I know, really old post, but I received the exact same error message. In my case, class_map was already checked. I had been experiencing the error when I would go to the MODx Resources Browser by way of the Insert/Edit Image button through TinyMCE.
Solution was to go into the ACL in question and check source_view ("To view and list Media Sources"). Not sure if necessary but I then flushed permissions.
Willi Waizenegger - Thank you! source_view for me too...
It's most likely a MODX permission issue since that message comes from the processor.
You can test the by making yourself a 'sudo' user. If that fixes it, it's definitely a MODX permission issue. That means you're missing a permission in the 'mgr' context that's required by one of the processors you're calling (or one of its parent classes).
Try putting a return statement at the end of the plugin.
Just to make sure the new code with the return statement is executing, manually delete the files in the core/cache directory and give it another try.