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    • 39194
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    Feel free to leave comments and suggestions for CKEditor.
      • 17403 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 183 Posts
      Downloaded and tested it. And love it.
        • 17403 ☆ A M B ☆
        • 183 Posts

        #1. Predefined Toolbar
        CKEditor extra already support toolbar configuration via system setting. But I like to have a predifined toolbar, like "advanced", "simple", or "script". This will make it easier to switch from one toolbar to another.

        For example, with the predifined toolbar, I can set certain resource use "advanced toolbar" or "simple toolbar" automatically.

        #2. Missing "search resoure" in link

        #3. Missing media source configuration


        Why you choose to put the files in manager folder instead of assets folder? [ed. note: lokamaya last edited this post 11 years, 10 months ago.]
          • 39194
          • 149 Posts
          #1 - I'll think about it.
          #2 - I did not implemented it. You can drag the resource you want from Resource Tree, I think it can substitute this feature. But I'll think about it more.
          #3 - Is it not enough modx 'default_media_source' setting ?

          Answer: Manager assets should be within mrg context to avoid cross-domain access policy issues when manager are moved to separate domain or sub-domain. I now, this is not expected, but this will not become expected until someone begins to use it.
          This is unpleasant when extra developers restrict features, MODularity and flexibility of MODX (by putting their mrg assets to web assets folder)

          Usage of CKEditor in frontend is not intended - you should build (using official ckeditor.com builder) you own configured light version of the editor if you wish to use it as public post editor.
            • 38339
            • 41 Posts
            Quote from: lokamaya at Dec 27, 2012, 03:19 PM
            #1. Predefined Toolbar
            CKEditor extra already support toolbar configuration via system setting. But I like to have a predifined toolbar, like "advanced", "simple", or "script". This will make it easier to switch from one toolbar to another.

            For example, with the predifined toolbar, I can set certain resource automatically use "advanced toolbar" or "simple toolbar".
            fully agree with this suggestion. Also like to have possibility for toolbar settings (toolbar profiles) depending on resource.
              Revolution 2.2.6
              • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
              • 24,524 Posts
              Perhaps be able to set the toolbar by user group.
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                • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
                • 24,524 Posts
                Question. Is there a way to apply classes to elements, as TinyMCE can?
                  Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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                  • 40045
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                  really like that RTE! I would love to completely switch over to it, I also thought with the last version richtext TVs are supported, so I gave it another try, because I use them regularly and they are just displayed as small 2 row textareas if using anything else than crappy TinyMCE. The problem seems to be with MIGX somehow, I use richtext TVs as input TVs for MIGX, but in the grid overlay to enter data the CKEditor is not rendered, any idea why this is a problem / where lies this problem, in MIGX or in CKEditor?

                  keep up the good work!
                    • 17403 ☆ A M B ☆
                    • 183 Posts
                    Another suggestion:

                    CKeditor extra already have Templates plugin but missing from Toolbar configuration. We can add template by modifying toolbar configuration:

                    ,{ "name": "templates", "items": [ "Templates"] }

                    Templates is one of CKEditor I like and used frequently. Template is powerful plugin and can speed up editor/writer/copywriter works. And I think it will be more powerful if we can set our own custom template.

                    We can add the custom template on the fly or using static js file (http://docs.cksource.com/CKEditor_3.x/Howto/Custom_Templates). To make this work, I guess there are 2 route to provide custom template:

                    First, use system setting to provide custom template and call it on the fly. For example we create "ckeditor.custom_template" setting and add the value:

                      	title: 'Articles',
                      	description: 'Template for article',
                      		'<h2>SubTitle</h2>' +
                      		'<p>Your text goes here</p>'
                      	title: 'Store',
                      	description: 'Template for bookstore',
                      		'<table class="product_desc">' +
                      		'<tr><td>Publisher:</td><td>[publisher]</td></tr>' +
                      		'<tr><td>Pages:</td><td>[n] pages</td></tr>' +
                      		'<tr><td>Edition:</td><td>[x] edition</td></tr>' +
                      		'</table>' +

                    Then on CKEditor init, run the code:

                    CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default', {
                      // imaage path: relative url to media source
                      imagesPath : CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'templates' ) + 'templates/images/' ),
                      // Template definitions.
                      templates : MODx.config["ckeditor.custom_template"]

                    Second, custom template is provided by our Resource with documentType as "text/javascript" and use "ckeditor.custom_template" setting to point to ResourceID.

                    For example: ckeditor.custom_template=10, and the content of resource is as follow:

                    CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default', {
                      // image path: relative url to media source
                      imagesPath : CKEDITOR.getUrl( [PATH/TO/MEDIA/SOURCE/] ),
                      // Template definitions.
                      templates :[
                        title: 'Articles',
                        description: 'Template for article',
                          '<h2>SubTitle</h2>' +
                          '<p>Your text goes here</p>'
                        title: 'Store',
                        description: 'Template for bookstore',
                          '<table class="product_desc">' +
                          '<tr><td>Publisher:</td><td>[publisher]</td></tr>' +
                          '<tr><td>Pages:</td><td>[n] pages</td></tr>' +
                          '<tr><td>Edition:</td><td>[x] edition</td></tr>' +
                          '</table>' +

                    Then on CKEditor config, change the "config.templates_files" as follow:
                    config.templates_files =

                    I don't know which one is easier to develop. But I hope this can be implemented in CKEditor extra.
                      • 40389
                      • 8 Posts
                      I am running into a problem after adding CKEditor: I used package management to add CKEditor, the install had an error (I believe it could not write in components (but I am not 100% sure that was it), then it continued and said it was installed.

                      At this point, the site stil works, but the manager is almost 100% disfunctional: I can login, I see the resource tree and the update notices, but other than that, its on any menu choice a blank screen. No menu choice works anymore.

                      When I was installing, tineMCE was still activated. I am on version 2.2.6. The only thing I get to see when I click on a recource is a message about 1 uncategorized resource.

                      Any ideas as to how to get things working again?