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    Here are some ideas/aspects for MODX3 – basically stuff which bothers me in MODX 2.2. The order is randomly:

    1. user accessible lexicons: Setting certain global values. OK, we have the system settings but they are not capeable of storing language dependend settings and context settings aren't either. Well, then I could use the lexicon, but it is not possible to give my client access to just one part of "his" lexicon e.g. to change the name of a side box headline which is different for every language or an ID of a certain resource that is language specific etc. A long sentence short: What about a user accessible lexicon for storing such things? Btw: Lexicons are a great way to store nearly every kind of information. But, sadly, their access cannot be restricted.
    2. Clustered ACLs: ACLs are just one big list. I would love to see the, structured in clusters of functional groups, like "editing resources" or "managing users" etc.
    3. Form customization synced for "create" and "update": A way to change settings for "create" AND "update" at the same time, like a third option for doing both at the same time. Minimizes the nagging work of keeping the user-interface in sync. And: FC should be "server side only", not a JS solution!
    4. Replacing "update" with "edit" in the core lexicon: "update" is for software/extras, "edit" is for values. Right? ;-)
    5. A search for chunks/snippets in the elements tab: VERY helpful with looong element trees.
    6. Where did I use this chunk/snippet? I often wonder, if a chunk is used in a resource or any other place. So it would be great to get a list like "where is this chunk used (if at all)?" Same for snippets. This could be triggered my a menu od by a context menu link of an element.
    7. A quickedit inside the code like "quickedit this tpl-chunk that the getResources call I am working on right now is using".
    8. A better way to structure the resource editing page, like ordering TVs, repeating blocks of TVs (like "text, image, caption" as a block. Think MIGX here.). I would love to have a customized sequence of fields for every resource template.
    9. While we are here: Less "allways there fields", like "description", "longtitle" etc.
    10. Content should be a TV or: "Every TV should be content."
    11. No right clicks for quicke edit wink because I often kill my editsthis way. This part is to be taken lightly and humorous although I realy curse on this a lot. Right click is cool and it's not at the same time. wink

    12. A media manager that is capeable of long filenames and remembers my last position in the file tree. When having long trees of files this is a lifesaver. I have trees of more than 100 folders and scolling to "You drive me crazy" (yep, the movie) about 20 times is really driving my crazy.
    13. Less frameworks like ExtJS in the manager, more plain HTML/CSS with a little help of a sleek JS framework. Talking jQuery here. Don't kill me!
    14. Extend the MODX tag-syntax for direct resource fields access like the extra "fastField" does. I see such an ultraflexible solution inside the core. Creative freedom, you know. wink

    Remeber, this is just a quick draft and I am focussing on the user perspective since I am not a developer but a designer. I would like to hear you comments! Maybe some of my ideas will make its way into MODX3 – improved and more thought trough.

    Oliver [ed. note: mindeffects last edited this post 11 years, 10 months ago.]
      http://twitter.com/mindeffects · http://www.facebook.com/mindeffects · http://www.youtube.com/mindeffects/ · skype://mindeffects_oliver
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      I pretty much agree on everything exept "And: FC should be "server side only", not a JS solution!".

      I would very much like to keep FC and all manager customization in plain HTML/CSS. That way any average skilled developer could customize the manager with ease and things like hiding default fields would be super-easy.
        Mikko Lammi, Owner at Maagit
        • 19604 ☆ A M B ☆
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        Quote from: Lammikko at Mar 25, 2013, 12:41 PM
        I pretty much agree on everything...

        Phew, cool! Thanks!

        Quote from: Lammikko at Mar 25, 2013, 12:41 PM
        ... exept "And: FC should be "server side only", not a JS solution!". I would very much like to keep FC and all manager customization in plain HTML/CSS. That way any average skilled developer could customize the manager with ease and things like hiding default fields would be super-easy.

        But an average skilled user could make those JS hidden things visible, which are not ment to be seen (I often sneak through the HTML code ;-) ). But if done by JS there should not be any "FLASH of ment to be hidden" content. Not the slightest! ;-)

        Contra client-side: We would have to transfer content und process it, although it is "invisible".
        Pro server-side: The customization could maybe be done by an average skilled developer in the "future" manager, too!
          http://twitter.com/mindeffects · http://www.facebook.com/mindeffects · http://www.youtube.com/mindeffects/ · skype://mindeffects_oliver
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          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          user accessible lexicons

          That would be so great, also for internationalization!

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          Clustered ACLs

          Seems a minor change to me, but would definitely make sense!

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          Form customization synced for "create" and "update" And: FC should be "server side only", not a JS solution!

          I'm with you there =D!

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          A search for chunks/snippets in the elements tab

          categories help there, but a good addition anyways!

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          Where did I use this chunk/snippet? I often wonder, if a chunk is used in a resource or any other place. So it would be great to get a list like "where is this chunk used (if at all)?" Same for snippets. This could be triggered my a menu od by a context menu link of an element.

          lol, just wrote a snippet that does that for resource (that are shared ones...), but would definitely come in handy!

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          A quickedit inside the code like "quickedit this tpl-chunk that the getResources call I am working on right now is using".

          that would be crazy... but how do do it? =)

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          While we are here: Less "allways there fields", like "description", "longtitle" etc.
          Content should be a TV or: "Every TV should be content."

          +1, in addition to the formtemplates mentioned by bruno here... https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=83386&page=1 so TVs and templates would be independent altogether

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          No right clicks for quicke edit wink because I often kill my editsthis way. This part is to be taken lightly and humorous although I realy curse on this a lot. Right click is cool and it's not at the same time. wink

          I actually love the quickedit overlays, but I would like to see them as a full replacement of the actual editing page, ie have all settings, TVs or whatever available in it (nicely organized =D)...this also due the slowness of the manager...

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          A media manager that is capeable of long filenames and remembers my last position in the file tree. When having long trees of files this is a lifesaver. I have trees of more than 100 folders and scolling to "You drive me crazy" (yep, the movie) about 20 times is really driving my crazy.

          and a listview for files...

          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          Less frameworks like ExtJS in the manager, more plain HTML/CSS with a little help of a sleek JS framework. Talking jQuery here. Don't kill me!


          Quote from: mindeffects at Mar 25, 2013, 12:07 PM

          Extend the MODX tag-syntax for direct resource fields access like the extra "fastField" does. I see such an ultraflexible solution inside the core. Creative freedom, you know. wink

          yeah, why not =)
            • 3749
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            Let me add a couple:

            1. Convenient getObject(), getCollection(), and save() methods for a unified user, profile, and (optionally) extended field object (modFullUser?), so I don't have to keep looking up getCollectionGraph(), and mucking around with the extended fields. I guess remove() and duplicate() should also be in there.

            2. Convenience methods for the user object: activate(), deactivate(), block();
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              Quote from: BobRay at Mar 25, 2013, 08:33 PM
              Let me add a couple:

              1. Convenient getObject(), getCollection(), and save() methods for a unified user, profile, and (optionally) extended field object (modFullUser?), so I don't have to keep looking up getCollectionGraph(), and mucking around with the extended fields. I guess remove() and duplicate() should also be in there.

              2. Convenience methods for the user object: activate(), deactivate(), block();

              great suggestions =), so I'll also throw in some API stuff I'd love to see (would probably be quite easy to implement as it already works)...

              I'd like to have something like (talking continued in code =D)...

              // create the file object and do something with it, we can already do that, love it!
              $fileobj = $modx->file->make($modx->getOption('assets_path') . 'path/to/' . $file . '.ext');
              // but how nice would it be to be able to do something like that
              $fileobj = $modx->file->get($url);
              // or
              $fileobj = $modx->file->fetch($url);
              // or whatever the method is called, basically it should be a bulletproof method 
              //to fetch files from urls via 1. cURL 2. file_get_contents() 3. fsockopen()
              // this is actually possible with the following code (while I could never get the fsockopenclass to work...)
              if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) {
                  $response = $modx->getfile->request($url);
              } else if ( function_exists('file_get_contents') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) {
                  $response = @file_get_contents($url);
              } else {
                  $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Neither cURL nor file_get_contents() is available to fetch data from URL: ' . $url . '...talk to your hoster or get a better one');
              // but I feel "raping" the modx core every time I do this and at the same time this
              // is way more beautyful than having cURL helper functions in every f'ing extra 
              // that needs to do some operations with cURL (which actually is mostly fetching some json or API data)
                • 42046
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                As simple request, but I would really like the drop down menus on the top to be activated by a click rather than rollover. Having the menus flash on and off as the pointer moves over them whilst when making fast edits between multiple browser tabs gets rather annoying.
                  • 3749
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                  Quote from: absent42 at Mar 25, 2013, 11:14 PM
                  As simple request, but I would really like the drop down menus on the top to be activated by a click rather than rollover. Having the menus flash on and off as the pointer moves over them whilst when making fast edits between multiple browser tabs gets rather annoying.

                  Especially if you're using a touch screen, where there's no hover. wink
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                    • 19604 ☆ A M B ☆
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                    Maybe we should organize all these ideas a little by starting separate threads for every block of suggestions? If we continue this way we might have a cool idea on page 17 which will not get noticed, because going through 17 forum pages ... you know what I mean. ;-)

                    Dont't get me wrong, but we also might loose the focus on discussing things in the/my initial post. I would like to discuss these items a little more in detail. That might not be interesting for everybody but gives people the chance to discuss things that are importent to them and add good ideas:
                    Developers/Designer/Customers have different aspects of expectations for a future MODX. Let's not mix these all together in one mega discussion.

                    We would later need a place to organize and structure the FR and find concrete solutions to implement them.
                      MINDEFFECTS – DESIGN for PRINT, WEB and MEDIA
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                      I think if the ideas are straight forward feature requests for Revo it makes a lot of sense to post them in the tracker against the project itself for review and discussion. Ideally accompanied by possible use cases and with clear desired outcomes of the feature request rather than "how it should be done" as sometimes it's not possible to do or could be better done in other ways. Believe it or not, the tracker is not meant to be where ideas are sent and then be accepted or rejected by the development team but as a place to submit ideas and improvements and support it with discussion to find the best solution.

                      The forum threads I see as a place to discuss ideas to the point where they become something worth proposing or to vet the ideas and explore use cases. Once it's mostly baked it could go into the Tracker.

                      Lots of good stuff up there and I would love to see more start here and quickly move into either the Tracker for people who are not coding or into PRs at git hub for people who've just gone ahead and done it.
                        Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub