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    • 6408
    • 58 Posts
    Thanks but the col class is intentioanlly left out of the homepage as equalheights clashes with the slider - thats a problem I can live with for now until i get this other problem sorted - scroll through the blue navigation on the left and you will see how the scrollbar appears and dissappears - depending on whether you refresh the page or not...
      • 5340
      • 1,624 Posts
      I can’t see the problem in Firefox. I clicked on the blue menu, I refreshed, clicked home, refreshed and so on.
      Maybe you can provide a screen shot.

      You should enable the cache on all the pages(if possible) in order to make the site generate faster.

        • 32316
        • 387 Posts
        The equalHeight.js function is expecting values for minHeight and maxheight

        Perhaps having minHeight and maxheight in the call would help
          • 6408
          • 58 Posts
          @cipa - interesting you cant see the problem. What were the page load times like for you? For me they are painfully slow. will post a screenshot. many thanks for testing.

          @whistlemaker - equalheights dimensions are optional, if you dont set them it will just calculate to the element with the greatest height - if you do set them it will ensure that all of them either have a minimum height (i tried this, made no difference) - or a max height (but it doesnt make sense to do this, because if the tallest element goes beyond the max height then the dreaded scrollbars will appear. So setting a min height and max height for these columns isnt really practical.

            • 5340
            • 1,624 Posts
            Firebug reports 1.35s
            Use the minified version of jquery to speed up the page load

            The connection to the site feels slow sometimes. I’m guessing that the cache was cleared. If I reload everything if fine. Your page speed should increase if you fix the missing file http://www.networkdigital.co.uk/dev/indicator.gif(I would look for a reference to this img in a css or js file).

            In case you’re not using firebug, you should smiley
              • 32316
              • 387 Posts
              Viewing in Safari on Mac OS 10.6
              Sometimes it works, sometimes not - when it does not I see scroll bars, once even two scroll bars (on the center and right columns)

              Turn off javascript - and I see unequal column heights and no scroll bars.

              For me the script seems to always load and run.
              I can see that the js is adding styling to the column divs - but it does not always pick the same height to make the columns - hence sometimes there are scroll bars.

              This seems to point to the script running before the page is fully rendered. I would suspect that there are one or more images being loaded after the script runs - they do not have a specified size and so the browser does not know how much space to give to the img tag so it gives it 0 and thus the height is wrong (adding a height to the tag might fix the problem - if you know what size to add) - As a test I deleted the image from the page after loading (I’m using Safari’s Developer tools) and the scroll bar disappeared and the height was now perfect.
              Of course there might be other things going on as well.

              I can see how this script might be helpful for making blocks all the same size - especially if the height varies with dynamic content. But there are ways to create equal height columns with just css, and fairly nice markup.
                • 6408
                • 58 Posts
                Whistle, I suspect that is the problem - I need to find an alternate version of the script that accounts for preloading the images....

                close to giving up - not so sure its a problem with modx, more a problem with the script and *any* dynamic content, especialy images where the heights of the images cannot be accounted by the script. if you know of any good css methods please let me know!
                  • 5340
                  • 1,624 Posts
                  It’s not modx as it’s not happening in Firefox. I can now see the problem in safari. I’ll get back to you shortly if I find the answer to your problem
                    • 5340
                    • 1,624 Posts
                    Can you use this instead

                    And can you also put call it on $(window).load(function () {});

                      • 6408
                      • 58 Posts
                      right now this is really confusing - I have just changed the image widths (increased them to almost fit the length of the box they are supposed to sit in) in phpthumbof and it seems now is rendering better.

                      Just to add - in my version of Firefox, I do see this problem occurring, and Im developing mainly in firefox and chrome... the only difference i have made is adding in css :

                      img {height:100%;}

                      is this something to do with phpthumbof calculation time for resizing images perhaps?
