Just wanted to chime in here. I've been tasked with building a calendar for a client for MODx v2.3.3, and we settled on mxCalendar (what a woefully lacking selection there is in addons). I feel like the best solution would be to use Collections, build out the custom forms and use something like Bootstrap Calendar, but it just isn't in the budget.
The biggest issue with mxCalendar was that when you add/edit a calendar, a javascript error of "tinyMCE is not defined" happens, causing the problems sottwell mentioned. There are also some problems with the input layouts among other things. With a little googling, I came up with this solution.
• Create a new Plugin, name it something like "mxCalendar_fixes"
• Choose the system event "OnBeforeManagerPageInit"
• Copy and paste this code and save:
$modx->regClientStartupHTMLBlock('<script>var tinyMCE="";</script><style>#CreateCal .x-form-field-wrap {float:left;} #CreateCal .x-tab-strip li:nth-child(3), #CreateCal .x-tab-strip li:nth-child(4),#CreateCal .x-tab-strip li:nth-child(7){display:none;}</style>');
Explanation: the script adds a global "tinyMCE" variable to correct the javascript error. The css
.x-form-field-wrap{float:left} fixes some form layout issues, while the final bit of css simply hides Images, Videos and Form tab which I am not using. Hope this helps.
Also, does anyone know if this addon is actively supported anymore or if I should be looking into something else? I'm getting nervous that the entire MODx project is sort of losing momentum as there just aren't that many people actively developing/maintaining good addons anymore. Thx
EDIT: After messing around with this for a while, I've decided to drop it. Just too unstable and doesn't seem like it's actively maintained anymore. Shame - back to the drawing board.
[ed. note: dan971 last edited this post 9 years, 9 months ago.]