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  • Quote from: beryl at Mar 11, 2008, 09:53 AM

    I find it odd that a CMS that "created" the slogan "AJax CMS" has decided to go for "php framework cms" wink

    Anyhow, thank you the the detailed answeres, now i know what direction to go.

    There is the catch in marketing a tool that people are passionate about. A successful project becomes what the users experience no matter what marketing is used to promote, present or lure. Ultimately the marketing needs to correctly present the brand that most effectively represents the meaning of MODx and that has to be inline with user perception or it will confuse or frustrate. Personally I would like to see the whole focus on AJAX and gadgetry disappear and shift focus back onto flexibility, ease of use and extensibility with freedom for developers instead.

    I don’t think you will see MODx abandon a packaged release but I think better than that you will start seeing builds and addons for one flavour or another of AJAX or JSON or the as I call the library of the month.

    I don’t foresee MODx sidestepping into the realm of PHP Rapid Application Framework although I plan on using it somewhat as such on a personal project.

    I am speaking personally and not for the MODx team when I say that I have grown to appreciate Jason’s POV on shipping MODx as a clean/prepped canvas, while at the same time I know that solution packages are essential to the migration of new users to MODx--I was one. I barely understood how to read an API until recently and that is all thanks to the snippets and plugins that come with MODx. I have taken my PHP "skills" to new levels and do so on every project.

    The point is that MODx is whatever you make it into. I can’t wait until I can devises custom builds for client deployments and I don’t need to weed out the junk at every install.
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub
      • 13094
      • 58 Posts
      Hi all,
      I’m noob-not-sure, if this is the right context to place a note that figure out how the "jQuery, jQuery" proclaimers will become their part of the show.
      Maybe somewhere else an equal posting was placed already, but I noticed this thread today while searching for a problem that I coudn’t fix the "mootools way". I integrated the SmoothGallery for mootools into a snippet, that automatically collects images from a given folder, but that gallery always delivered an error within the mootools.js

      So I decided to use jQuery and the innerfade plugin. That works like a charme, even with QuickEdit and ajaxSearch in the frontend.

      So this is my solution:
      All you have to do, is to capsule your jQuery scripts within the jQuery namespace -- just like mentioned before:

      //    ...PLACE YOUR jQUERY STUFF HERE...

        • 13928
        • 28 Posts
        Hey, i’m using YSHOUT and MAxi gallery on same page

        and I think i have the same problem.

        The Yshout doesn’t display when i’m calling maxigallery slimbox

        I’m using this to call snippet :
        [!MaxiGallery? &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &pics_per_row=`3` &max_thumb_size=`110` &max_pic_size=`0` &thumb_use_dropshadow=`1`!]

        and when I add a disable java, Yshout works, but slimbox doesn’t show in the way it showe before

        i this the problem with two jquery libraries