in 2 to 4 weeks. [...] it’s honestly just lacking some usability tweaks, an add-on repository, a few upgrade/migration scripts and some tutorials. [...]basically ready, the code is fairly well documented, and, well, it’s working quite well for me.

        Perhaps you can enlighten me to the points leading to this conservative estimate?
        I advised SeanPH on the status of 0.9.7, so I should have my behind handed to me. First, however, some clarification:

        I completely agree that 0.9.7 is "basically" done - I’ve used it on a number of prototype projects (i.e. spending several hours on each to see how the tool fits the requirements), and have not had any major issues with the new core, the main engine, or the overall functionality. I do not aim to belittle the amount of work that you guys poured into the new version - the monumental effort speaks for itself when you look at all the new sweetness that reeks out of 0.9.7.

        Having said that, I would love to address the things that made me think 0.9.7 is further away than it appears:
        1) Limited activity for the past 6-8 months (slightly picking up closer to the end of the year) - both in the repository and on the discussion board (a dozen threads in the "MODx Next" section). A reasonable chunk of all changes were for 0.9.6. The apparent stagnation can be alarming, especially considering how long the first pre-announcement of 0.9.7 features was made.
        2) Some big-ticket items still require a significant amount of work:
        a) user management and security system -
        b) packaging/distribution system (at least the manager/interface part)
        c) WYSIWYS editor support - I could not get TinyMCE to work, and my understanding is that other editors aren’t supported yet
        d) visual design for the management section - things like Ext-JS implementation (which currently uses the humongous ext-all.js), and basic skinning/styling. I believe there recently was a volunteer for look after this.
        e) multi-lingual functionality - does not appear to be fully supported yet
        f) several internal bugs (e.g. TVs - template variables - get reset if you mistakenly turn a page into a container and then undo the change)
        3) Plugins/modules/extensions/etc will take a while to catch up with the new structure - a few of pro-active projects are being updated already, but this seems to be an exception
        4) Two major developers/leads with full time responsibilities elsewhere - brilliant guys, no doubt, but they are still humans who like to sleep and eat occasionally.
        5) A major overhaul in the underlying structure means some significant testing is needed. Perhaps it’s best to wait for the stable or at least for several weeks post-release?
        6) The only official word on the release date (up to this post) was "*definitely* before [Oct ’08]"

        Only a few of these can be considered a show-stopper (i.e. user/permission handling), but aren’t these issues enough to estimate 0.9.7 as being considerably more than 4 weeks away, especially as a solid, tested version?

        Whatever the answer is, you guys are doing a truly fantastic job - don’t let us nitpicking bystanders interrupt you too much wink
          • 22303 MODX Staff
          • 10,725 Posts
          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          1) Limited activity for the past 6-8 months (slightly picking up closer to the end of the year) - both in the repository and on the discussion board (a dozen threads in the "MODx Next" section). A reasonable chunk of all changes were for 0.9.6. The apparent stagnation can be alarming, especially considering how long the first pre-announcement of 0.9.7 features was made.
          I agree the public forum discussions in the last 6 to 8 months has stagnated (though we’re very active in team IRC channels), but I’m a little confused on how the repository (I assume you mean the SVN repository?) has stagnated; if anything commits on the 0.9.7 branches accelerated to it’s highest level ever before Christmas. See the changelog at http://svn.modxcms.com/crucible/changelog/MODx/branches/0.9.7

          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          2) Some big-ticket items still require a significant amount of work:
          a) user management and security system -
          b) packaging/distribution system (at least the manager/interface part)
          c) WYSIWYS editor support - I could not get TinyMCE to work, and my understanding is that other editors aren’t supported yet
          d) visual design for the management section - things like Ext-JS implementation (which currently uses the humongous ext-all.js), and basic skinning/styling. I believe there recently was a volunteer for look after this.
          e) multi-lingual functionality - does not appear to be fully supported yet
          f) several internal bugs (e.g. TVs - template variables - get reset if you mistakenly turn a page into a container and then undo the change)
          I agree there is some cleanup work and bug fixing left to do in many of these areas, but I would hardly call it significant. If you want to discuss specific items there in more details, let’s start some threads on those topics and get some momentum going both in dialog and contributions.

          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          3) Plugins/modules/extensions/etc will take a while to catch up with the new structure - a few of pro-active projects are being updated already, but this seems to be an exception
          Help me out here with some substance; if this is from your own experience trying to adapt one, where are your posts/questions about the struggle? Seriously, I’m not trying to be smart here, but without the dialog of capable early adopters, progress can be slow and hurdles for other adopters remain too long. Anyway, this is truly something that a quick tutorial on the new xPDO and core MODx API followed by a migration guide with examples of how we converted the major snippets should address quite easily. Where are my tutorial contributors/technical writers?

          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          4) Two major developers/leads with full time responsibilities elsewhere - brilliant guys, no doubt, but they are still humans who like to sleep and eat occasionally.
          100% <expletive removed> agreed here. Where are the other people that want the commodity, really like the potential of the code we’re making available for free, and don’t mind making a bit of an investment in terms of sharing their coding skills to help make it all come together?

          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          5) A major overhaul in the underlying structure means some significant testing is needed. Perhaps it’s best to wait for the stable or at least for several weeks post-release?
          I don’t disagree that large migration projects will likely require some significant regression testing, but I’ve been running sites like xpdo.org and other client sites constructed natively on the new core engine for over a year with no significant defects or nasty side-effects. That said, more testing contributions with more feedback in the forums or on the Trac site would be absolutely welcome at this point; every contribution helps.

          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          6) The only official word on the release date (up to this post) was "*definitely* before [Oct ’08]"
          Look at Ryan’s profile; he just likes to fluff that post count. Feel free to ignore him when he responds to questions about release dates. LOL!

          But seriously, you have some very valid points here and I may be completely wrong about the actual time it takes to release 0.9.7, but I don’t like to waste time predicting either. And though I may seem a little defensive in my writing, what I truly am trying to express is that I welcome any and all contributions to the 0.9.7 effort; I want more people (read "committers") involved so momentum continues to increase without reliance on the schedules of the low number of currently active contributors (i.e. splittingred and myself).

          Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

          Only a few of these can be considered a show-stopper (i.e. user/permission handling)
          The new security interfaces need some work and explanation, but the new permission handling that was just introduced in December is quite capable and functional, just quite different. Again, minimal documentation efforts and migration strategies/scripts for the web/manager user convergence are in order, but hardly a show-stopper to product release IMHO.
            • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
            • 24,524 Posts
            Where are my tutorial contributors/technical writers?
            Darn it, Jason, I’m working on it! I can’t write about what I don’t understand, and this is taking me way too long to get my head wrapped around.

            It’s not complex, I can see that, once the concepts behind the design are understood, but it’s different than my background. The original Etomite core base was soooo easy to understand at a glance. And extjs! I finally got a real application finished with it, a lovely data grid with search and column sorting! But it’s slow going. tongue
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              • 8353
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              Quote from: OpenGeek at Jan 18, 2008, 03:35 AM

              I agree the public forum discussions in the last 6 to 8 months has stagnated (though we’re very active in team IRC channels), but I’m a little confused on how the repository (I assume you mean the SVN repository?) has stagnated; if anything commits on the 0.9.7 branches accelerated to it’s highest level ever before Christmas.
              It is true that the activity picked up in the last couple months of ’07 - my comment tried, unsuccessfully, to point out that there was little activity for the second half of the year as a whole, and most of it occurred close to the end of that ’second half’. Moot point. Glad to hear that IRC is being used for communication - I did not think to check that avenue.

              Quote from: OpenGeek at Jan 18, 2008, 03:35 AM

              I agree there is some cleanup work and bug fixing left to do in many of these areas, but I would hardly call it significant. If you want to discuss specific items there in more details, let’s start some threads on those topics and get some momentum going both in dialog and contributions.
              Valid point - specific issues logged within trac will be of far more value that any generic summaries I could post here. To say nothing of also logging patches for these issues.

              Quote from: OpenGeek at Jan 18, 2008, 03:35 AM

              Help me out here with some substance; if this is from your own experience trying to adapt one, where are your posts/questions about the struggle? Seriously, I’m not trying to be smart here, but without the dialog of capable early adopters, progress can be slow and hurdles for other adopters remain too long. Anyway, this is truly something that a quick tutorial on the new xPDO and core MODx API followed by a migration guide with examples of how we converted the major snippets should address quite easily. Where are my tutorial contributors/technical writers?
              Certainly. One example is Ditto - it seems to be one of the most popular snippets, and yet it does not work out of the box with 097 (if _I_ messed something up, then I’ll be quick to retract this statement). "does not work", in this context, is useless, but honestly I was not in the error-solving mode when I tried to use it; it was more a quick mission to find out what I can get working as quickly as possible and Ditto did not make the cut.

              As you can gather, English is not my native tongue - plus I passionately dislike writing - so I would not make a good technical writer. I can, however, investigate what needs to be done (generally and on a case-by-case basis) in order to get some snippets/extensions/modules working on the new core. I shall check with he-who-signs-the-checks and report back - hopefully there is a way I could contribute.

              I think we are fundamentally in agreement on all points raised so far, with the only exception being "when is this thing goin’ to fly?" - I don’t know the details of what’s been done and what is yet to be done so I’m being overly pessimistic, and you guys aren’t certain how much resources can/will be committed to finishing the last 20%. To paraphrase, the time between now and the end of the project is always static, and is always 2 weeks wink This is not a stab, but merely an observation of what is so.

              Points to follow up: I’ll check with gods above (below?) on my schedule/commitments and how they can be aligned with some assistance for MODx, while you guys consult on Oracle on the Powerball winning numbers and, if that goes through, a firmer [goal] timeframe for MODx cool
                • 25663 MODX Staff
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                The first 90% takes 90% of the time. The last 10% takes the other 90% of the time. tongue
                  Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                  Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                  • 26518
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                  Quote from: OpenGeek at Jan 18, 2008, 03:35 AM

                  Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

                  4) Two major developers/leads with full time responsibilities elsewhere - brilliant guys, no doubt, but they are still humans who like to sleep and eat occasionally.
                  100% <expletive removed> agreed here. Where are the other people that want the commodity, really like the potential of the code we’re making available for free, and don’t mind making a bit of an investment in terms of sharing their coding skills to help make it all come together?

                  On the outside looking in, I empathize which is the reason behind our dipping the proverbial toe in the water -- trying to sort out in what manner we might be able to help while still supporting a business case. From my vantage, issues like timeline for stable deliverables affect my short term planning so this discussion is helpful. It’s not a matter of if we’ll be involved, but how.

                    • 25663 MODX Staff
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                    All input is greatly appreciated. The thought of additional folks filing bugs WITH patches in Trac makes me smile. smiley
                      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                      • 28215
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                      Quote from: e6 at Jan 18, 2008, 02:06 AM

                      2) Some big-ticket items still require a significant amount of work:
                      a) user management and security system -
                      This is actually much further along than the ticket suggests. It really just needs some UI enhancements, maybe a bit of inline documentation, and some testing.

                      b) packaging/distribution system (at least the manager/interface part)
                      I would agree this needs some work. We’ve come a long way on it - the core code is pretty much done (minus the provisioners part). I would definitely agree that the UI needs work.

                      c) WYSIWYS editor support - I could not get TinyMCE to work, and my understanding is that other editors aren’t supported yet
                      TinyMCE works a bit different in 097 - you have to install it as a package. I’ve gotten it to work on mine - and in fact, once you get it to work, you’ll be able to see the sweet new MODx.Browser that replaces the mcpuk file browser.

                      d) visual design for the management section - things like Ext-JS implementation (which currently uses the humongous ext-all.js), and basic skinning/styling. I believe there recently was a volunteer for look after this.
                      Yes, such is the debate. I’ve made significant progress in porting some ext1.1.1 code to ext2, so there’s a chance (read: small chance) we might go to ext2 for 097. We’ll see.

                      But I would definitely agree the styling needs to happen. This is our #1 top priority, but we need help in it.

                      e) multi-lingual functionality - does not appear to be fully supported yet
                      It’s very near done - in fact, it’s just a matter of including some preference options and a hook here and there. Jason can explain more.

                      f) several internal bugs (e.g. TVs - template variables - get reset if you mistakenly turn a page into a container and then undo the change)
                      Logging these bugs to Trac would be infinitely helpful. smiley

                      3) Plugins/modules/extensions/etc will take a while to catch up with the new structure - a few of pro-active projects are being updated already, but this seems to be an exception
                      I agree - we’ve already done a lot of work on some plugins, in our modx-components repository. I’ve gotten significant work done on AjaxSearch and eForm, converting them into OOP and using the xPDO core. They still need work, but they’re there.

                      4) Two major developers/leads with full time responsibilities elsewhere - brilliant guys, no doubt, but they are still humans who like to sleep and eat occasionally.
                      Oh, I like to sleep and eat FAR more than occasionally. grin

                      Yes, we definitely need more help in the coding/doc arena. We welcome any help we can get, and have iterated time and time again, are definitely up for helping people ease into the new codebase. We answer questions on IRC frequently about the new structure. Any takers? smiley

                      5) A major overhaul in the underlying structure means some significant testing is needed. Perhaps it’s best to wait for the stable or at least for several weeks post-release?
                      Actually, surprisingly, we’re doing pretty good testing-wise. We’ve got quite a few sites running on 0.9.7, and running well. Sure, there are definitely going to be testing needs, but a big reason 097 has taken so long is that we’re doing a ton of testing as we code, making sure that the code is 100% compliant (XHTML and JS standards) and written in proper OOP style.

                      Only a few of these can be considered a show-stopper (i.e. user/permission handling), but aren’t these issues enough to estimate 0.9.7 as being considerably more than 4 weeks away, especially as a solid, tested version?
                      That’s why it’d be an alpha release. smiley

                      No, it might take more than 4 weeks. We’re not sure. A lot of it depends on how much this community decides to step up and help out the efforts. We’re open to giving access points to help, but few have stepped up to that challenge yet. We definitely aren’t trying to "do it alone" - that’s for sure. smiley

                      Whatever the answer is, you guys are doing a truly fantastic job - don’t let us nitpicking bystanders interrupt you too much wink
                      No - please do. These posts are wonderful, and vastly helpful for the project. I’ve really appreciated the feedback.
                        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com