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    Zend release a framework and it look very comprehensive!

    Here is the link to download: http://framework.zend.com/download
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      Quote from: chanh at Mar 04, 2006, 08:08 PM

      Zend release a framework and it look very comprehensive!

      Here is the link to download: http://framework.zend.com/download

      Nice one dude...
      I like the idea of having this implemented in the future development, because of the fact that I like the fact that php developer is owning the project grin I saw Joomla and SugarCRM llisted on there involved in the development. I wish we could be one of them as well. I’m looking forward to see this happening by the end of this year. Go MODx community.
        Wendy Novianto
        [font=Verdana]PT DJAMOER Technology Media
        [font=Verdana]Xituz Media
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        I have just been looking at the Zend framework, awesome, bundles some really useful operations, in an uncomplicated way.
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          Once again great input Chanh, I’ll have to keep an eye on this, didn’t know Zend was developping a web application framework... this seems pretty cool stuff, but could devs/coders enlighten me as how it would possibly relate to MODx, other than being a possible competitor (sorry for the dumb Q here) ?

          Could some part of the framework be re-used in MODx pending some adaptation ?
            .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

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          • To me, it’s more great, professional code to print out for my bedtime reading. I can see already however that it depends heavily on php 5, so it won’t be an issue for MODx users stuck on php 4.
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              But Tatto would be another story altogether grin ....
                .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

                MODx est l'outil id
              • Well, Tattoo will just have to be easier for the average Joe (or Josephine) to use. These "official" packages are always great for heavy-duty programmers and pretty much impossible for everybody else.
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                  Quote from: sottwell at Mar 05, 2006, 05:24 PM

                  Well, Tattoo will just have to be easier for the average Joe (or Josephine) to use. These "official" packages are always great for heavy-duty programmers and pretty much impossible for everybody else.

                  I would propose the use of this framework though on our core backend. I mean, the last that we can do is to get some part of the codes and implement it into Tattoo. The best thing is, it’s a well coded class created by some advanced php coder out there, so it will be useful for us not o re-invent the wheel, and it will cut the time needed to create the system. So basically we can spend more time in the user interface of tatto, in terms of having the interface for both designer and coder to work on. But still the final decision will be made by our core development team.

                  Btw, I’m looking forward to see their auth system though. I bet I can learn something out of it. In fact the idea of having library/class loader like this framework will be great for Tattoo as well. Imagine having a bunch of library embeded into Tattoo, but it’s not integrated unless if resources developer need them. More like library collection that I’m planning to build, but the approach is more sophisticated, compare to just load the lib class using include grin
                    Wendy Novianto
                    [font=Verdana]PT DJAMOER Technology Media
                    [font=Verdana]Xituz Media
                    • 28471
                    • 48 Posts
                    If anything, the Zend framework demonstrates some good ways of performing useful tasks, and interfacing with the libraries. These methods could be adapted for (albeit cut down) for php4 and for the current modx. The Zend framework from what I have seen so far is much simpler than many other frameworks to actually use.

                    For example, the zend input filter class supplies a simple way for validating input. However provides whitelisting, blacklisting conditionals aswell.

                    Note: code isnt exact as on zend.
                    $postFilter = new Zend_Input_Filter($_POST);
                    $name = $postFilter->isAlpha('name');
                    $email = $postFilter->isEmail('email');

                    What an easy way to validate form input. Either the result is returned, or false, simple.

                    Another example is grabbing feeds(RSS, Atom, etc)

                    $channel = new Zend_Feed_Rss('http://rss.example.com/channelName');

                    Or how about sending HTML emails

                    require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
                    $mail = new Zend_Mail();
                    $mail->setBodyText('My Nice Test Text');
                    $mail->setBodyHtml('My Nice <b>Test</b> Text');
                    $mail->setFrom('[email protected]', 'Some Sender');
                    $mail->addTo('[email protected]', 'Some Recipient');

                    Simplicity at its finest.

                    Coding is normally the easy part, whats difficult is making things simple enough to use without configuration, and flexible enough to address complex needs, Zend seems to be really addressing this with their framework.

                    I’m going to work on a few wrapper classes (like the input filter) for php4 that will use the same syntax.
                    • I’m excited about the Zend framework, and know that it will provide for some great, robust code to use.
                        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me