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    Did you try this:

    Put your Templates into categories

    Go to Security->Access Controls

    Update User Group
    Open the tab: Element Category Access
    ->Add Category
    Select the category
    context: mgr
    Access Policy: Load only

    with 'load only' the usergroup should not have the permission to list the templates which are in this category

    doesn't this work?

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      • 39333
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      That does work! And doesn't mysteriously make the TV tab disappear. Those old instructions were inadequate. Thanks Bruno!

      OK a little deeper. Is there a way I can remove the "empty" template option for standard users? And also is there a way to block template change completely by standard users on select resources?
        MODX...the Zen of CMS
        "Bight off more than you can chew and keep right on chewing."
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        Good catch Bruno, I should have thought of that.

        The only way I can think of to remove the "empty" template option would be a plugin connected to OnDocFormPrerender. I think I'd use JavaScript to remove the code for that option and use $modx->regClientStartupScript() to inject it into the header. There may well be an easier way.
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          Bob! Quit playin lol

          How about if I use .net to parse the data and Python to deliver it to the manager back end thus removing the middle man?

          Would that work?
            MODX...the Zen of CMS
            "Bight off more than you can chew and keep right on chewing."
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            Lol. I would run it through Perl and a C script after .net parses it but before passing it to Python. wink

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              lmfao...you really want a person to work for solutions, that's a lot of coding!

              OK one more question. Is the answer in your book!?
                MODX...the Zen of CMS
                "Bight off more than you can chew and keep right on chewing."
              • Actually Bob's javascript solution was a good one. How do you think Evo's ManagerManager worked? It was all done in the javascript in the DOM.

                That said, there was no way to manipulate the forms in the back-end (on the server) because the forms were built field by field with mixed HTML and inline PHP. Revo forms, however, are built all in PHP and are available in full for meddling within a plugin. So you could write your own plugin to check the user's group and remove the field from the form for such users. The built-in Form Customization just provides a (relatively) convenient UI for it. [ed. note: sottwell last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]
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                  Double teamed by the DOM, damn!

                  Worked out the selector hiding part on selected resources. [ed. note: eric.swd last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]
                    MODX...the Zen of CMS
                    "Bight off more than you can chew and keep right on chewing."
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                    No. wink

                    BTW, I looked at that panel in Firebug and the empty option is a div and is the first child of the div with this ID (at least in my version of MODX):


                    I tried the code below in a plugin attached to OnDocFormPrerender, but it doesn't work. I blame ExtJS. It appears that the drop-down doesn't exist until you click on it. I tried registering an onClick event for the parent, but still no luck, so it's obviously nastier than I thought. I give up. wink

                    JS is not my string suit, so maybe someone else can suggest a way.

                    $js = '<script type="text/javascript">
                        var container = document.getElementById("ext-gen522");
                        var field = container.firstChild;
                        if (field.indexOf("empty") != -1 ) {
                            field.style.visibility = "hidden";   
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                      To hide the empty template selector I would need to add it to the admin element category. But the empty template, template 0, does not show in the list to do so.

                        MODX...the Zen of CMS
                        "Bight off more than you can chew and keep right on chewing."