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    Quote from: andytough at Aug 16, 2016, 10:08 PM
    Just found this on line 354 of style.css
    .content {
    width: 100%; padding-left: 250px; position: relative; left: 0px; opacity: 0;
    The opacity: 0 is making the content invisible

    I AM a bit confused about this CSS (I'm using a template called Other from Tommus Rhodus):

    There was also this bit that I commented out: /*section.content .article-nav {display: none;}*/
    -- because it would seem that would make the content of a section and the article-nav not display.
    However it was displaying both, with or w/o that css.

    Likewise, I took out that opacity: 0; bit and nothing changed.

    How is this possible?
      • 38783
      • 571 Posts
      Hello Julie,

      That is very strange, but good!

      The <script src="assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js"></script> is at the bottom of your page. If you try to go to https://thetaooftype.com/assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js you get a 'page not found' error.

      I have found something that is curious. I cannot understand how it is possible, but it may indicate a problem with your DNS, or your hosting account configuration that may be contributing to the strange behaviour you have been experiencing.

      If you test your website using https://tools.pingdom.com/ you will see a section called 'File requests'.

      If you expand the information about requests to your css files you will see that they refer to assets on a different domain (which looks like it is yours)
      <https://possibilitywarrior.com/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css>; rel="canonical"
      <https://possibilitywarrior.com/assets/css/style.css>; rel="canonical"

      I can't explain how this could happen but I think it would be worth investigating.
        If I help you out on these forums I would be very grateful if you would consider rating me on Trustpilot: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/andytough.com

        email: [email protected] | website: https://andytough.com
        • 52609
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        Maybe the re-installation did fix it and just took some time to take effect? Is that possible? Why would it take time?

        I just made a change to the template. It didn't appear on a page until I re-saved that page, so I had to re-save all the pages. Is that a thing?!? It doesn't seem like it should be a thing. Just like the different link behavior with pages/templates didn't seem like it should be a thing.
          • 52609
          • 32 Posts
          Thanks Andy!

          Quote from: andytough at Aug 16, 2016, 10:46 PM

          The <script src="assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js"></script> is at the bottom of your page. If you try to go to https://thetaooftype.com/assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js you get a 'page not found' error.

          I have this at the bottom of the page:

          <!--LOAD SCRIPTS-->
          <script src="assets/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
          <script src="assets/js/plugins.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
          <script src="assets/js/custom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

          Where would the "+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js" come from?

          Quote from: andytough at Aug 16, 2016, 10:46 PM
          I have found something that is curious. I cannot understand how it is possible, but it may indicate a problem with your DNS, or your hosting account configuration that may be contributing to the strange behaviour you have been experiencing.

          If you test your website using https://tools.pingdom.com/ you will see a section called 'File requests'.

          If you expand the information about requests to your css files you will see that they refer to assets on a different domain (which looks like it is yours)
          <https: possibilitywarrior.com="" assets="" css="" font-awesome.min.css="">; rel="canonical"
          <https: possibilitywarrior.com="" assets="" css="" style.css="">; rel="canonical"

          I can't explain how this could happen but I think it would be worth investigating.</https:></https:>

          Oh man. I use a host and my domain name with the host is possibilitywarrior.com (PW). I have a subdomain called thetaooftype.com (tToT).

          PW is my public_html/ folder and tToT is a subfolder (public_html/thetaooftype.com/).

          There is no assets file in public_html/, just all the files and folders associated with Wordpress, since PW is a WP site. So there is no "https://possibilitywarrior.com/assets/css/style.css."

          The assets folder is public_html/thetaooftype.com/assets/ according to my file manager.

          Cool site, btw! Is there another site that provides similar information, to see if this is a weirdness with their site or with my setup?

          Thanks for helping me try to sort this out!! [ed. note: juliehoy last edited this post 7 years, 8 months ago.]
            • 52609
            • 32 Posts
            Quote from: juliehoy at Aug 16, 2016, 11:10 PM
            Thanks Andy!

            Quote from: andytough at Aug 16, 2016, 10:46 PM

            The <script src="assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js"></script> is at the bottom of your page. If you try to go to https://thetaooftype.com/assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js you get a 'page not found' error.

            I have this at the bottom of the page:

            <!--LOAD SCRIPTS-->
            <script src="assets/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src="assets/js/plugins.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src="assets/js/custom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

            Where would the "+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js" come from?

            Does mod_pagespeed modify my javascript name by adding the +custom.etc? So that's some minified form of the original? Perhaps a temporary file, and that's why not found?

            I see pingdom had a problem with mod_pagespeed, but it doesn't explain what it was.
              • 38783
              • 571 Posts
              The Javascript links

              Looking at https://thetaooftype.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">view-source:https://thetaooftype.com/ you have this at the bottom of the page:

              <!--LOAD SCRIPTS-->
              <script src="assets/js/jquery.js.pagespeed.jm.c2Cts_B8sv.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="assets/js/plugins.js.pagespeed.jm.0SqrAcrX30.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="assets/js/custom.js.pagespeed.jm.oKh7WRrmsF.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

              These all work OK.

              Previously it had this at the bottom of the page
              <script src="assets/js/plugins.js+custom.js.pagespeed.jc.P1vFfqEoZE.js"></script>

              I can't see this any more. So perhaps it was cached and the cache has now expired. Not sure where it could have come from though.

              Looking at https://thetaooftype.com/gallery.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">view-source:https://thetaooftype.com/gallery.html you have this at the bottom of the page, which is what you are expecting to see.

              <!--LOAD SCRIPTS-->
              <script src="assets/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="assets/js/plugins.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="assets/js/custom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

              I think that you are using different templates for https://thetaooftype.com/ and https://thetaooftype.com/gallery.html ?

              The base for your gallery page is <base href="https://thetaooftype.com/" />
              On your home page it is <base href="https://thetaooftype.com/"/>
              You will see that there is a space before the closing slash on the first one and not on the second. I don't think this matters but it does suggest the templates are different.

              Domains and subdomains
              Your explanation of this configuration sounds correct. I would contact your hosting provider and ask them to check out how your https://thetaooftype.com/assets/css/style.css could end up being presented as https://possibilitywarrior.com/assets/css/style.css

              Diagnostic sites
              I don't know of any other sites like Pingdom but I sometimes use https://website.grader.com/ just to check if I have got my meta information etc right.

                If I help you out on these forums I would be very grateful if you would consider rating me on Trustpilot: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/andytough.com

                email: [email protected] | website: https://andytough.com
                • 52609
                • 32 Posts

                Thank you tons for looking into all of this Andy!

                I still only see the js names I expect. So I'm not going to worry about this one unless I notice scripts aren't working. I will run that weird domain name thing past my host provider though!

                I have no idea why there is a gallery.html page!!! I haven't created that?!

                At first I was going to make the content of each site a Chunk, so I have a chunk named "Gallery." Then the main page content was just [[$Gallery]]. I've since decided not to use chunks that way, and just put the code for each page in the content area.

                I didn't delete the Gallery chunk however, because then that ID number goes away. When I need a chunk, I'll rename that one and repurpose it, so I can keep my numbers consecutive.

                So... do chunks become html pages too, along with resource pages, and that's why there's a gallery.hmtl page? But then, why is it associated with a template? It's just a chunk, they don't get associated with templates. It should appear with only the content and nothing from my template.

                I'm having MODX confusions majorly today!
                  • 52609
                  • 32 Posts
                  Quote from: juliehoy at Aug 17, 2016, 12:29 AM

                  I have no idea why there is a gallery.html page!!! I haven't created that?!

                  At first I was going to make the content of each site a Chunk, so I have a chunk named "Gallery." Then the main page content was just [[$Gallery]]. I've since decided not to use chunks that way, and just put the code for each page in the content area.

                  I didn't delete the Gallery chunk however, because then that ID number goes away. When I need a chunk, I'll rename that one and repurpose it, so I can keep my numbers consecutive.

                  So... do chunks become html pages too, along with resource pages, and that's why there's a gallery.hmtl page? But then, why is it associated with a template? It's just a chunk, they don't get associated with templates. It should appear with only the content and nothing from my template.

                  I removed the content from the Gallery chunk and the page didn't change. I changed the chunk name to "Unused" and gallery.html didn't change, and there was unused.html looking the same. I put in my dog's name and abby.html was there and looked the same.

                  So no, the chunks don't become html pages. Maybe my .htaccess redirect rules send any html page that doesn't exist back to the homepage.
                  • MODX's default "page not found" is always ID 1 unless you change that in the System Settings. Typically, you'll want to make an Error Page resource, and in System Settings change the ID to your new resource (page).

                    The gallery.html page... did you install Gallery from Extras? I haven't used Gallery in years, but some Extras do create resources upon installation.

                    There is also a system setting for a default template, you may want to check that it's set to the one you want to use as default.

                    As I read through this thread, I haven't seen that you've cleared the core/cache files. This would be something to do first when issues like this occur. You can do it by actually deleting all the files in the core/cache folder or my favorite shortcut to opening up the file manager is using Bob Ray's CacheClear snippet http://bobsguides.com/cache-clear-tutorial.html

                    I'm going to second Bob's suggestion to not use Softaculous for installing or upgrading MODX. Really, it's only caused me pain and agony. Something's always not right. A major issue has been database collation. It's good that you've reinstalled (mostly) manually using the UpgradeModx tool but I feel that using it without following the full upgrade process could be an issue (I'm a 'lil paranoid. I also like to do upgrades old school style and just extract MODX.zip on the server. It's not exactly difficult or time consuming). So even if I do use it to upload the new MODX files, I also make sure to do all the things such as updating extras and clearing the cache as is found here: https://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/administering-your-site/upgrading-modx

                    Another thing to consider is your rewriteBase in .htaccess. It appears that this domain is a subdomain or is living in a subfolder of a WP site, no? If so, make sure to change:

                    RewriteEngine On
                    RewriteBase /

                    RewriteEngine On
                    rewriteBase /subdomain/

                    (not sure how a subdomain (or site located in a subfolder of public_html) would even work without that but it's worth a mention)

                    I'd also suggest checking your configuration files for the correct paths. If you look about half way down on this page, there's a list of them. These also should show your subdomain/subfolder in the path. Make sure that the full path to the MODX installation in the subfolder is set correctly in all the files. https://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/administering-your-site/moving-your-site-to-a-new-server
                      Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
                      "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
                      Having server issues? These guys have MODX Hosting perfected - SkyToaster
                      • 28432
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                      For understanding :
                      $url = MODX_ASSETS_PATH . 'css/myfile.css';
                      $url = MODX_ASSETS_PATH . 'js/myfile.js';

                      It's PHP code! MODX_ASSETS_PATH will be replaced by defined modx_assets_path in the file config.inc.php inside the folder core/config.
                      The page from Bob guides where you find this code speak about third-party components (MODX EXTRA).