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    • 50960
    • 17 Posts
    I know there is a NGINX rewrite that only allows / denies IP's to accessing folders like the manager. However I can't seem to get it to work on the entire site.

    location /manager/ {
        deny all;

    Is there a way to prevent ANYONE outside of a designated IP from accessing the website.

    My scenario is: I am opening up a website for testing internally and do not want to provide user names for EVERY person. Any help will be appreciated.
      • 44064
      • 185 Posts
      Did you manage that?
      So next code doesn't work for you,right?
      location / {
          deny all;

      If so this is weird and have to be checked. Anyway MODXCloud has good support guys, Jay or someone other will help for sure.

      Alternatively I believe you can also try nginx authorization:

      location / {
          auth_basic "Restricted";
          auth_basic_user_file /c0xxx/home/.htpasswd;
          try_files $uri $uri/ @modx-rewrite;

      Here is examples now NGINX can be configured for MODXCLOUD: https://support.modx.com/hc/en-us/articles/217295387-Nginx-Web-Rules-Rewrites
        Anton Tarasov
        MODX Developer

        Email: [email protected]
        Web: antontarasov.com
        • 50960
        • 17 Posts
        Yeah it provides an error on ModxCloud? I would assume that would work too.
        There was an error with your rewrite rules. Please check the syntax and make sure you've entered them correctly. Errors: nginx: [emerg] duplicate location "/" in 39162.temp.conf:110 nginx: configuration file 39162.temp.conf test failed

        I will look into the authorization rewrite. I didn't want to provide a user and password for everyone involved in testing. Will I have to with that method?