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    • 37984
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    Totally understand! Was more curious than anything.

    A suggestion: if categories is a sticking point, using the tags field with a custom chunk can work. Haven't personally done this, but I know that it's possible.
      Jesse Couch
      MODX Aficionado, Front-End Designer & Developer
      • 18367
      • 834 Posts

      using &processTVs=`1` calls the chunk in raw html form.

      Thanks for all the suggestions, but the problem keeps coming back to punctuation marks in the posts' H1 headlines causing the content to disappear.

      Which makes me suspect there's some sort of coding inconsistency/conflict somewhere.

      It doesn't happen in the body content, the h2 headlines or the TV, just the main post title.

      The title comes from the chunk template which means this
      is likely where the problem is coming from.

      Anybody see any errors there?


        Content Creator and Copywriter
        • 18367
        • 834 Posts
        Good news everyone,

        got it fixed. After realising that it was the pagetitle causing the problem, I looked at how I could modify it.

        So I simply added
        onto the page title, see below.

        Hey presto it now works.

        <link>[[~[[+id]]? &scheme=`full`]]</link>
        <pubDate>[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%a, %d %b %Y %R:%S %Z`]]</pubDate>

        That's the only difference from the modx tute code here http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/getResources.Building+a+RSS+feed

        It works, so I'm happy, but perhaps someone could explain the subtle difference that cdata made.
          Content Creator and Copywriter
          • 36572
          • 20 Posts
          Hi Mark,

          CData 'escapes' the content within in that tag. XML is a very strict based document and processes almost every thing as <tags> and attributes="", Most punctuations break apart that very important structure. Wrapping CDATA around the content tells XML processor : Just read it, don not process.

          I am glad you figured it out.

            Developer @ Sterc bureau voor internet & marketing