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    Feel free to leave comments and suggestions for Ace Editor.
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      All I can say is that I like it; there was a minor issue with the default skin and the developer of Ace was very responsive and got it fixed quickly.
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        • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
        • 24,524 Posts
        A serious show-stopper in version 1.3.2!

        When inserting a MODx tag, upon the first [ Ace immediately adds the closing ] for you, thus resulting in [][ or if you're quick in typing the [[, [][]
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          • 42393
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          Danya, can you compare Ace to CKEditor? I believe you worked on that one as well. Would we want both - as in one for code and one for markup? I see them both as being code.
            Loved ModX when I was using it a few years ago. Shifted to WordPress, sorry. Thanks, all.
            • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
            • 24,524 Posts
            Ace is a syntax highlighter and code editor, it is by no means a WYSIWYG editor. You can specify it (or CodeMirror) as your resource content editor if you want to, but I use both.
              Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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              • 39194
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              Quote from: sottwell at Dec 30, 2012, 06:50 AM
              When inserting a MODx tag...

              What do you mean when you say "inserting"? Paste from a clipboard or dragging from an Element Tree? Or typing? I can't reproduce this issue - every time I type '[' I get ']' immediately, no matter how fast I press keys (I can even hold a key on).

              Quote from: sottwell at Dec 30, 2012, 06:50 AM

              You can specify it ... as your resource content editor ...
              No, to use Ace, You have to set `use_editor` setting to false, or uncheck `richtext` resource checkbox. Setting `wich_editor` to Ace has no effect...
                • 36491
                • 36 Posts
                Is there a fullscreen-mode for ace? (in Codemirror you can toggle it with F6, it's quite useful in long files)
                  • 39194
                  • 149 Posts
                  danya_postfactum Reply #8, 12 years ago
                  Yes, you can toggle ace with Ctrl+F11
                    • 36491
                    • 36 Posts
                    Thanks for the shortcut.

                    Unfortunatly, installing and uninstalling ACE just killed my site. Or it was the AjaxManager package I tried also.

                    I uninstalled both AjaxManager and ACE but I get this warning on top of every manager page and the save-buttons are gone:

                    Warning: filemtime() [function.filemtime]: stat failed for /www/htdocs/PATH_DELETED_BY_ME/modx2/core/components/ace/elements/plugins/ace.plugin.php in
                    /www/htdocs/PATH_DELETED_BY_ME/modx2/core/model/modx/modscript.class.php on line 131

                    After that I cleared the cache (no effect) and re-uploaded the installation files to "upgrade" MODX to the same version (2.2.6), but the issue stays.

                    Any idea how to fix that?
                      • 39194
                      • 149 Posts
                      danya_postfactum Reply #10, 12 years ago
                      That was AjaxManager. You should read installation instructions for AjaxManager.
                      I guess there is still Ace plugin, wich tries to load ace class. Delete plugin manually.