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    Hi, in Revo 2.7.1 on MODX Cloud I have a GetResources call as below:

    [[!getResources? &parents=`[[!GetIds? &ids=`c13`]]` &resources=`-[[*id]]` &tvFilters=`tagEmployeeName==%[[*tagEmployeeName]]%` &limit=`4` &tvPrefix=`` &includeTVs=`1` &includeTVList=`employeeImageMIGX,tagEmployeeName` &processTVs=`1` &processTVList=`employeeImageMIGX, tagEmployeeName` &tvPrefix=`tv.` &tpl=`employeeProfile` &sortby=`{"createdon":"DESC"}` ]]

    'tagEmployeeName' is a comma delimited Autotag. If a resource has only one tag assigned then it correctly shows other resources that have the same tag as well as resources with a similar tag and other tags, but the problem is that if a resource has more than one tag for 'tagEmployeeName' it does not show any other resource unless that resource has the exact same tags and in the same order.

    For example, a resource is tagged 'Dave, Sally'. I would like it to show any other resource tagged either:
    - Dave
    - Sally
    - Dave, Sally
    - Sally, Dave
    - Dave, Anna
    - Sally, Anna, Carl

    Currently, if the resource is tagged 'Dave, Sally', it only shows other resources tagged 'Dave, Sally', i.e. the value of the combined Autotags.

    I am trying to have multiple tags on a resource and to show related resources to any of the tags, essentially having a wildcard on the first value of the tvFilter. Is this possible?