- 194 Posts
This fix also affects feedburner validation of rss feeds (ditto generated) !
- 15 Posts
Good thing I stumbled upon this post. Getting rid of the error definitely speeds up the php engine and the pages seem to be served a lot faster.
- 1 Posts
Thanks ganeshXL...
I looked through my snippets, but didn’t think to check the plugins...
The problem was another plugin I had installed to deal with ie png problems. I deleted the plugin and problem solved!
Yikes, though... for the last week while that plugin was installed Google couldn’t crawl my site and removed many pages from the index! At least its fixed now.
What still perplexs me is why the internal 500 error was invisible? Why did only search engines encounter it and not regular human browsers? I just wonder in case it happens again I don’t know how I"ll tell apart from the server log file...
- 623 Posts
SearchHighlightPlugin - who woulda thunk? Solved, my problem too!