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    • 21255
    • 215 Posts
    ...even if you have no permission to edit the folder they belong to.

    If you dont have the permission to edit a special folder, you won’t see that one in the document tree. That’s fine. But if you have the permission to edit a document that is a child of this folder you won’t see that either ;-)

    I don’t know if this is the intended behaviour, but I patched it (the dirty way):

    // get document groups for current user
    if($_SESSION['mgrDocgroups']) $docgrp = implode(",",$_SESSION['mgrDocgroups']);
    $access = "1='".$_SESSION['mgrRole']."' OR sc.privatemgr=0".
      (!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)");
    // Modified by Timon
    if($parent>0) {
    	$result = mysql_query("	SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr 
    						FROM $tblsc AS sc 
    						LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
    						LEFT JOIN $tbldgn dgn ON dgn.id = dg.document_group
    						WHERE (parent=$parent) 
    						AND (1='".$_SESSION['role']."' OR NOT(dgn.private_memgroup<=>1)".(!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)").") 
    						ORDER BY $orderby", $modxDBConn);
    } else {
    	// Query all pages we have special privileges for
    	$result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, parent FROM $tblsc AS sc 
    						LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
    						LEFT JOIN $tbldgn dgn ON dgn.id = dg.document_group
    						WHERE (1='".$_SESSION['role']."' OR NOT(dgn.private_memgroup<=>1)".(!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)").")", $modxDBConn);
    	while(list($id, $curparent) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    		$allparents[] = $curparent;
    	$allparents = implode(",",array_unique((array)$allparents));
    	$result = mysql_query("	SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr 
    						FROM $tblsc AS sc 
    						LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
    						LEFT JOIN $tbldgn dgn ON dgn.id = dg.document_group
    						WHERE (parent=$parent) 
    						AND ($access OR sc.id IN ($allparents) OR NOT(dgn.private_memgroup<=>1)".(!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)").") 
    						ORDER BY $orderby", $modxDBConn);
    /* The original code:
    	$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr 
    			FROM $tblsc AS sc 
    			LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
    			WHERE (parent=$parent) 
    			AND ($access) 
    			ORDER BY $orderby";
    	$result = mysql_query($sql, $modxDBConn);
    // End of modification
    • Thanks a million. We’ll review it and commit it to the core I’m pretty certain. Care to open a bugtracker issue for it so we can prioritize it and make sure you’re in on the testing?
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 21255
        • 215 Posts
        Oh, so it is a bug wink I’ll open an issue for it.

        BTW: The patch above is buggy, too wink To make role-id 1 to see all docs, replace $access with 1=’".$_SESSION[’role’]."’
          • 29635
          • 361 Posts
          Wow, that’s awesome.

          Ryan, it’s already on the bugtracker I believe...
          Actually, that bug/feature request is a bit convoluted, but it’s the same idea. Maybe it’s too convoluted to actually be useful wink

          Anyway, awesome fix.
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          • This would be excellent! I recently had a user edit the folder document for the news instead of adding a new document under it. If I could have put the folder in a restricted group it would have been excellent. As it is, I have to try "educating" the user, and hope it takes.
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              • 18397
              • 3,250 Posts
              Jason, has this been committed to the source?
                • 17665
                • 54 Posts
                Is it supposed to show the entire document tree? I was hoping to have it only show parent folders that contain children the user can modify. It seems to show everything, but when the user clicks on a document they shouldn’t have access to a message pops up saying the document could not be found. Is that right?

                I’m probably just doing something wrong... the code is for 3ldr.php, correct?

                  • 21255
                  • 215 Posts
                  Sorry, the posted code was wrong.

                  This is the right one, but still a bad hack:
                  // Modified by Timon for BWHW
                  if($_SESSION['mgrRole']!=1) {
                  	if($parent>0) {
                  	$result = mysql_query("	SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr 
                  				FROM $tblsc AS sc 
                  				LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
                  				LEFT JOIN $tbldgn dgn ON dgn.id = dg.document_group
                  				WHERE (parent=$parent) 
                  				AND (1='".$_SESSION['mgrRole']."' OR NOT(dgn.private_memgroup<=>1)".(!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)").") 
                  				ORDER BY $orderby", $modxDBConn);
                  		} else {
                  			// Query all pages we have special privileges for
                  			$result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, parent FROM $tblsc AS sc 
                  						LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
                  						LEFT JOIN $tbldgn dgn ON dgn.id = dg.document_group
                  						WHERE (1='".$_SESSION['mgrRole']."' OR NOT(dgn.private_memgroup<=>1)".(!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)").")", $modxDBConn);
                  			while(list($id, $curparent) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                  				$allparents[] = $curparent;
                  			$allparents = implode(",",array_unique((array)$allparents));
                  			$result = mysql_query("	SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr 
                  						FROM $tblsc AS sc 
                  						LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
                  						LEFT JOIN $tbldgn dgn ON dgn.id = dg.document_group
                  						WHERE (parent=$parent) 
                  						AND (1='".$_SESSION['mgrRole']."' OR sc.id IN ($allparents) OR NOT(dgn.private_memgroup<=>1)".(!$docgrp ? "":" OR dg.document_group IN ($docgrp)").") 
                  						ORDER BY $orderby", $modxDBConn);
                  	} else {						
                  		// Original code
                  		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT sc.id, pagetitle, parent, isfolder, published, deleted, type, menuindex, hidemenu, alias, contentType, privateweb, privatemgr 
                  				FROM $tblsc AS sc 
                  				LEFT JOIN $tbldg dg on dg.document = sc.id
                  				WHERE (parent=$parent) 
                  				AND ($access) 
                  				ORDER BY $orderby";
                  		$result = mysql_query($sql, $modxDBConn);
                  // End of modification
                    • 6726
                    • 7,075 Posts
                    I am late to the party but it sure is nice to have this...
                    thanks !
                      .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

                      MODx est l&#39;outil id
                      • 17665
                      • 54 Posts
                      Did you get this to work? I seem to be stupid again... For me all of the documents show up, not just the parents of children the user should be able to edit. When you click on one of them you’ll get a "Document could not be found" error message but I’d rather just not have them show up at all.